The cycle of human existence
Tuesday, September 13th, 2016QUESTION: Masters, I would like to ask: who set up the system whereby souls have to come to earth to learn lessons? Do we come back to earth to deal with the imprint of the trauma left from previous lives? Have aliens set up the cycle of birth and re-birth simply for their own entertainment? Is there any truth to Scientology? ~Luciana, Australia
ANSWER: The empowering force of all human beings is their eternal soul. Souls are pieces of Source energy that were broken off so that Source could experience a physical situation that was half positive love energy and half the negative opposite of perfection.
Before there was a splitting, Source was everywhere and everything, but existing in unconditional love and perfection. It desired to know and understand what it was not but knew that was impossible in its current state of perfection. The souls, which it broke off as pieces of itself, came into the world that was created as a duality so that each might choose exactly what it wanted to experience.
Source, and the souls themselves, decided how best they might learn. It was determined they would arrive with amnesia as to their true essence so that each situation they encountered would not be tainted by the knowledge that they were really perfection. So, to answer your question, all parts of Source set up the system – you included.
Aliens had nothing to do with the cycle since they, too, are souls having a humanoid experience, even though it is not within a duality. The decision as to what souls will face in each incarnation is determined by them before they come. Sometimes it is to re-examine or complete something they started in another lifetime, but the decision is left to their freedom of choice.
Scientology is the creation and recordation of L. Ron Hubbard from his experiences and studies. What allowed him to reach the degree of awareness that he claimed he had may or may not work for anyone else. In the evolution of Scientology, you will find many contradictions as Hubbard tried various procedures, found they didn’t work or grew tired of them, and then moved on to other processes.
In using your own freedom of choice, allow your intuition and inner feelings to dictate what is right for you. In each religion, cult, and organization, you may find something that helps you to progress toward understanding. Be careful not to buy the whole package unless every element resonates with you.