Archive for October 18th, 2016

Dreams and predetermination

Tuesday, October 18th, 2016


QUESTION: Masters lately, I have some dreams are premonitory! What does that exactly mean? We really do our choices or think we do? If you dream about something that has not happened in the physical, but is already registered somewhere in the universe, I can conclude that: regardless of my choices, what will happen is already defined? By whom? ~Luci, Brasil

ANSWER: Souls having human experiences are very powerful. Their manipulative abilities can be staggering. You have an idea of the things you planned on doing before you came into your body, and all that information is in your subconscious, which is very active during the body’s sleep cycle. While unconscious, you are acting out the things you wish to come into your conscious knowledge.

Also, the power that a soul puts into its visualizations, sometimes during dreams, spills into the universe and calls that particular energy to them. In other words, you see what you wish to have happen, and that is what you create with your energy. You will sometimes “try out” an experience in a dream state to see if it is really what you desire to occur.

The soul still has total freedom of choice. The determination of your “future” is up to each one of you. It is possible that, after trying out a scenario, your soul will decide it really doesn’t need to experience it and will change the whole event or just the parts in which you are no longer interested. There is no predestination of any situations you bring to yourself in order to gain knowledge and wisdom.

Each and every soul creates its own reality. Some choose to do it with no “bleed over” from unconscious to conscious knowledge, and others have such a desire to “know” what is going to happen that they wish to micro-manage every step of their existence.

It is possible for those who tap into the unconscious energy of the higher self to also enter the processing that others around them are doing. You then become aware of the planning procedures being undertaken by friends and neighbors. This appears that you are getting a preview of coming attractions for the world – but it is always coming from the individual lives being lived near you.

Spirit and physical world comparison

Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters can you describe the spirit world in detail? and how it influences the natural? How can one contact the spirit world? Is it possible to travel into time to the future and past? ~Elmar, South Africa

ANSWER: Trying to describe the spirit world in detail is like attempting to delve into the thought processes of the billions of people sharing the Earth with you.

There are two distinct aspects to what we call the spirit world. First, there are those souls at Home who are in the presence of Source energy where there is nothing but unconditionally positive love energy. This is called by us the fifth dimension. No negativity of any kind exists here.

Then there are souls who are not contained within a human body but exist between dimensions of the positive/negative duality of Earth and the unconditional love of Home. We call this the fourth dimension. The souls existing here may choose whether to be surrounded by positive or negative energy. Those who are positive are frequently your guides, who are around you to offer assistance in dealing with life lessons. Those who call negativity to themselves are what is referred to as discarnates or negative entities who are attempting to have a negative impact on all people living on Earth.

Completely human physical souls in bodies living in the positive/negative duality are in the third dimension. This is where souls go to learn about who they are as a soul and what abilities and powers they have. They start out being trained by society in “accepted” belief systems with the ego in charge. The controlling force of the ego is judgment. Everything that happens is judged, rated, and graded in the third dimension until the soul recognizes this is a human trait and not part of their spiritual journey. Then the learning process of choosing positive or negative occurs.

One contacts the nonphysical world by opening to its existence and seeking to communicate. Care must be taken to restrict contact to positive souls, or your own life lessons will become more difficult to learn. Try asking a question of them just as you are falling asleep, or as you enter into a meditation of quietness. First ask for contact with your guides and they will help you with further connections.

Your consciousness can travel into your past and future by your releasing the thought that you are just the physical being you see in the mirror. Let yourself drift into your essence, and concentrate on a time where you can get information about what your current life is all about. You will need to practice, practice, and practice releasing your expectations and just letting happen what will happen.

I need to know, but why?

Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters you gave me an answer that most of the guides working with me are not from my Soul Group. Can you expand on who they are? i.e. any names or group name please? I was also recently told one of my origins is from the Constellation of Orion and I was researching a group called the Mintakans which is located in the constellation of Orion. Am I connected to this Mintaka group? ~S., NZ

ANSWER: All souls are pieces of Source energy. Most do not have an identity, such as a group name, to which they ascribe. When not having Earth experiences of their own, many choose to be of assistance to those who are currently in a body dealing with the positive/negative energies of an Earth classroom. Many of these “jobs” were agreed to between the spirit forms and the human forms before incarnation just because they had each chosen where they would be at a particular time.

All origins of every soul are from Source energy. Souls choose to have numerous experiences in places other than the duality of Earth, and these lifetimes become a part of their history or akashic record. Because these appear to be in time before the present consciousness, some consider these lives to create an origin for the present. In point of spiritual fact, all lives are not linear as your understanding of human time is. It is almost impossible for a human mind to be able to conceive of such a circumstance.

Several of your lifetimes involved existences on planets contained in what Earth calls the Orion belt. None of the knowledge and wisdom you obtained in those periods has anything to do with the lessons you chose for this one.

All of the questions you ask deal with the human thought process and not your desired spiritual journey. It is nice to have a working knowledge of history – if it assists you in figuring out why you are here and what you chose for your purpose. The purpose of an existence in this duality is to recognize who you are as a soul and what powers and abilities that allows you to learn from the activities you draw to yourself here.

We hope what we have told you satisfies your curiosity from an historic perspective and that you now can dig into the work you came here to do. But nothing is right or wrong on this spiritual journey – you have total freedom of choice to follow any path that pleases you. Happy journeying.