Archive for August, 2016


Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters how do our beliefs influence our lives? They influence “reality” or our perception of “reality”? If I believe that I was X in another life this will become real? ~Mr. E., Austria

ANSWER: Each soul having a physical Earth incarnation accepts certain concepts, which they allow to influence all aspects of the human experience for them. These are called their belief system or, simply, beliefs. At first everyone is indoctrinated by those they trust; they learn to regard what society expects, in its judgmental ego manner, as being THE way to behave.

When young, humans do not yet realize they have total freedom of choice to accept or reject what others tell them. Most feel they have no choice at all. An additional segment is afraid to take responsibility for their decisions, so they allow others to decide for them. This, then, creates a mutually accepted reality for all who join in this group mentality.

Reality is a term that has varying definitions based upon your involvement in a spiritual journey. If you are aware of the power of the soul to manifest and create that which you desire, you constantly create your own version of the reality that you accept as applying to you. Reality is transitional for a human depending on the beliefs that are operative at any one time.

For example, if you live in a temperate climate, a humid 95 degrees F. temperature is normal and pleasing to you. If you then move and become used to a moderate climate, you find the temperature unbearable once it reaches 80 degrees even without humidity. Your reality has changed based on external input. If you are a member of a working-class family where no one receives an advanced degree, you are very content and feel complete on learning a trade. If you are born into a family of professionals, your reality includes a need to achieve a professional degree, or you feel you are a failure.

Under hypnosis it is possible to visit other timelines or past lives. Wherever your consciousness is centered is your reality at that moment. You may be experiencing a battle you engaged in once upon a time, but your physical body is relaxing on a couch in the therapist’s office. Both are a part of the reality of your soul.

The soul has the ability to choose what to experience. So, yes, you can live whatever life you desire in another place and time.

Muscle testing

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters I am interested in hearing from you about muscle testing /applied kinesiology, such as the source(s) of the answers, what affects accuracy of the answers, and any other insight, information, suggestions, and/or warnings you will offer about this topic. ~Holly, USA

ANSWER: Muscle testing, in all its forms, is part of what a spiritual metaphysician calls divination, or discovery / communication between the physical and nonphysical aspects of the soul.

The term kinesiology, from the Greek for the study of movement, is not recognized by society in general as anything other than studying the body’s physiological, biomechanical, and psychological mechanisms of movement. Within the spiritual community, muscle testing uses the rigidity – or lack thereof – of various combinations (arms, fingers, body stability, etc.) of muscles in response to a question asked of the subject whose response is being observed.

What is important in the use of any muscle testing is that the subject is in a completely relaxed state. It is best if they try not to even listen to the questions because then they do not have an input into what they think the answer should be. The questions must be answerable with a yes or no response. Care must be taken so that each query is simple in nature and not compound in construction. A question such as “Is your name Mary Smith?” is fine; however a question that asks “Are you Mary Smith, the biological daughter of Arthur Smith?” is not.

The actions of the body, in reply to the questions asked, come from the unconsciousness of the subject. Each person has a consciousness to which they have complete access and an unconscious composed of their higher self or soul. It is the soul who is being addressed by the questioner. If allowed to answer without participation by the person’s consciousness, the answer is always truthful and accurate.

It is imperative that both parties are addressing the unconsciousness and not asking any spirit, discarnate or not, to be a part of the study. Before the testing  begins, safeguards are important. Tell the universe that you wish only the higher self of the individual to respond to the questions. Personal guides will sometimes assist the soul with additional information, but the answer given is still the choice of the soul.

Sleep paralysis

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I would like to know about sleep paralysis. I have had a few experiences, and they can be quite scary. Are they from brain problems/stress or disincarnates trying to scare people? ~Michael, Australia

ANSWER: In sleep paralysis, a person awakens from sleep and, for a period of time, is unable to move their limbs while still having apparently no problems visually. There are a number of different causes, but rarely is it intervention from discarnates. Discarnates want people to be able to do something for them or at least accept their statements as true, so they normally intervene while people are awake, doing meditation, or seeking advice from others.

Most sleep paralysis is caused by some type of trigger. Most commonly this will be exhaustion such as that caused by little sleep or sleep deprivation, medications that affect the nerves or physiology of the body, or emotional or psychological conditions such as anxiety or overwhelming stress.

You need not worry because your experiences have been the result of overtaxing your physical body from little sleep, anxiety, and stress. When situations get to be too much for you, take a short nap, stretch your muscles, do deep breathing to calm the situation, or meditate.

Medical studies have shown that the incidence of paralysis mostly disappears with age or when lifestyle changes are instituted. One such change can be switching from sleeping on your back to your side or stomach. If you have an episode, calming yourself until you relax will prevent any fear.

There is another phenomenon that mimics sleep paralysis, and that is when the soul has been out traveling during the body’s rest cycle and is slightly delayed in totally integrating with the physical while the person is awakening. Again, waiting calmly will prevent panic.