Understanding the lesson of prosperity

October 16th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, what is necessary to attract the energy of prosperity in every way, mainly financially? I already feel prosperous and happy to get here! Bringing this awareness to me was liberating, I firmly believe that when we have all our basic needs met we can pursue other activities that will make us happy by exploring the things we love in a more joyful way and living only in the present moment. If I have complete freedom of choice to realize my plans I can choose to win the lottery I see one of these possibilities because it would be a resource to start and to be able to offer a service that my soul seeks, I am always open to new opportunities. Please clarify to me if I am blocking something, since I have been working to release many limiting beliefs in recent years for this my goal to manifest itself. ~Patricia, Brasil

ANSWER: You are blessed with a huge amount of prosperity – it just isn’t overdone in the financial aspects. In a duality and environment where souls go to experience all there is to see, not everyone can be wealthy and have everything they desire. Some have chosen other lessons to deal with, such as accomplishing their desires in work, family, and other areas of living.

Your spiritual growth has given you a sense of true prosperity, which is being able to create the world you desire. However, since you are still working on appreciating humanhood, you need to work with what you have and bring unconditional love into your being.

Life is restricted by the agreements and plans you made before you began it. That does not mean you can’t change some of those ideas, but you can only do that once you have fulfilled all your determined lessons. You are blocking the ability to totally change your plans by not understanding why you chose to have a limitation on your wealth. Not having “everything” has given you a sense of your own worth in securing your needs.

You are not lacking in anything you need, nor in anything you really desire – except unlimited finances. You are living a bit more in your expectations than in the present moment. The universe will help provide what you require to complete your work, but it will not give you all your possible imaginings. Your expectations could even reach to being queen of a country, being a fantastic opera singer, or possessing the ability to fly without a plane.

You don’t “need” any of those in this life you have chosen. Continue to create the things that increase your chances of accomplishing your life goals, but within the parameters of your current existence. Wealth is not totally out of the question, but right now it would be a hindrance to your continued growth.

Does learning change your future?

October 9th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, if, in a lifetime, a person understands that they are on a spiritual journey, have had many lives and previous experiences and accepts they are a piece of Source, will they still have this awareness in their next reincarnation? Once this level of understanding is reached, does it prevent the soul from choosing certain life lessons I.e. to be evil? ~Jane, UK

ANSWER: The answer to all your questions is a resounding NO! All this knowledge is known to the soul whenever they are not in a human form, and yet, they still have freedom of choice to choose to examine any type of incarnation they want.

The primary reason that souls incarnate is to learn what is the opposite of perfection and to exercise their learning abilities concerning the specific lessons they wish to understand. What they learn in each life is added to their compilation of knowledge and wisdom but is not openly accessible in each subsequent human life unless they intend for it to be so.

When planning for a particular lifetime, the soul decides exactly what they want to explore – this may be something totally new to them or the continuation of something they have dealt with in the past. There is no hierarchy of experiences – for example, dealing with a complicated examination of love is not more important than finding out what hatred feels like in the flesh.

After completing whatever lessons a soul incarnates with the intention to accomplish, the next phase is remembering who they are as a soul and seeing how they can use those powers and abilities to understand even more of the human experience. This may bring back what was done in prior lives or it may lead to a re-discovery of their essence for the purpose of reinforcing and integrating that wisdom more fully into their physical body.

The epitome of the whole human journey is the realization of the wonder of freedom of choice, first learning that it is the controlling facet of humanity, and second discovering what those choices entail. Many souls having their human experience never reach the realization that they have freedom of choice. The spiritual understanding gives you a leg up on the journey.

Why constant retests?

October 9th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, suddenly after a spiritual phase why am I so restless and tempted to follow egoic reactions like frustration, anger etc.? Am I not supposed to be spiritual inclining after understanding the source and its purpose of creating us instead of declining in the spiritual ladder? ~Rimi, India

ANSWER: Retracing some of your prior lessons to make sure they have led to increased knowledge of life does not mean you have skidded down to your starting point again. If you block out the understanding you have obtained, then you may return to ignorance and the beginning of your journey. But if you enter into a “relapse” with the retained knowledge of how you got through it before, you have not declined but are being retested to make sure you really have learned and understood the lesson involved.

All human life is being conducted in a judgmental, egoic atmosphere, so that is the starting point for everything human. The basic negativities of hate, control, revenge, frustration, and anger are all around you. When you complete a lesson you have been working on, you free up space around you since you have chosen what path to follow and all the other possibilities you explored no longer need to be considered.

The completion of a lesson is a step toward the awareness of who you are as a soul and takes you away from negativity and toward an existence of unconditional loving energy. But, what it also does is allow you to be re-exposed to the basic energies surrounding you on the planet – those of the duality.

This is a test. Did you truly learn to move away from the negativity? If you did, all that is needed is to remove yourself once again. If you didn’t, you will have to work through those choices once more. This is not a decline because you still possess the knowledge you gained in the first encounter.