Archive for March, 2008

Astrology and soul mates

Monday, March 17th, 2008

Q. Masters, I have been a student of astrology for many years and have been able to relate to people better when I take their birthdates into consideration. It is very apparent to me that birth charts tell a lot about how people are going to react in various situations. My question has to do with two individuals who are born on the same date. I have noticed that a very famous actor was born on the same date that I was and that a lot of our interests are the same. Are we soul mates?

A. Astrology, generally recognized as the influence of the planets upon the human body, has been documented throughout human history. The moment of birth gives you an indication of the potential that the incarnated soul has within that particular body. It does not determine what is going to happen to that person, just what the energy background will help to facilitate.

Souls may take their initial potential, determined by the planets at the time of their birth, and ride along with it without making any changes, or use it as a springboard to propel themselves beyond their natural inclinations in a direction of their choosing. They would appear then to  differ greatly from others of their astrological sign.

Throughout your planet, with its population of billions, there are many people who are born on each of your earth days. Take for instance your large women’s hospitals that specialize in maternity care; every day perhaps a dozen babies are born in each. When you consider that we generally make contracts with, and come to planet Earth with, no more than a dozen or so of our soul mates, it is easy to see why a shared birth date does not indicate the co-existence of a soul mate. It is not impossible but very improbable—unless the other person is an identical twin with whom you sought to spend an entire lifetime! But that does not always mean twins are soul mates either.

Radio waves and chakra blockages

Friday, March 14th, 2008

Q. Masters, It has been over one year since I have spoken on a cell phone. The last call, which was also my only cell phone call since having a brain tumor removed 2 years ago, closed my crown chakra almost completely. This feels like I am wearing a swim cap inside my head, at best, and sometimes worse than that. Please comment on the effect of cell phones on brain function, the non-physical field, and overall health. Advice on reopening a closed crown chakra would also be helpful.  P.S. Thanks for providing plenty of laughter, a saving grace.

A. All humans have varying sensitivities to energy. Some people can lie under high tension wires and feel absolutely nothing and experience no side effects. Other people develop blockages within their bodies, frequently diagnosed as cancer, when they are merely in the vicinity of those same energy fields. This has also been known to occur in susceptible individuals from exposure to television sets and computer terminals.

A cell phone is both a transmitter and a receiver that captures and generates energy fields. As mentioned above, people may spend their entire waking life with the phone glued to their head and suffer no ill effects, or use the phone once, as you did, and create an energy blockage. Since the entire human body functions with electrical impulses, anything that changes or impedes the flow can be felt—subject to people’s awareness of their physical and non-physical body.

You are hypersensitive to wave-form energy because of your surgery. You also have developed a very keen sense of the flow of the pranic (Chi) energy throughout your chakras and body. What you are perceiving would not be recognized by the majority of the population. As we mentioned in our post on the chakras, keeping them clear and moving can be done by meditation, visualization, intervention of an energy worker, or intention. Building up a full, steady flow of energy through the tube will help clear out the crown chakra.

Our pleasure on providing laughter—we believe people should enjoy their earth experience.

Our message is available for you

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

Dear fellow souls, we are very happy with the work that is being done by our human “voice.” You know them as our channel, Toni, and our author and ideas-man, Peter. Together with assistance from Sonia, Rob, and Christy (US), and Hazel (UK), they are Celestial Voices, Inc. They are helping us to get out our message about reincarnation and the soul’s journey through life to all those who choose to listen. (You can help us as well by adding your comments on our blog.)

They’ve started to bring our message to groups of people, as they will do this coming weekend at the Body, Mind & Spirit Expo to be held in the Chicago suburb of Northlake, Illinois (further info at Toni will be channeling us for individuals and a group, while Peter, Sonia, and Christy will be selling books and discussing our messages.

If you would like them to bring our message to your location, please contact them at

Have a week filled with love, light, and laughter.

The Masters of the Spirit World