No resonance with spiritual priciples

June 26th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters this is a very important question that came to mind. How can you say there is no good or bad? How about karma? I believe in it. All my life is based on doing good deeds that the world would be ”better place”. So, is it useless? Why do I feel happiness and love, if they don’t matter after all? I would like to have a good life with a positive result in the end, and I feel the world needs more laughter and joy. But why should I actually bother? Why shouldn’t I start to live in a selfish way and take benefits only for myself? It doesn’t resonate with me at all that there is no good or bad. ~Reetta, Finland

ANSWER: We said that there is no good or bad in a spiritual sense, which is the world of your nonphysical energetic essence. On planet Earth, which was created as a duality of negative and positive, there is very definitely a good and bad.

Karma is a concept derived from religious practices that dictates the punishment that will arise from a person’s actions if not in compliance with the religions tenets. Everyone creates their own realities, and within yours, the Karma concept has a presence. That does not mean that it is universally accepted or a standalone belief.

Every soul is on their own unique journey. They are not dependent for spiritual growth and understanding on any other person. They have no responsibility to try to assist anyone else. No one can make another do anything they do not choose to do, so it is impossible to make the world a better place unless the rest of the world cooperates.

A great deal of the love you feel is self-love because you believe in what you are doing and accept that it is by your choice and not mandated by another. Love of self is a necessary step to enlightenment and connection with your essential Source energy. Nothing feels as good as that.

If the world’s people engaged in more laughter and joy, they would find themselves pulling away from negativity and approaching positive love. Aspiring to teach people to move into positivity will change the world – but remember, the choice to do so is always theirs.

You also have freedom of choice, and choosing to go all out for yourself is one way to proceed. Earth is a place, and the only place, to explore opposites. Try experimenting with selfishness, gluttony, pride, or other “me-first” attitudes. There is nothing wrong with that if it appeals to you. You can always return to where you are right now.

But, as you have pointed out, what is most important is what resonates with you, what makes you feel as if you are doing what you had always sought to do. Follow your intuition and feelings and create what is comfortable for you.



June 19th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, many spiritual teachers tell us that we, humans, can self-heal and correct any physical malady. Is this true? Others and I have tried to do many suggested practices, which essentially are techniques to access one’s subconscious mind and direct it to heal physical issues. Despite effort I still have physical maladies and aging issues. How do others and I “cure” ourselves physically if it can be done? And if it can be: how many humans are currently physically perfect and why has every human I have ever met gotten sick, injured and age? ~Christina, USA

ANSWER: Souls came into existence by being broken off from Source, who is all-powerful, all-magnificent, all-creative, and all-knowing. Since you have this energy as your essence, you have these powers and abilities as well. That said, you have the ability to create, manipulate, repair, or replace your physical self.

This all comes with two caveats: You may not interfere with a life lesson in progress, and you must have absolute confidence in and acceptance of your abilities entering into the “re-structuring” – with no doubts, not even a smidgeon.

This is a near impossibility for a soul having a human experience because it conflicts with the belief systems of society. These beliefs are given to you while you are young and mostly never changed by you. Society says what you are seeking to do isn’t possible. Unless you have reviewed your beliefs, and re-written them with reformation as a possibility, this will prevent accomplishing something you have just read about.

The soul comes to Earth to learn various things without any intention of staying much past the completion of these tasks. For this reason, the human body has remained subject to its environment. If one learns their lessons in 50 years, there is no reason to remain for 150. Dealing with the natural progression of aging is built into many lesson plans. A condition that is needed for one particular learning process could be considered a disability within another.

The world around you is an illusion constructed by you to provide the experiences you previously chose. Energy is everything and everything is energy. Therefore, through your power of manipulation, it is possible to create whatever you desire.

The controlling factor is intention directed through unconditional love. Ego judgment, e.g., that you want to correct a “wrong,” will defeat your actions. It must be done to manifest the highest and greatest good of the person being modified. If it goes against any of their intentions, plans, or desires, it cannot succeed.

Perfection is a judgment coming from the ego. It is also a reflection of Source, the understanding of which gave inspiration to Source to send pieces of itself into a duality to find out what it was not.

Need to serve others

June 19th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters I now live upstate NY but grew up in Israel thinking my “purpose” would be to somehow serve there. Lots of healing is associated for me in home land so I chose to ease the pain and leave. I now do reiki healings and meditations, Bach flowers… And am greatly motivated to help others heal, as my journey was/is quite a hard one. I do still battle with addiction. The problem is there is no momentum, the only thing I have in Israel is purpose. But an easier life is in the states. Can you please guide me on which way to approach pursuing purpose as it applies to serving others? ~Lisa, Israel

ANSWER: You are sabotaging yourself by having created such specific expectations for your life that they hinder every other possible thought. A soul’s sole purpose is to understand and learn from the lessons they chose to face during their incarnation. No one is obligated to do anything for anyone else – particularly not until they have finished their own lessons.

Addiction is a major lesson for you, and the fact that you have not understood why you chose to be so afflicted and have not figured out a way to rewrite that need in your body shows you still have much to work on for yourself before worrying about service to others.

You can continue to assist others through your healing practices, but you carry much negativity in your head about your inadequacies and faults. That is what feels like an anchor on your momentum. Start with increasing love of self. Understand what a magnificent person you are as a piece of Source energy and that, with this difficult life you chose, you should be honored for your perseverance.

Accept that each thing you have accomplished is a milestone toward spiritual enlightenment. You must have faith in yourself and the abilities available to you. Send away the negativity when it approaches and replace it with unconditional love for your life.