July 24th, 2018
QUESTION: Masters. I’ve been working on releasing false or resisted experiences/believes from childhood. For some time, I have been getting this feeling that I was sexually abused as a child by my father. Is it true? If so, I would like to clean up anything around this. I’ve had a hard time recollecting memory from my past that relates to my father so I’m going by feeling. Why can’t I remember? I feel there is a lot I blocked. Is there something that I’ve been resisting that I need to experience to release/discreate these feelings that keep coming up and finally let them go. If so, what are they? Any lessons that I need to learn around this, besides continuing to trust my intuition? ~Kiara, USA
ANSWER: Your memories, or rather feelings, are correct. You suppressed most of your youth, at least during the time of the sex acts, and have held them firmly closed because of the warnings you were given. Your father blamed everything that happened on you and told you all kinds of nasty things that were going to happen to you and the rest of the family if you told anyone.
During this same time period, a friend of yours also divulged sexual activities in her family and the whole neighborhood took sides. Your fiend was discredited, the parents got divorced, and she went off never to be seen again. You didn’t want any more of your life to be disrupted. You began living in the shadows.
It is very common to block out unpleasant experiences, particularly those where you felt you were to blame. You must first examine any sense of blame that still remains. Ask yourself what makes you feel uncomfortable because of anything you have done. If that doesn’t work in the beginning, try to open your feelings concerning when you stopped trusting your decisions.
Your intuition is the secret doorway into the past. Run everything that feels unsafe or uncomfortable by your intuition. What is causing the sensation? What do I need to shine light upon? Follow those fears and doubts, as you would do for any life lesson. Try going into a deep meditation and asking your higher self to show you the blockages. If you know a good spiritual hypnotherapist, that could be a very fast way to access that time period.
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July 17th, 2018
QUESTION: Masters, what is the place of ancient indigenous medicines like ayahuasca in our human spiritual evolution, individually and collectively? My girlfriend and I have partaken in a few ceremonies and although I have had numerous beautiful realizations, I haven’t been able to ground them into my daily physical experience. She, on the other hand, has fared even worse (perceived) as she actually had quite a difficult experience and has seemed to shun anything reminiscent of spirituality ever since. Her depression and sadness often get the better of her and I’m worried. Should she delve back into the spirit world through the indigenous method, or is there a better way to heal herself? ~Matt, United States
ANSWER: The types of substances you mention are taken to diminish the ego-conscious restraints of the human body and allow your mind to move outward without restrictions. Some of these same acting materials are used by psychiatrists to manage depression, extreme phobias, and various other mental conditions.
The effect upon your girlfriend resulted from her not having a firm foundation for her human identity, and the ayahuasca removed any stability she had. The experience left her floating and imagining all the worst possibilities. Since she sensed the nonphysical beings around her, she could not differentiate between friendly and malicious and she fears the “bad guys” will attack her if she enters that state again. Therefore, she desires no contact with any nonphysicals, which to her means anything spiritual.
To maintain a connection with the spiritual beings you were able to access through the drugs, you need to re-create the conditions within your mind. That does not mean continued use of the substances but visualizing the state. Before beginning, have the intention to establish contact with your guides and advisors. Enter into a deep meditation where you completely shut off your mind and then invite the same beings to come for a visit.
When entering this space without the total release of your inhibitions through the drug you will be able to control whom you meet, what you learn, and easier ways to repeat your experiences. To answer your question, medicines are one means of knowing what is possible. But dependence on them keeps you from using your intention to format your connection.
Give your girlfriend time. Try having her enter meditation and ask for her protective guides to show themselves to reassure herself that not all nonphysicals are harmful and dangerous.
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July 17th, 2018
QUESTION: Masters I feel that I am many times paralyzed between spiritual knowledge and Earth reality. This makes me so confused sometimes that I don’t know any more what to believe and it becomes hard to take decisive action. I try to listen to my heart for guidance, but it feels like my heart is silent? Can Masters give me some guidance on the facts I need to be more aware of or what I’m not aware yet and what do you suggest for me in this moment? ~Arttu, Finland
ANSWER: There is no standard or agreed upon definition of spirituality and spiritual terms and ideologies. Every group and every “teacher” or “guru” has their own experiences, which they contend are “the only way” to achieve enlightenment. Exposure to many of these ideas will bring contradictions and conflicts.
Spiritual people are all aspiring to rid themselves of the negativity of the third dimension and ascend into unconditionally loving bliss. The only problem is that you are still in your physical form and, therefore, living in the duality of a 50/50 positive/negative world.
When a soul comes to Earth, they generally do so to learn some lessons about life and the afterlife, or their true essence. Society, into which they come, controls its members through ego judgment. Negativity is the basis for these actions. This causes everything to be rated, graded, and judged. To free oneself from this way of life, one must get out of judgment and use only evaluation: “Is it what I want or not?”
Each person establishes the parameters they need to complete their mission. This is done by creating their own reality – what they are going to believe in and how they are going to live. This is first done by following parents and close associates. Once it is recognized that you can let go of the beliefs of others and establish your own, your choices dictate your world.
Listening to your heart does not generally start a verbal communication but should give you a “feeling” of what resonates with your unconscious. How do you relate to what you are deciding? Does it seem to be something you can live with or is it uncomfortable? That is the way your heart speaks to you.
Stop being so hard on yourself. And stop trying to accept everything that is a piece of someone else’s beliefs. Accept as your reality only what feels good to you. You have complete freedom of choice, which means there are no pre-set rules.
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