Souls returning to same family

December 25th, 2018

Question: Masters my mother died at age 88 and is now my grand-daughter as told to me at age 2 and thereafter that she is my mother. My father who died at age 97 has incarnated as my great-nephew. I believe this because my father died on March 7th and my great-nephew was conceived the very next day. When my great nephew at six months was first brought into the presence of my grand-daughter he squealed and wiggled with joy at seeing her. She likewise showed affection and kissed him. My question is why do you think my father did not spend more time with Source and friends who remained at Home? Also do you think this situation confirms that souls in the physical state that are not contaminated by culture do in fact recognize each other when brought into each other’s presence? Also consider Luke 1:41-42 in support of my belief. ~Serita, United States

ANSWER: It is extremely rare for souls to come back into the same linear family after spending a lifetime with those circumstances. A soul comes to Earth to learn lessons, and once they are learned, if successful, they will move on to another set. The environment helps to set up the staging for life’s lessons, and repeating the same staging creates almost the same, if not entirely the same, situation. Redoing something you have done before does not help with understanding your essence and does not produce wisdom.

While you think that these are the same souls that were your mother and father, they are not in fact your biological parents. The familiarity and energetic signatures are close to those of your parents because these souls came from the same soul groups as your parents and know them quite well. They both agreed to enter into your family because they had learned so much about it that they knew they could experience what they desired.

Your father his been in the process of going through a “de-briefing,” an examination of his life and what he learned from it and what he would like to continue to delve into. He is still presently in spirit form as he has not returned to Earth but is keeping a close watch over the family. That is also why you can feel both of your parents, because they have taken over as guides for the young ones.

Luke 1:41-42 was originally taught for the purpose of authenticating that the fetus inside Mary was the son of god. The souls inside the two children recognized the energy of each other, having prior knowledge of their souls’ feel. When children first come into the world, they do not have complete amnesia and remember a lot of being together in spirit.

Some do not believe in reincarnation

December 18th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters, could you tell us why Buddha concluded that “There is no soul. Therefore, there is no transmigration of souls. “And Ramana Maharshi: “Reincarnation exists only so long as there is ignorance. There is really no reincarnation at all, either now or before. Nor will there be any hereafter. This is the truth.” ~Mario, Canada

ANSWER: Part of the problem comparing philosophies from over 2600 years ago is in the semantics. When Buddha lived there was no common written language, so you have long periods of time using oral traditions, translations from various ancient languages, and differing inputs from factions of Buddhism. The only recording today is from the modern-day interpretations, and between sects, you will find some of their principles contradict each other.

Examining various types of Buddhism, you will find belief systems that exist on many different ideations. If you examine their sense of awareness, they all include a sense of the inner essence – a way in which some modern-day religions describe the soul. Just as there are many terms for the originator of all – god, creator, source, divine energy, there are many names for what it was that they created. In Western philosophies most have used the term soul.

Ramana Maharshi spoke of a spirit that transcends the death of the body, and of the eternity of existence. The biggest difficulty with the teachings of which you speak is that they were translated from his native Tamil and Sanskrit, even though he had learned English in his youth. Translations frequently reflect the opinions of the translator and not the intent of the original speaker.

Some of Maharshi’s teachings stated that your goal was enlightenment or awakening, and you never truly lived until you reached that plane. You then had nothing else you had to do, so there was no reason to try again. This is very much like exiting the “wheel of rebirth,” which is at the basis of many Eastern religions.

What is available to read today is someone’s recollection of what they believe was the intention in some remembered words of Buddha and Maharshi. You have to ask yourself: Why is it of importance to you? Do you wish to accept the beliefs of another? Something that you believe worked for them? Or are you seeking something that resonates within you and allows you to create a reality through beliefs that complete your human journey? If any of these ideas fit into your beliefs, accept them until they don’t any longer.

Who makes the ultimate choices?

December 18th, 2018

QUESTION: Masters who or what gets the final decision on human life termination? Many scientific monkey studies have concluded that extreme calorie restriction provides primates and humans with longer, healthier lives. Is this true? Is the healthfulness and length of our human lives dependent on human lifestyle or genetics or human will? Or is it dictated by the soul, higher self, divine self, source? I have known vile individuals who live healthy long lives while many kind and loving individuals meet illness and untimely deaths, not to mention suicides and accidents. Who or what is ultimately in charge of determining our individual health and longevity? ~Christina, USA

ANSWER: Everything that happens to the soul who has chosen to have a human experience is determined by that soul; no other person or thing has an influence in the final decision. It may appear as if other things influence the time of return, but when you examine the circumstances, you will notice that the events leading up to the transition were the result of decisions made by the soul.

Every person reacts differently to nutrition. It is a matter of fact that opulence has caused a decline in some people’s longevity because of overindulgence. Such decline can be exacerbated by lack of activity. Not just food but the whole lifestyle needs to be viewed before determining causal factors.

As you mentioned, family genetics can have an effect, but most important is the life lessons the soul has chosen. Did they choose to have a long or short stay? What medical or environmental concerns did they wish to experience? Do they place themselves in dangerous situations repeatedly?

You ask about influence from the soul, higher self, and divine self – those are all aspects of the same entity. Source, however, does not have a say in what occurs. What you choose is what you experience. Regardless of any other lesson chosen – such as evilness, illness, or accidents – it is all the will of the soul.

Souls have freedom of choice, which means if they learn a lesson, they may then choose to go in the opposite direction to experience the reverse. You may start out a horrible person to others, learn to love, and then become a philanthropist.

You (as does each individual soul) create your own reality by establishing an illusion that includes all the scenarios to answer all the questions you came to Earth to learn. Have fun while you learn and know you are in the driver’s seat.