November 13th, 2018
Question: Masters why do you say that the duality – positivity and negativity – of the Earth will never end? If the goal is to perpetuate the negativity here, why do you parade through the sky of the Earth, in forms of lights, and why are you planning with world leaders the disclosure of the existence of benevolent extraterrestrial beings? Is not this a plan to end the Earth’s negativity? ~Daniel, Brazil
ANSWER: The Earth was established as a platform for souls to learn about negativity and the exercise of their freedom of choice. There is absolutely no plan to change that function, ever. Negativity exists only on your planet, and there is no intention to create another Earthlike planet.
We do not interfere with souls having a human experience, therefore your belief that we are doing anything within the confines of the Earth’s reaches is false. We are not conspiring with world leaders or evil cabals with secret information. We do not parade through the visible spectrum of humans with any intention in mind, or for that matter, at all.
Some souls who have spent time on Earth, and chose not to return to be with us here, have intentions of their own to interact with humans. You may be perceiving their energy trails.
There are also some souls who are having lifetimes in other than a human body who have reached out to the Earth to exchange ideas. They are not us. They come from places where negativity does not exist, and it may come as a shock to them when they first encounter negativity.
You are trying to equate apples and oranges, as they say, intermixing the physical world with the nonphysical world. One is a duality and the other consists only of unconditional love. The Earth is the physical, with whatever beliefs a person wants to accept as part of their reality, and the other consists of souls who cannot interfere with what is going on in the physical.
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November 6th, 2018
QUESTION: Masters, the climate change is causing anxiety all over the world. Some say, humanity will end. Channelers talk about us building a new world, but how do these two aspects meet each other? ~Anna, Finland
ANSWER: It is possible to find someone somewhere who will stand for any proposition you can propose. Planet Earth has continually undergone changes in climate through its long existence. A sampling would include formation via volcanoes, earthquakes, storms, ice ages, and droughts, with the planet ever changing to fit the physical forces.
Present inhabitants, by their actions of producing surpluses of gases etc., have influenced the direction of these effects on the planet’s surface. This has resulted in changes within the atmosphere and thus the storms and currents, the melting of ice by the rise in temperature, and the loss of productivity through the deleterious effects of pollution. This has occurred before on Earth when massive volcanoes have spewed forth heat, ash, and darkness by covering the sun’s rays.
Humanity will not end because this duality was created for their growth. Those who wish to experience their life during times of difficulty will revel in the changes. Humans incarnate now must choose which reality they want to embrace. Fearing something you can have little or no control over takes away energy that can be used to fulfill other aspects of the lifetime and desired lessons.
When taking information from channels, you have to understand their source, any philosophical leanings, any dogma influencing their readings, and the dimension they are referring to in the predictions. Since each soul having a physical experience creates their own reality by the beliefs systems they expound, each may build a new world to their liking easily enough.
In a spiritual sense there are no right or wrong actions or answers to human activity. It is all designed as a learning experience. The growth of awareness and movement toward your true essence of Source energy involves removing all negativity from your life and your consciousness and replacing it with unconditional love. This establishes a world where negativity and negative thoughts are not allowed.
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November 6th, 2018
QUESTION: Masters since going through a certain time of life and losing my mum life is just not the same anymore. I hope she is happy there with you and I do sense when she is around. I smell her perfume. I held her hand when she took her last breath and went back home, I hope she didn’t suffer. I can’t seem to get joy out of things like I used to. A lot of the time I feel fed up, depressed, can’t be bothered and feel something is missing but I don’t know what or why. Is some of it due to hormones or life as it is? Did I choose to experience what depression is like? I’m sick of constantly analyzing and not knowing if I’m on the right track. Are the tablets I am taking helping or hindering. It doesn’t help that my husband is going through his own personal stuff. ~Jo, United Kingdom
[In compliance with US law, the Spirit Masters do not diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions. Their observations are spirit-based and concern life lessons. Readers may like to review details of the Masters’ booklet/ebook on healing.]
ANSWER: Your mother transitioned very easily and is relieved not to have to deal with physical things any longer. She sends her love and says to tell you it is time to wake up and get on with living again. She reminds you that we each create our own reality and you are not doing a great job of yours right now.
Everything that you have talked about all has to do with various life lessons you chose for this lifetime. When you were concerned with your mother’s condition, you were on auto-pilot regarding these tests and the rest of your life. Now that she has returned Home you are lost, almost as if you are starting all over again. You have too many choices of what to do and how to respond to things; you feel overwhelmed.
This is a period where you are studying all about self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-love. You are becoming aware of things you didn’t “see” before since you were too preoccupied. You don’t have only one option any longer, so you feel something akin to depression since there is no single impression of what is needed to be done. The choices are yours and with them the responsibilities, and that frightens you.
In response to this new awareness you think you must analyze every action so that you do not regret it later. There is no right track. No one has previously made decisions for you and left you to find the way to them. It is important to “listen” to your inner voice. Follow only what resonates with you. Understand there is no right or wrong direction, but standing still is not an option if you want to get through this section of your life.
Your husband is taking a lot of cues from your actions. When you are stressed, so is he. When you are depressed or confused, so is he. When you find stability for yourself you will see that he will also. Your “fuzziness” is somewhat from the tablets you are consuming. This is not a hormonal issue, as easy as that would be to blame.
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