Hating your choices

July 31st, 2018

QUESTION: Masters is it possible for me to enter into the 4th dimension/ change into a heart-based consciousness/ reach enlightenment… (I don’t know the best term, but I think you get the idea) all while keeping my goals of revenge against my soul? I know it’s contradictory to speak about heart and revenge in the same line, but I have no other choice. To you it may be a wonderful experience to come to earth to suffer again and again and again, and later go to another planet with even more pain and difficulties to suffer even more, and keep this cycle infinitely, but I don’t want this anymore, really. Is that why we exist? What do I gain from all that? Would I be superior to those who fail to endure it? Sorry, but I’m not interested. ~E., Brazil

ANSWER: The third dimension is a duality of half negative and half positive energy. The spiritual aspect of the fourth dimension is reached by removing oneself as much as possible from negativity and focusing on unconditional love. The fifth dimension, union with Source energy, is where one is completely devoid of negativity and exists in unconditionally loving, positive energy.

Without a soul you could not have a human experience, because the soul is what animates the physical body. The human consciousness has little, if any, concept of the soul that is in control. It is only when in its essential form, an amorphous energy cloud of unconditionally loving energy, that the soul “knows” itself.

You are embroiled in the third-dimensional ego judgment where you are rating, grading, and judging everything, even those things about which you really have no idea. You have decided that this life and every other life your soul has chosen are all negative and painful. Well, let us tell you that you have had many lives where you have chosen enjoyable, satisfying, and pleasurable existences; you just don’t remember them while in your human body.

You have bought into all those societal and organized religious ego judgments where the poor little human is suffering because the big bad soul wanted to punish it by having it come into a negative world. You are here only because you chose to be. You chose the lessons you are going through, and you can either learn them and move on or finish this life in the same negative state you are in right now.

Enlightenment is “getting” the whole reason a soul chooses to go through Earth “hell.” It is forcing away the negativity, the hate, the need for revenge and, instead, choosing to accept that which is and letting yourself return to the unconditional love that is devoid of any negativity. Only then will you be able to achieve a heart-based consciousness.

But, in the end, the choice is yours.

The reason behind it all

July 24th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I am struggling to understand – you stated on 18 June that source is all knowing but sent pieces of itself (souls) to earth to find out what it was not. Should it not have known the answer to that? Also, if we are pieces of source then we also must be all knowing, then why the need for life lessons. ~Anne, Wales

ANSWER: The ability to be all knowing still has limitations – even for Source. One can only have an awareness of that which has been experienced. Someone who has never been exposed to frigid conditions cannot know what it feels like to be frozen or even to be cold as compared to body temperature.

Source’s environment always consisted of nothing but positive, unconditional love: i.e., perfection. There was no conflict, no control, no discomfort, no need to make decisions to learn or rid oneself of negativity – because it didn’t exist.

Source wondered what the opposite of its world of perfection would be like, but without creating such a place, there was no way to experience it. So, Source created the planet you call Earth to be a duality: one half consisting of Source’s known unconditional love energy, or positivity, and the other half consisting of energy lacking unconditional love, or negativity.

If Source immersed its whole being in the duality, it would no longer have a control that only existed in unconditional love. So instead of leaving unconditional love in its entirety, it broke off pieces of itself that could have a multitude of varying experiences.

Source and all initial pieces, or souls, exist in a nonphysical, energetic world. When in that state, souls do, indeed, have a knowledge of all. However, once they enter the physical world, taking a physical covering, they are deprived of their knowledge so that they might work to learn all about that state of being.

There is also a differentiation between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is the awareness of a fact, such as the requirements for participating in a marathon and the various effects it has on the body. Anyone who has not actually prepared for and run a marathon, however, does not have the wisdom gained from the physical, mental, and emotional impacts thereof. It is only through having the experience oneself that the soul can gather the wisdom to be able to apply the knowledge across its entire existence and to other, similar difficulties in life.

Life lessons are specialized events that souls decide to examine more fully. They choose them before entering the world so they may prepare the needed environment to ensure success. They leave their former awareness at Home so as not to tamper with the experiment.

Newgrange and Stonehenge

July 24th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, I recently visited the stunning and massive Newgrange passage tomb in Ireland, built some 1,000 years before Stonehenge. Archaeologist now believe that stone age peoples were far more sophisticated than first thought and such monuments were built as a massive and willing community undertaking bringing together tribes from all over the country. Can the masters tell us why Newgrange and Stonehenge were built and aligned to the Solstice points and what they were used for? Also, how where the massive blocks transported and lifted. Was it sheer human effort or were long forgotten levitation techniques involved? ~David, UK

ANSWER: The monuments you mention were built over huge periods of time, and their usages changed to fit the needs and beliefs of the people existing in those periods. An aspect of each carried religious connotations of the journey of life. Some of the construction, such as the passage tombs, symbolized the birth canal and the desire to be born into the next phase of the journey after human life. Each served as burial places for the builders, as well.

All were attuned to the astrological movement of the planets to honor and ask for help from the major seasonal periods, such as the longest day of the year and the shortest – always with a hope that honoring these transitions would ensure their physical transition, as well. During some of these periods, myths arose about the presence of gods within the sites.

As time passed, they became a unifying project for various people to come together with a singular purpose. In some cases, they served almost as fair grounds do today: to bring people together to trade, celebrate, meet prospective mates from different tribes, and learn from each other.

The construction had many aspects depending on the intention of the builders at any one time. Stonehenge turned into a healing location for a time, with many of the stones being “singing stones” that produced resonances when struck. Remains of “pilgrims” from far-off lands have been identified. Materials were gathered for the historical significances attached to them by the builders.

Most of the movement of the massive pillars was by manpower alone. A few of the people, at various times, had mastered the ability to levitate the stones, and that was also used.