Archive for July, 2009


Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

[NOTE: This question uses the term “Buddhic.”  The Buddhic plane is defined as the fifth dimension, the level of consciousness where the oneness of all life becomes apparent, and where ascension starts. Buddhic substance is unconditional love.]

QUESTION: Masters, I asked you previously if my husband were a walk-in and you stated that he is. My questions are: 1) Where is my husband’s original being now, and can I have a message from him as he left me with many unanswered questions about his dark side? 2) Who is this walk-in soul? Is he a planetary being or another human incarnation? I was told by a human master that the walk-in is a buddhic energy form. Any other advice or encouragement the Masters can give to ease me forward in this life path is appreciated.   ~Dechen, Singapore

ANSWER: The soul that was the original occupant of your husband’s body has returned Home. He had completed all the lessons he came to Earth to learn. He was to die in an accident, and the current soul-occupant made an agreement with him to use the body he was about to discard so that he might begin this incarnation without having to go through all the trials and tribulations of birth, toddler, teen, etc.

Some of the original lessons of your husband were experiences with very strong negative influences. This is what you perceived as a dark side of him. He had chosen a rather short life because negativity is an intense scenario and he wanted to have just a short burst with time to incorporate the lessons slowly-but back Home. He wants you to know that he agreed to this switch so that you might have an agreeable companion for the current time.

The current occupant is a soul that has been on Earth many, many times. Not all walk-ins are buddhic in nature. It depends on the stage of their enlightenment and the reason they have chosen to enter life in this unusual manner. He is awakening rapidly, so time will tell if he can reach a buddhic level within this life span.

Continue to observe life and learn the lessons you have chosen and that are presented by others. Remain open to the energy flow and ride along for a good trip through this dimension.

Unconditional loving world

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, why do souls choose to go through incarnation after incarnation – experiencing the same scenarios of murder, guilt, mass fear, hate and all the extreme polarities to learn the lessons over and over again?  Since souls are unconditional love, can all the souls make a contract to experience life in a well loved environment? For example, like the inhabitants on Inner Earth, Telos? I understand all souls have a free choice considering our unconditional loving souls wouldn’t we want to reincarnate and experience all the positive attributes with less polarities? I believe we are all meant to come down to earth to have happy experiences.          ~Chusan, Singapore

ANSWER: You have brought up many different issues in your questions. We will first comment on Telos for those who on unaware of it. Telos is a location, in another dimension that is not visible to most people in the current third or physical dimension, where a number of souls that had been inhabitants of Lemuria chose to relocate after the sinking of the continent of Mu. Its physical location is approximately inside Mount Shasta in Northern California, USA. This had been the eastern part of the continent before the majority sank into the Pacific Ocean.

The inhabitants had reached a very high level of enlightenment prior to the sinking. Most were living in the fourth dimension of unconditional love feelings before their physical home was no more. Some chose to stay on planet Earth in this state of bliss creating a home in another dimension on a physical planet. There are other planets within your physical galaxy which have similar unconditionally loving environments where souls can assume a physical continence so they might enjoy the physical delights of such a state of being.

Earth was created to be different than any other physical location. Its appeal to the learning process of the soul is its polarity. The soul’s choice to come to Earth is to experience life within the polarity, or state of negativity, that cannot be found anywhere else. Each soul does not choose to experience everything you have named all in one lifetime. These things may be occurring on the planet when they are there but they will not participate in any more than they are capable of learning from at a time.

You may choose to go to other places than Earth to have your life. Even within this polarity you may have plenty of happiness upon Earth if you complete the lessons you came to learn and remember your true nature – which is unconditional love.

Wishful thinking vs creating reality

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, What is the difference between wishful thinking and creating your own reality?  I know from hindsight we create our reality. I’m pretty sure about my creativity in my marriage. I ‘m pretty clear about what my husband is creating – he is not. From therapy I’ve gotten handles on my beliefs. I feel like my spouse and I are getting along fine, making progress, then in therapy he states no. I see signs that we are creating a better marriage. Then he announces he wants to be alone that I’ve won. I wasn’t fighting; he insists that this is so. I understand these are his creations.  I think most times I’ve created a better reality. So it would seem like I’ve been engaging in wishful thinking instead of doing what it takes to create a happy relationship. Last summer I had 3 lucid dreams where we made love. I thought this was a wonderful sign. But just the opposite, he stopped making love to me. How do I tell the difference between creating reality and wishful thinking?      ~Margaret, USA

ANSWER: The main problem you are having with your creative process is that it does not always work for another person. You can create your own reality but others may not choose to live in that reality with you. Your husband is resisting your desire for happiness. He has some lessons to work out regarding control issues. He sees your desires to make things work out for the two of you to be your desire to control his life. Right now, if you say it is raining, he will say no it’s not.

Perception is another difficulty that exists between the two of you. To one person a nice sunny day will make the flowers grow, bring fresh air with the smell of spring, and make them feel delightful. To another person a sunny day is horrible because it causes the weeds to grow that have to be pulled, they will get sunburned and peel, and the air will bring pollen to make them sneeze. Same day – but totally different interpretations. You are both seeing things from different points of view.

The only wishful thinking you have engaged in was your lucid dreams. You needed something you were not getting from your husband. Unfortunately, he felt this as a threat since your dreams could provide something fantastic that he was unable to provide. Now, he does not want to let you have something for comparison that might not stand up to inspection. He needs to work out his own inner demons. You are a reminder to him that it is possible to be happy if you allow yourself. He doesn’t think he desires it at this time.