Changing direction
Wednesday, May 5th, 2010QUESTION: Masters, I am struggling to find balance in my life. I know I need to take better care of myself physically and to let go of things that are no longer working for me. I feel that everything in my life is changing; what I don’t know is how to help that process along. What can I do now to be open to guidance from the spiritual world? How do I let go of my old place in life and find the new path I am destined to walk? ~Brenda, USA
ANSWER: The first step is for you to do a complete evaluation of every aspect of your life. Notice we did not say a judgment, but a simple evaluation of your circumstances. You need to look at your belief systems, some of which have been in effect since you were a young child, and determine if they are appropriate for your life any longer. We did not say you should decide if they are right or wrong, but rather if they still serve you.
Unless you spend time thinking about it immediately before you act, every action that you perform during your day comes from your programmed subconscious mind. The imprint was put there by training and experiences that came your way throughout life. Some are things your parents put into your head with the desire to protect you—the “stranger danger” commands, for example. Yet if you never talked to strangers today, you wouldn’t be able to purchase anything in a store or interview for a job.
The evaluation process goes like this: something occurs and a response pops into your head automatically. Stop and ask yourself: How do I feel about this response? Is it what I would do if I had time to think about it? If it feels uncomfortable, ask: Where did this idea come from? With this formula you will be able to clean your closets of unresponsive actions and modernize them to today’s needs. Do not hesitate to throw out anything that no longer serves you. That is what freedom of choice is all about.