What is a “feeling”?
Tuesday, August 12th, 2014QUESTION: Masters, You have mentioned getting in touch with your feelings to confirm a decision/direction. I have found that feeling can be really subtle. I was expecting a “big feeling” when really, it can be a whisper. I received confirmation that I’m growing in this. But it really helped to receive confirmation because I was feeling disappointed that I wasn’t having big emotional feelings! I feel like others may be tackling this concern as well. Can you elaborate on feeling? Perhaps instead of a “big feeling”, it really is quiet and peaceful? ~Anne, US
ANSWER: We are really glad you have brought up this subject because it relates to something we are always commenting on: a person’s expectations. When you have decided before something happens what you think should happen, you have restricted the possibilities and fixated on a potential impossibility. Here, if you expect a big push, a subtle nudge will go unheard or unfelt.
This concept has a little to do with living in the now. If you have no past or future ideas of what can occur, you are open to whatever comes your way in the moment. A physical feeling in a human body is any sensation that is not a part of any other normal process within that body. When you get a “feeling” or “sense” that you should do something, just out of the blue, that is your subtle indication of the type feeling to which we are referring.
Humans are raised with adults and society always telling them exactly what is required for them to accomplish anything. You get used to it. You want it to continue because you can’t be wrong about something if you have not had to make any choices.
This procedure of listening to and obeying others does not involve your soul – that little inner voice. Your inner wisdom does not come in the booming voice of your teacher. It starts out, usually a bit hesitantly, as a whisper. Isn’t that how you venture into any new endeavor, with a degree of trepidation? As your confidence increases and faith in yourself blossoms, it may start growing in intensity – but only if you wish it. If you can hear and recognize it for guidance, why have it blast your eardrums?
Live in the now, being aware of what is going on in your immediate vicinity, and that includes within your body as well. When you talked about a destination, did your heart or stomach flutter a little? When you wrote down possible choices on a piece of paper, did some seem to be a little brighter or darker? These are the signatures of your “feelings” – not just physical, but also emotional and mental. Again, thank you for asking.