What does prayer do?
Tuesday, January 7th, 2014QUESTION: Masters, I need some help understanding the logistics of prayer. Does Source (or other nonphysical beings) appreciate prayers of thanksgiving and adoration? Does one have to really feel one’s prayer for it to count, or does speed praying work too? Assuming prayer “works,” is it only Source who can respond to them, or do other beings get involved lower down the universal chain of command? If prayers are answered, is the answer sometimes “No?” I have prayed to die in my sleep during depressive episodes and yet I’m still here to ask questions. I have also been praying for the health of my friend, but I wonder whether that is counterproductive or selfish of me (because I might be trying to neutralize what she took on as major life lessons). Am I interfering in my friend’s free will? ~Alissa, USA
ANSWER: Source is the origin of all material in the universe, both that which is physical on Earth and the nonphysical energies elsewhere. Humans are animated by a soul that is a piece of Source, broken off for Source to obtain information about what it is not. Source is perfect, all powerful, all creative, and infinite. Each piece has the same abilities but experiences negativity so as to help Source evaluate its perfection.
The beings on Earth are enmeshed in a dualistic polarity of negative and positive energy. They need to overcome their negative actions by using thanksgiving, forgiveness, and adoration. Those souls in the area of unconditional love are all the same and part of the whole oneness of Source. Since they are the same, they don’t need to be venerated or thanked.
Each soul has total freedom of choice to decide what it will experience in life. It is the owner and driver of its life – no one else makes any decisions for it. There is no one “out there” to rescue you from – or give credit for – anything that happens in your life. You did it all. When you pray to Source or to a higher power, you are addressing another element of yourself.
A soul may attract to itself that which it needs to experience. People may attempt to create in their life something that goes against the lessons they chose before they came down. They will not be able to bring the conflicting events into their life until they have completed their lessons.
Each of you determines your own path. Praying or sending energy to your friend may assist her if she, too, has the same intention and it is within her desired lessons.