Dimensions, world lines and life times
Tuesday, May 21st, 2013QUESTION: Masters, Thank you for offering us your knowledge. My question is about different world lines. I’ve heard that we’re all existing on different world lines simultaneously. Does this mean that the soul experiences different lifetimes at once? How does this go with free will? What about John Titor? Was that real? How does that impact our world line? Are the people on other world lines the slightly out of sync people you mentioned in other posts? ~Jezimo, USA
ANSWER: You are merging the concepts and words from several different belief systems. You have to go back to your understanding of the soul—your knowing that the soul is eternal for it can never die. Time—past, present, and future—exists only on planet Earth because it is the recording of the movement of the planet around the sun. Nowhere else does “time” exist in your form. Whenever the soul is outside of a physical body that has inhabited the Earth, or is in some type of covering on some other physical location, “time” cannot be compared to what your conscious mind knows.
When you choose to incarnate within a body on planet Earth, you enter into an existing phase of life forms that are all experiencing the same phenomena together. They are in synchronization with the cycles of the sun, concepts of Earth time, and knowledge of what has come before in that particular time line which you refer to as a world line.
Your soul may be present on more than one line at a time. An example would be that the soul has knowledge of all the roles it has played, in many different bodies, throughout all its visits to Earth. The soul’s history is recorded in its own akashic record. This record is like a disc that has many different sections, one for each incarnation. When the soul chooses to review or relive a particular event, it uses the art of fixing its human concentration on the desired situation. Poof! It finds itself where it wanted to be, but all the other happenings continue going forward in their own little tracks on the disc. Free will allows these choices.
In a state of meditation, deep concentration, hypnosis, etc., people may visit another of their lifelines while still concentrating on the one from which they observe the others. “Being slightly out of sync” is a situation in which the soul does not focus its entire concentration on one line and observes or sees but can’t be seen.
John Titor’s story must be examined with your feelings to see if you wish to accept it into your life. If not, don’t waste time thinking about him.