Archive for October, 2016

An example of Hell on Earth

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

QUESTION:  Masters I’m pursuing my post grad, and I feel this campus is dystopia and I’m living in hell with degraded humanity. I have been stuck, completely alone and directionless. Every year of life is just getting worse. Have I made a mistake in choosing this path? What can I do to lead a meaningful life? I see no point in living. What had I intended to do on earth during this birth? Please help me, I am completely lost and chronically miserable! ~A., India

ANSWER: You have had many lives on Earth and wanted something that was going to challenge you in this life. As a soul, you have total control over what you bring into your life. You draw to yourself what you need to experience in order to fulfill your own desires. As a human, you have fallen into the judgmental path of society and want to be led, or at least find an easy way to live this life.

The purpose for a soul coming into the negativity of human living is to figure out how to see the positive aspects of everyday life that are so easy to ignore when you feel sorry for yourself. You have accepted that this is a horrible place, because to see anything else would mean you have a lot of work to do to advance to the meaningful life you seek.

Everyone interprets daily life based upon their experiences and beliefs. If your experiences are judged – and in your case you see them all as bad – then the future looks bleak. Your beliefs mirror the decision that nothing will be anything but disastrous, and that the world is against you. Until, and unless, you change the way you see the world, your life will remain as it is now.

Each person creates their own reality. When you look at the area around you and you see it as dystopic, you will overlook anything that is positive and points the way in another direction. Get out of your mind, which says there is nothing you like in your life.

Envision what you would want in your “world.” Look around and find things you feel comfortable with, even if they seem out of context with what you have seen before. Whenever you feel nothing but negativity, know that your prejudices are concealing the positive alternatives. Search for happiness and joy; it is right there, but you need to bring it into the light.

Living in fear

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters I live with a man who shows irritation and always fights with me. We have a child of nearly eight years who also no longer can stand to live with him. My energy is low in his presence and he’s making me depressed. I lost vanity and dignity, but I cannot end the relationship because I’m afraid of him. He is an aggressive and crazy person who pretends to be spiritualized and sensitive. In fact he reads many books and know things in theory, but does not apply the love in our home. Why did I choose this life lesson? Is there any prayer or visualizing for things to happen more easily? Will I have to live with it forever? ~Thaiz, Brasil

ANSWER: You chose this life lesson so that you might examine the issues and ask the questions you are grappling with right now. You see that there is more than one way to look at any situation and that you do have freedom to choose what you put up with. You are trying to identify what strengths you have within you and whether you have the self-confidence to make the decision that will change your life and the life of your child.

You wanted to experience being controlled by someone and to see if you would figure out that remaining in this scenario or leaving it is completely in your control. You fear him, but there are organizations out there that will help you to separate from him and to protect your child, whose personality is starting to change under this stress.

You think you are alone in this dilemma, but it is an all too frequent occurrence. You just have to decide to speak up and do something – that, too, is part of a lesson. You are a piece of Source with all the powers and abilities that arise from that origin. To use your innate abilities, all you have to do is accept that they are there and that you can use them to determine your future.

Someone who thinks they are spiritual but acts as an energy vampire and lives a life of negativity is anything but spiritual. Don’t listen to the stories you are being fed. Depend upon your inner feelings for the direction you need to follow.

You can visualize and manifest a different life for yourself if you bring the courage that is within you to the outside. Have faith in yourself and what you see as your next step. You can change, but only if you are willing to make the decision yourself.


Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I had a call with an intuitive coach a month ago because I wanted advice on overcoming my blockages in attracting money and keeping money. It’s been a BIG struggle for me for as long as I can remember. She mentioned that most of my money struggle comes from feeling and believing that I’m not deserving of it. I wake up every morning and meditate to see what comes up and then I work on deleting beliefs in this area that are not serving me. It feels like it’s never ending. At the end of my call the coach said I had deleted about 35% of those negative beliefs up to that point in this money area around being deserving. What can I do to nip this lesson in the butt and remove all that is left? ~Maria, USA

ANSWER: Your morning routine is letting you see only the things that so far have been triggered by your everyday life. This is dealing only with current situations. What you have not dug down to is the reasons that you have for the belief of being undeserving. It is not just centered on finances but spreads out into all aspects of your life.

Together, this problem and issues of not being good enough, not being able to love yourself, and low self-esteem are sabotaging your projection to the world. The energy, or identity, that you project gets returned to you from all beings who sense how you see yourself. This is all taking place right now on an unconscious level, but it is very powerful.

To nip this in the bud, you need to revisit those times in your life when you accepted these character deficiencies as controlling. This can be accomplished through hypnosis, with a therapist or by yourself, through deep meditation, and/or through conversations with your guides and higher self. You could also start the process by asking for dreams reliving the times when you defined the beliefs you have today.

Once you become aware of the causes, or roots, of your identification of “lacking” type behaviors, you can analyze how you feel about those events now and begin to release the power they hold over you. Every time you sense a fear or a doubt about something in your life, this is an outward sign of beliefs beneath the surface. Don’t let them remain; follow them “home,” root them out, then decide if they are serving or controlling unconscious thoughts. If they are not serving your desired progress, thank them for being a part of your past, but send them on their way.