August 7th, 2018
QUESTION: Masters from a young age I’ve been on a “spiritual” path, through yoga and meditation and looking into the philosophy of these things, metaphysics, etc. However, I feel false, disconnected, and don’t know how to move forward in a way that feels authentic and can actually connect me to source. I’m “recovering” from alcohol and have 10 days sober, one reason being the feeling I’ve lost my authentic self somehow. I feel like I’m in ego and judgment of self most of the time. How can I move past this in my current phase, or embrace and learn from this experience? ~C., United States
ANSWER: What do you consider your authentic self? Everyone creates their own reality and that includes a definition of who they feel they are or who they want to be. They then use their freedom of choice to bring all the required pieces into existence.
There is an authentic person within the third-dimensional society where the ego rules through judgment and condemnation. Then there is an authentic person, spiritual if you want to call it that, who has removed themselves from negative energy and positioned themselves firmly in unconditional love and evaluates rather than judges the actions of all those with whom they come into contact.
Your direction is based on your choices. Do you relapse and let the world dictate to you, or do you examine each choice and go toward the unconditional love of Source energy? It is all up to you.
Meditation will help you see the possibilities. Ask for assistance from your guides and the Masters. Embrace the knowledge of your physical body, which you can glean through yoga, so that you sense the purity from love versus the conflict generated by ego.
Be yourself; don’t let other people or substances tell you what you need or feel. You have ventured onto the path to your essence and Source – you just have to keep going.
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July 31st, 2018
QUESTION: Masters does choosing its parents for a reincarnating soul require a life contract with the “parents’ souls”? ~Marshall, USA
ANSWER: Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. When a soul gets ready to incarnate, it has decided what life lessons it is going to work on in that life. The selection of parents has to do with ensuring that the desired and needed environment will be provided. The chosen lessons of the parents may be in line with the child’s or may have nothing whatsoever to do with the child’s intentions.
A contract would not be needed if the child wants to experience the breakup of a marriage. That would entail a contract between the parents but not with the child. If the child wants to have physical, mental, or emotional abuse, that may – but does not have to – require a contract.
A contract would not be required if the child just needs to be in an environment that allows them to observe addictions, mental illness, poverty, or such. Most situations in which the child is born with deformities or disabilities do involve a contractual agreement.
The whole purpose of life lessons is for the soul to understand them and, using their freedom of choice, choose to reverse the effects of the situation. A contract rarely, if ever, includes the learning and understanding of another’s chosen lessons. Each soul, whether parent or child, is on their own in working through their difficulties.
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July 31st, 2018
QUESTION: Masters, could you shed a light on spiritual agreements? I know that there was an agreement between me and this woman to be romantically together, however she has opted for another path. I dreamed about this particular relationship my entire life. And without going into details, her choice changes my life a lot and forces me to consider other possibilities that I am not comfortable with, like non-traditional relationships (e.g. polyamory) or even a life without romance. If a soul agrees to a relationship but then opts out, how can the other person still have the life they want? For people with my conditions, finding a relationship is hard and I was relying on that person to be with me; I really want a romance. Would someone else step in and eventually find their way to me, or do I have to “just deal with it”? ~Melissa, USA
ANSWER: Every soul has total freedom of choice in all aspects of their human existence. That means that they may choose to change an agreement they made with another. It is impossible to get another soul having its own physical experience to change their mind unless they agree to do so.
If one party to an agreement chooses not to fulfill the agreed actions, the other party had some forewarning before entering this life that that might occur. Of course, coming down with amnesia, you would have no recollection of such an eventuality.
Your major lesson this lifetime was being able to work through difficulties once you had set upon a course of action. Your consternation arises from your having created such strong expectations and having convinced yourself that nothing else was worth considering.
You have fixated on this individual to such a degree that you are certain you had a contract when you did not. She wanted a life of ambivalence toward sexual orientation and abhorrence of pushy, controlling people – which you have become.
You are on this life journey by yourself. Nothing anyone else does should make you feel you have been betrayed and abandoned. You are the only one responsible for your life and your lifestyle. There are no absolutes in a spiritual journey – just infinite possibilities.
Step away from your “hurt” and evaluate where you are now. The only person you can rely on is yourself. There are any number of people out there from whom you can get love. You must, however, accept and love yourself first before they will want to have anything to do with you.
Also, examine how you define yourself: “Who” are you? Are you sure of your identity? Or is this just another expectation that is limiting you in life?
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