October 9th, 2018
QUESTION: Masters when my sister was a child, she said she used to have visions which scared her (monsters and so on). I’ve always thought it was only her imagination. Now she is 23 years old and doctors say she has depression. Is there any relationship between her visions and depression? ~Benedito, Brazil
[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]
ANSWER: All souls who are having a human experience have the ability to connect with the entire universe, both the physical and the nonphysical. While you enter the Earth with an amnesia concerning who you are and where you have come from, it is initially held in place by society’s belief systems, which are reinforced to you by all those around you.
Everyone told your sister that what she was perceiving was only in her imagination and not possibly real. This was the foundation for her constantly questioning what she was seeing and feeling. What she was doing was being open to the nonphysical aspect of the universe and “seeing” the forms other souls took while having experiences of their own.
Many people who are diagnosed with mental diseases are in fact “seeing” into the other dimensions of existence. They are confused and frightened because they are being told that what they are seeing does not exist, since it is invisible to those treating them.
“Depression” means that the person does not have a solid “impression” of who they are and how they should behave within accepted societal standards, so they separate themselves from a world that is making demands with which they are unable to comply. They don’t know how to describe to others what they perceive, since the others refuse to try to exit their belief system and enter the world of possibility.
The visions your sister experienced are a reality to her but not to others. She exists in an in-between world of the third-dimension physical bodies and a dimension of energetic spirits. You can call it a very spiritual place, but it will never be accepted by those firmly entrenched in the third-dimensional plane.
Each soul creates its own reality by the beliefs they make their own. Even if something exists in the physical world and is right in front of you, you have the ability to refuse its existence and enter into your reality. Talk to your sister about her world in order to understand her a little better.
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October 2nd, 2018
QUESTION: Masters, thank you for your messages. After reading your books (which are very good) I feel that there is a paradox of sorts in the knowing of our true origins as souls. We’re here in human form with amnesia to have lessons and experiences to learn about our imperfections. This amnesia is key to learning lessons fully. If we become enlightened to our true being, won’t this interfere with our experiences here and be counter-productive? ~Jonathan, UK
ANSWER: There are two ways to look at your dilemma. No matter how much you understand the abilities of your essential soul, that does not give you any inkling into the particular lessons you chose for the life you are currently living. Also, knowing that you are a piece of Source energy will allow you to approach the “mysteries of life” with a little less sense of overwhelm but won’t give you any clues as to why you are incarnate.
Until you uncover a lesson, the amnesia still rules. You are forced to follow the signposts of the doubts and fears announcing it to you. The help knowledge gives you is an affirmation that you do possess freedom of choice in being able to change your status and belief systems. Many people never understand that they have that power. And even some who are made aware of the fact disregard it and look to others to continue making choices for them, just as their parents and teachers always have.
With some souls, their choice of lessons includes becoming aware of their divine status and using some of those incredible abilities to shape their Earthly existence. That is the ultimate human mission. Mostly, one wants to merely understand what a trait such as betrayal feels like and how it can affect one’s entire life.
When a person seriously attacks their doubts and fears and reaches a realization of their chosen lessons, they still might flounder with accepting and working through and with a lesson until no aspect of it continues to interfere with their life. Knowing the process doesn’t speed it along, because you must attack the parts in a sequential manner.
It is rare for a soul to complete all their chosen lessons and become conversant with their essential powers and abilities in a lifetime. It is possible, though, for a soul to choose to come for the purpose of “knowing” their true self without also choosing lessons.
I hope this comforts you and allows you to see that, with or without knowledge, you aren’t cheating or getting cheated in life.
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October 2nd, 2018
QUESTION: Masters, how harmful is wireless radiation to our heath? Or is it harmful? My country wants to be a forerunner in 5G technology and it worries many of us. Will eating healthy and exercising provide enough protection to our bodies? What about children? Is the spirit world also protecting us from radiation? ~Ailidh, Finland
ANSWER: The amount of a potentially harmful effect on a human body is dependent upon the life lessons the soul has chosen. If one’s life is about constant concerns for damaging effects on the body, the person brings those experiences into being. Ever known a person who is constantly talking about getting cancer, catching the flu, not having enough money, or their spouse cheating on them? And then, guess what? That is exactly what happens, because they have put enough energy into the universe – with the “desire” to see something happen – that it appears.
Wireless radiation used in communications, wave forms around high tension wires, and radiation used for medical procedures all can have an impact if the body needs the experience. The first step to protection is to believe you don’t need to have the experience. The second step is to minimize over-exposure; most minimum and even moderate exposure will not alter the body chemistry. The third step is then fortifying your body, so it can be strong and defeat changes to its cells.
A weak physical body with poor muscle and skeletal structure is easily affected by outside deleterious factors. A healthy form with ideal nutrition can fight against potential harm. The age of the body may help determine its tendency toward being impacted because of the growth that is occurring. The factors already mentioned can mitigate that factor as a possibility.
The spirit world has a history of diverting some massive amounts of radiation headed toward Earth after explosions on your sun, but as a whole, they do not interfere with individual life experiences. Each soul makes its own choices for lessons, creates its own reality, and always has freedom of choice to change direction. For spirits to “protect” a soul would be to interfere with the soul’s mission on Earth.
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