August 28th, 2018
QUESTION: Masters, much gratitude for all you are doing. I have always gotten on well with my family whom I love, but in the past, I haven’t always made my feelings and opinions clear. This is particularly the case with my father, who can be very generous, but also very selfish and controlling when he is feeling sorry for himself. I’m sure this could be levelled at all of us. But I’m concerned I (and possibly also my mother) am “enabling” him by not challenging this behavior enough. We have recently had new additions to the family and I’m concerned how his more negative traits will impact on them. If you are able I’d be grateful for any insights you have on this situation and what suggestions you might have for the future. ~Steven, UK
ANSWER: Your position regarding your father has been to deal with him without allowing him to interfere with your lessons. He has permitted you to see the different types of people who inhabit the planet and how relationships take place. Any time you share an action with another, there are overt and covert activities that affect each in various ways depending on their position in their journey.
You recognize that your father has beliefs that cause him to act at times in an extreme manner. You have learned not to take this personally and it hasn’t bothered you recently. You are correct that both you and your mother have allowed the behavior to exceed what is acceptable in normal society.
You have no obligations to insinuate yourself into his actions unless you desire. He is unaware of the effect that his opinions have on others. You have three possible actions. You can do nothing since it is his trip and he will change only if he wishes. You can tell him your observations about his boorish behavior and see if he recognizes and accepts the need for change. Or you can inform the new family members of his “peculiar” reactions in some situations, with the caveat that “it’s just him; don’t take it personally.”
If the new members are of tender age, they were aware of the potential of dealing with a situation such as this before they came, and it could be one of their chosen lessons. In any case, surround his soul with as much unconditional love as you can throw at him with the intention that he will learn his lessons.
He rather likes tension and negativity because he absorbs all the negative energy that is created by the distress of those he impacts. Comment to him on how being negative prevents happiness and fulfillment from coming through. Remind him of the cheerful energy found around a happy, giving person.
In the end, any change is his choice alone.
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August 21st, 2018
Question: Masters why is it that the source has split and created souls? And why is it that a soul has to learn lessons? Could the creation have not been done or souls created perfectly? ~Paul, Australia
ANSWER: Souls are perfect when they are just souls and not souls who have chosen to have a human experience. Source is perfection personified, and it decided it wished to understand what it was like not to be perfect, or what, in general, is the opposite of perfection. If it were not for this exploration of non-perfection, Source would have had no reason to split itself off into “explorers” who could “test the waters” of imperfection.
No soul is required to do anything. Everything is done by choice. Most souls desire to participate in the discovery of the potentials of non-perfectionism because this gives a greater understanding of what “perfect” means. They can accomplish this only by allowing themselves to submit to situations constructed in negativity, which is the opposite of their true essence.
To learn about something, one must explore all its aspects. When a soul embarks on the journey, they decide they will learn about a particular trait, be it something they do or something that is done to them. These have become known as life lessons. Perfection would be a balanced situation, while the opposite is chaos – in which the human works to understand how to turn it into balance again.
Each lesson is carefully chosen by the soul before incarnating on Earth. The soul has chosen all the elements that will allow it to create the situation it desires. The new human jumps into the unbalanced life, such as an addictive family, and struggles to understand how not to be drawn into the pattern. When they remove themselves from the temptations and go in another direction, they have completed the lesson.
Souls do have the opportunity to remain at Home in their perfection and not come into the influence of planet Earth and its negativity. The choice is always theirs.
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August 21st, 2018
QUESTION: Masters if the Earth is the only place of duality, why are there negative forces out there in other dimensions that you Masters advise us to protect ourselves from during, for instance, when seeking contact to Angels or other higher beings on the other side? ~Kanerva, Finland
ANSWER: Negativity does only exist on the Earth plane but there is both a physical and a nonphysical layer of that plane. When a soul is having a human experience to learn about itself and human existence, it assumes a physical covering and is said to be in the “third dimension,” which is completely physical and a duality of equal parts negative and positive energy.
When a soul leaves the third dimension completely and returns Home, it is said to be in the fifth dimension, which is nonphysical and composed solely of unconditional love with no negativity whatsoever. In between these two dimensions is the fourth dimension, which is both physical and nonphysical and is reachable by those existing in both the third and fifth dimensions. It is the meeting place for souls having a physical life to contact the souls at Home in unconditional love.
Within this layer, souls who have vacated their human body, but not returned to unconditional love, exist by choice. They frequently harbor negativity that they have chosen not to release, which is a requirement for them to return to unconditional love. These souls are called discarnates and follow no rules of conduct but their own. They often choose to remain to “get even” with someone they feel disrespected them during their lifetime.
To accomplish contact with souls residing in the fifth dimension, incarnate souls must do so in the third or fourth dimension – where they are, therefore, exposed to the presence of these discarnates and their accompanying negativity. (You might equate them to those fearsome beings in the Harry Potter books known as Dementors, who suck out all the positive energy they can from the hapless human.)
Our admonishments concerning protection from negative contact with these discarnates addresses their presence within that same area where one establishes communication with guides, Ascended Masters, and other friends and associates who are in the light. Surround yourself with love and seek contact only with beings of the light and those who are coming for the highest and greatest good.
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