Brazil’s a mess; what do I do?

September 11th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, please give me some suggestion of how to move forward at this stage, I know that things are gradual for a global change, but until these changes happen even doing my part this ends up affecting me, food, health education … same opting for making my choices more conscious, sometimes I feel that I need to leave Brazil to create my being the way I want it, things around here are increasingly disappointing only by a miracle. At the moment I chose to be vegan, but to what extent where we are deceived in everything, even the soil is contaminated in Brazil, I only seek a healthy life of quality, I know that I can everything I believe but I need the resources to engage in this journey and create my world this way I need some guidance my loved ones. ~Patty, Brasil

ANSWER: You chose to be here at this time so that you might have to use your discernment to work through your lessons and decide what was the best for you. There are problems in many parts of the world and contamination is very common. You first have to decide how much you are going to allow things to affect you. If you concentrate only on negative outcomes, that is what you will produce.

One of the tenets of a human existence is the ability to have total freedom of choice to decide what that lifetime is going to be like. You create belief systems concerning what the perfect thing is for you to fulfill your plans. Life in a chaotic situation is still possible and can be enjoyable if you go with the flow and don’t constantly fight what is occurring.

You must first determine what your minimal needs are, then what additional wants are required to satisfy you, and lastly what you desire to accomplish. Take a look at the availabilities around you, and if these things are not there, it may be time to try another location.

The important thing is to work through this using only positive energy. If any negativity creeps in, don’t make a permanent change until you have gotten rid of it or it will taint your decision. Move slowly but have a definite goal in mind. We do not mean having expectations, because they are limiting in that they allow one and only one possibility. Having goals is like saying, “I want this or something better.”


What are Masters?

September 4th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, what are Masters? ~Raul, USA

ANSWER: It all began with Source, an omnipotent energy who was perfect in every way. Source began to wonder what it was not. What is the opposite of its perfection? It decided to find out. It did not wish to compromise its entire being, so it split off pieces of itself to act as experimenters. These pieces we call souls. They are Source, so they have all the powers and abilities that define Source.

Source created a place where his soul pieces could experience both their positive energy and its negative opposite. At first it was just to see how negativity “felt” – the events were short-lived and centered around one test. Want to feel hate? Bam! Sense it and then return Home. They even were aware of what it was they were going to deal with.

Next came questions: What if you weren’t aware of the negative energy? Could you figure it out and choose to remove yourself from it and return to the unconditional love of your essence? And what if it was more complex – say, all about various types of control instead of just parent and child? So it developed with more and more iterations of gaining knowledge, then understanding, and finally wisdom.

Some souls chose to investigate many different characteristics for general knowledge. A few wanted an in-depth experience, so they returned repeatedly, varying the aspects of their chosen lesson until they had “mastered” every possible feature of one characteristic, such as betrayal.

Upon achieving complete wisdom concerning a facet of negativity, these Masters became advisors for all the other souls who wished to have a taste of their specialty. A soul going to Earth will inquire of a Master what it needs to set up in order to learn this or that about, say, abuse.

A soul, who has had thousands of incarnations may be a Master in more than one field; it just depends on their interest and how much work they want to do. Those souls are still merely a piece of Source and are no more important or revered than any other.

The “Why” of the universe

September 4th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, Scientists believe there is not enough matter in the visible universe to exert sufficient gravitational force to keep our galaxies rotating, so they have proposed that the galaxies are made up of 25% dark matter. Scientist have also discovered that the galaxies are accelerating away from each other and further propose that the universe contains 70% ‘dark energy’ which is pushing the galaxies away. Our visible universe of stars and planets is therefore only 5%! Scientists have not discovered any of this dark matter and energy yet. Are these theories correct, can you explain what is really happening? Also, is the big bang theory correct, did source create the universe in a big explosion? ~Arthur, UK

ANSWER: Energy is everything and everything is energy. That includes you and all the souls and Source itself. Once in a human covering, in order to be able to interact with each other, souls reach a mutual agreement as to the nature of the shared illusion that creates their environment. Thus established, some then try to give definition to the creation around them beyond the fact that it is stage dressing. But they are still just energy.

When someone “sees” something, they imprint it on their physical body’s optic nerves and continually go back to it, reinforcing their belief that it exists. They will attempt to share their discovery by getting others to “see” exactly what they do. After a while it becomes accepted that it exists, since so many people have included it within the shared illusion of firmament.

Without the humans’ physical covering and their projected illusions, nothing exists permanently. It is like a gathering of people: nothing is in the room until the participants arrive, and nothing is left once they depart. They take themselves and any accoutrements with them.

You are trying to analyze an imaginary world created by those souls who have chosen to engage in a scientific theory-laden existence. They have “seen” a galaxy with characteristics they cannot explain because no one has been able to visit within this illusion. Since it is their life work and employment, they feel forced to offer possibilities.

Source created potentialities – positive and negative energies that can be used to create whatever is needed for the human shells to learn the lessons they choose to explore. Consider the projection of a movie in two- or three-dimension vision. It is a potential until it becomes the reality visible to all by turning on the projector light and running the film.

Much has and can be created. You have Westworld, the Game of Thrones world, the galaxies of Star Wars, and the lands of Middle-earth – they are all recognized constructs, and there are many people who feel they are as real as your visible universe because they are part of their illusion during this incarnation.