Not good enough
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010QUESTION: Masters, in recent years I’ve learned a lot about astral projection, meditation, spirit guides, and psychic abilities. I tried to contact my spirit guides, but didn’t meet them consciously. I meditate every day, but my mind and my heart are too restless. It’s hard to have a clear and empty mind when your heart is broken. It’s almost impossible to find true love. Girls are looking for money, not for love. I’m in love with a very beautiful girl, she cares about me. I don’t think I can make this girl mine. I tried diets to help me raise my vibrations. I need help from my angels and my spirit guides. How should I meditate to meet my spirit guides? ~Adrian, Romania
ANSWER: What you need above all else is to love yourself and have confidence in the decisions you choose. Everything in the universe is energy and energy is everything. If you don’t love yourself you put out a message in your energy that you do not think you are good enough to do what you want to do. If you have doubts about your abilities you put that out in your energy. You need to start thinking only positive thoughts so that your energy turns into positive projections.
Getting in contact with your guides will provide you some suggestions, but the guides are not allowed to make decisions for you; they can only advise. You are too occupied with thinking about what you do not have instead of starting to manifest what you want. Anytime you think you cannot get your girlfriend to love you, you are broadcasting that you cannot. See yourself, exactly as you are now, in a firm relationship with her. This is loving and having faith in yourself.
There may be certain personal characteristics you currently have that you would like to change. Do not “hate” them, because that means you hate yourself and cannot possibly love yourself. Love everything about yourself, and then love changing those things that are not just right for you into things that are perfect for you. Take total responsibility for what is happening in your life.
Take baby steps to change the world you have now for a positive loving one. Banish any negativity as soon as it pops up. Replace those thoughts with positive ones and your world will change swiftly as you modify your attitude toward it.