Looking for a do over

June 5th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I am currently really struggling with life. I need to change my career. My marriage isn’t really working for me either. My daughters are all grown. I really want to make a major decision to move to NYC to pursue what has been my passion my whole life-which is to be an actress. I did pursue that career from 21-31 yrs old, with minor success. I left to raise a family, went back to school to be a teacher, and lived a simple life. My husband does not want to move there – which I totally understand. I would be on my own. I guess I am asking if this would be a foolish move or would I find success? ~Patty, USA

ANSWER: There are way too many variables to be able to say with certainty that success is in your future. You stepped away from this profession so long ago that many things have changed and been re-worked since you were in the field. Recognition within the profession and a portfolio of past accomplishments is king.

If you feel this strong urge to jump back in, start small to see if it is really what you have created in your imagination. Try a friendlier location such as Chicago, Nashville, Las Vegas, or even your local theater groups. Talk to an agent about the requirements currently standard for professionals in the arts and also to get an idea about commercials, television, and other possibilities.

Acting is a labor-intensive career and not for the faint or hesitant of heart. It has also been a “grass is greener on the other side of the fence” idea for you. Define exactly what you want out of this life change; you are no longer 21. The majority of older actors in the business are those who payed their dues for decades; few newbies break into the business.

Part of your wanderlust is the unsatisfactory nature of your marriage and feeling a total lack of excitement. You can change this by bringing more things and people into your life. You are a wonderful teacher and could start a new generation of actors by putting on local presentations with the youth. Sure, you would not be the star in the production, but you would be the star in their eyes and those of their families.

A middle-aged or older person can aspire to become, say, an Olympic athlete because they performed well in college in a sport. But they must inventory their body, mind, and spirit’s current state of readiness for rededication to potential physical extremes, reconciling that with the condition of their aging bodies. Be realistic. How does reality dictate where you can go?

Are all souls equally talented?

May 29th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, are all Souls equally talented? Here on Earth some have very high levels of IQ, some are prodigies and are talented in various fields like music, art, dance etc. Are these talents accumulated & improved upon through life times or is it that any soul can become what (for example: born with high IQ) it wishes in an incarnation? ~Deepthi, India

ANSWER: All souls have the same essence: they are pieces broken off from Source energy with all the same potential powers and abilities of Source. Humans, on the other hand, are limited by the duality in which they have chosen to exist and the circumstances from which they have chosen to learn during their lifetime.

A soul enters a body having already decided whether to revisit a talent possessed in a prior life or series of lives. The soul may wish to try out something new. Most of the time, talents developed previously are left in their deep unconscious to be brought out only after the soul has completed their new lessons – if they manage to do so.

Being a prodigy can bring unique personality challenges. The person may have difficulty communicating with others of their age because they have nothing in common with them. They may also have underdeveloped social skills and lack confidence in anything other than their “specialty.” Their lessons include understanding why they are different and how to relate to life in general.

Being extremely intelligent or dull also presents challenges in dealing with everyday events and the actions of others. Do you want everyone to like you? Or do you choose to be faithful to yourself? Are you hurt by the jealousy or taunts of classmates? Or have you learned that being yourself doesn’t need input from others?

You have provided your own answer. Any soul can become whatever they wish to be, both from the choices made before incarnating and from the work they do once on Earth. This all gives them the chosen experiences that made them decide to come in the first place.

Twin flames and soul mates

May 29th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters what is the relationship between Twin Flames and Soulmates? Are Twin Flames of our Soulmates from their own group reincarnating together, as we do not usually incarnate with our Twin Flames? Do we hang out with both Soulmates and Twin Flames in Spirit world? What is the difference in these relationships when we are in Spirit Form? Do I have a Twin Flame incarnated on Earth now by chance? ~Irina, USA

ANSWER: A twin flame is the last piece of Source that broke off at the same time as you; it is like a Siamese twin separated, whose composition is the same energetic vibration. You feel totally complete and are satisfied with being with them without taking the time to do anything else or learn anything new. It is for this reason that twin flames rarely are incarnated at the same time.

Earth is the only place to experience the opposite of perfection (which a twin flame connection is) and is used to gain wisdom about who and what you are. On the extremely rare occasions that twin flames are incarnated together, all they can do is spend time together to the exclusion of all else. If either had married before meeting, they would leave their spouse and children just to be in the presence of their twin.

“Soulmates” is the term used to designate the 144 other souls who were closest to you during individualization. The 71 before and after you, you and your twin. All of them have energy very similar to your own, and you feel their resonance when they come near you – that is if you open yourself up to the sensation.

Since you have been familiar with these souls the longest, it is practical to ask them to join you in your trip to Earth and to be a part of any contracts you want to be sure will take place. This is not a requirement, and you can approach any other soul who seems to have an interest in being on Earth at the same time you do.

The intensity of the twin flame is not as demanding in spirit form since you both are in the presence of unconditional love and receive same from everyone. You also do not have a body with nerve endings, emotions, and tactile responses. You have no sex and no need to be attached to only one other soul.

Who spends time with whom is a matter of freedom of choice when at Home. Remember, you can be in several places at once in your amorphous, energetic form. Few souls choose to maintain a set form when at Home because it is very limiting.

You and your twin flame had specific things you wanted to accomplish, so you chose to take turns incarnating. It is your time currently.