Why work so hard?

May 15th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters is there any point in striving for enlightenment and ‘raising the vibration’ of the world and everyone in it? Sometimes I feel like I am seeing things from the wrong perspective. In a prior message you wrote that there will never be a golden age because that is not the point of Earth. It is 50/50 positive and negative and always will be. Does this mean just to relax, enjoy my life and stop trying to ‘perfect myself’ and somehow try to ‘save the world’ or drastically improve it? ~Sara, United States

ANSWER: When we were asked about a “golden age for planet Earth,” we responded that it will never occur because of the perpetual balance of negative and positive energies. That does not mean that individuals may not experience their own “golden age,” because that is what becoming enlightened and aware of their true essence allows them.

Recognizing and accepting one’s own powers and abilities, which spring from the Source energy of which they are composed, places a soul in a state of unconditional love, perfection, and bliss. If you do not desire to be able to reach such a place in this lifetime, then stop your search for a connection to the vibration of unconditional love.

What is confusing your journey is the need and desire to bring others along with you – to raise the whole planet along with yourself. It is impossible to cause another to do anything they do not wish to do or to go anywhere they do not wish to go.

Each soul’s journey is a singular voyage for their own education. Society confuses things by talking about service to others or bringing the whole planet along on one’s journey of spiritual growth. You have no such obligation as it would never work anyway.

The most you can do to change other people’s direction is to give them examples of how it has worked for you and what the accomplishment feels like. This will give them a desire to attempt their own elevation, if they are so inclined.

Nothing is right or wrong in a spiritual sense. What you choose to do is completely within your freedom of choice; there are no requirements to do anything you don’t want. Live, love, work, play, or sit and watch – the future is up to you.

Understanding our illusions

May 8th, 2018

Question: Masters, you have said before that physical worlds are illusionary, being constructed by each soul, frequently in conjunction with others. How does that apply to earth as it all feels very solid to me? Have all 7 billion souls currently here on earth combined to create this current earth, is it all a great illusion? When I die and return to the spirit world is that also an illusion? Are the Akashic records of all our physical lives an illusion? Is our whole vast universe of 100 billion galaxies also an illusion? Please help to clarify. ~David, UK

ANSWER: Each person who is in a body on Earth is really a soul who has chosen to come to experience the things or lessons they wish to be able to face in the duality of this place designed for human existence. Since all souls are unique, and have chosen tests just for themselves, they need to have an environment that will allow them to create those tasks specific to their desires.

All things are composed of energy. In its essential form, the soul is a cloud of amorphous energy; it is without physical form until its intention adopts a physical body with which to interact with other physical forms. Things feel solid to you because you intentionally place yourself in a situation where you can see, and share, the apparitions (your desired illusions) before you.

A soul always draws to itself the necessary factors to work on a lesson. If you don’t need to be aware of an element that others will use, you have the choice whether to even be aware of its existence. If something has no importance to you, it may interfere with your journey if you acknowledge that someone else has placed it in your environment to assist with their education, so you ignore it.

Some groups of people agree on the need for the same or similar fixtures in their lives, and at that point you begin to have a shared illusion with others – but here again, only with those who need to “see” the same things as you. For example, a staging is needed where you are in the middle of a mountainous area; those involved in the scenario may see it as beautiful and challenging, while those not involved may perceive it as frightening or claustrophobic and therefore avoid it.

When you leave the physical realm, you return to an energetic one where physicality does not exist, so there is no need for illusions. The Akashic records record more than just trips to the duality of Earth; they also record all contacts with other souls and other environments. They are energetic and are accessed at will.

The vast universe you refer to is part of the physical illusion shared by souls having an experience in the duality of Earth. It is background staging for an incarnate soul. Like the stage props in theater or the venue of a movie, some are real and some are digitally generated.

Am I lost in space?

May 8th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, what is happening? There is only space, silence, presence… I am only here, I cannot see my mind anymore. I cannot feel or see fear or doubts even past and future, it’s seems they have disappeared. It’s like a flow that I don’t have any words to explain it. I feel empty and with no words or desires. Only here like: Only being. It seems that I have no words to ask this question differently or even to ask. ~Franc, Canada

ANSWER: You find yourself in what we call the enlightened fourth dimension. It can be unnerving at first because all the signposts have been removed and your direction is up to you. Your mind is a product of judgments made by the ego, and once the ego has been set free, intention drives all. There are no remaining judgments to act as directives. All responsibility has shifted to you.

You are physical, yet you have shed your physically restrictive ego judgment. Having no fears or doubts means that you have completed, or stepped away from, the lessons you chose to address in this lifetime. You are connecting with your essential self, or soul, and everything that happens to you is the product of your intention.

To orient yourself, step back, close your eyes, and “feel” who and what you are. The choice to feel physical emotions such as happiness, sadness, excitement is at your discretion. Without choosing a direction, you feel like a rudderless ship floundering on the ocean.

Connect with your inner self and use the power that is within to restart your engines for more physical experiences, if you wish. The choice is yours.