January 1st, 2019
The following question and answer were received, answered, and printed on Dec 31, 2008. It seemed like a little reminder from a decade ago was in order – it is so very relevant to every year, decade, and century.
QUESTION: Masters, I know that human celebrations may seem a little artificial to you, being outside of planet Earth’s time zone. But the dawn of the calendar year, for us, is a time when we human beings like to make lists of “good resolutions.” We usually aim at things like losing weight, stopping smoking, and speaking nicely to our mother-in-law. If you were to make a list of good resolutions for humankind, what would it contain?
ANSWER: This question really started an interesting discussion among us. Our first point of interest was what we would consider a “good” resolution – you do know that we do not judge good, bad, or best. But then we laid semantics aside and dived into the issue. Our point of view was from a rather different perspective than yours might be: we looked from the angle of souls wishing to complete their mission to Earth. With that in mind, our list would read:
- To become aware of our true nature.
- To love all souls sharing this journey with us even when we do not like the nature of their chosen lessons.
- To accept ourselves fully as we are because it is necessary for the path we walk.
- To learn to banish all fear so we might see the lesson within.
- To understand the lessons we came to Earth to learn.
- To trust in the universe, knowing it will not give us more than we can endure.
- To have faith in our self because we are divine.
- To know we create our own reality, so we have the power to create what we need to complete our journey.
- To be able to release the human ego to enjoy fully the unconditional love of the soul.
- To live each day in communion with our fellow souls in unconditional love.
Happy Earth New Year to all!
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December 25th, 2018
QUESTION: Masters I have just developed an interest in spirituality and divination. When I went to a shop that sold incense and crystals etcetera, the shopkeeper started to tell me about the third eye and how it has three curtains, and even about people who could see gory images and decided to close that curtain. Masters, could you please tell me more about the third eye and the 3 curtains? ~Ang, Singapore
ANSWER: There are a lot of definitions and concepts concerning the “third eye.” It has many Eastern religious connotations, e.g., the Indian ajna (or aina) or the major energy center brow chakra, and Taoism where it is seen to facilitate the correct vibration for advanced meditation. In some Western philosophies it refers to an awakening or enlightenment into the nature of the soul and its journey.
There are some scientists who equate it with the pineal gland, about which relatively little is known. In psychic circles it represents the base of communications between the physical and nonphysical worlds. It is frequently called the “mind’s eye,” “inner eye,” or “psychic eye” associated with clairvoyance, precognition, out-of-body travel, and intuition.
It is invisible in the physical plane, being energetic and part of the many layers of the soul that surround the human body. During a soul’s journey into humanhood, the person may deal only with the visible body aspects, or they may venture into the energetic essence of the inner soul. It is during such trips that the person may engage that area of their existence which you have called the third eye.
Since each soul creates the physical reality they wish to use in their learning experiences, they use beliefs that accomplish that feat. What you have been told about three curtains is a belief system employed by the speaker to explain the manifestations observed during their journey. It will occur to you only if you accept that concept as a belief with which you identify and resonate.
As with all beliefs that control your thought process and activity, you should accept this one as being useful to your life only if it feels right to you. Try it out; if it does not continue to feel good, reject it and move on to something that does resonate with you. But if someone else’s belief works for you, then go for it. Just know it is part of the reality that they have created.
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December 25th, 2018
QUESTION: Masters I have lived in this house for many years. There has always been a sense of not belonging here for me, and a lot of negative energy. My partner does not feel this and is so attached to this house, he cannot even think of leaving although he knows I am unhappy here. Can you please tell me where the negativity in this house arises from? And why is staying here more important to my partner than my happiness? Shall I stay, or shall I go and live somewhere else where I will be alone? ~Anita, Greece
ANSWER: Your house does harbor a ton of negative energy, which arises from past residents both within the house and on the land. You are extremely sensitive to negativity, since you are upon your spiritual journey and moving away from ego judgment into unconditional love, so it feels horrible to you. Your partner feels comfortable with negativity since he engages in so much during his workday.
Negativity can give a person a sense of belonging from which they derive power. Your partner craves a sense of belonging and control. You do not tolerate being controlled, nor do you take kindly to his divisive attempts at engaging you in his games.
He does love you and respect the way you live your life, so he quietly gets his own satisfaction out of choosing the negativity in the house over his love for you. It provides a comfort for him that goes beyond the physical contact that you provide, going into his very soul.
As with everything else, each of you has freedom of choice. You must decide whether to continue to give in to his demand to stay, or to honor yourself and your needs and remove yourself from the situation. In the spiritual realm nothing is right or wrong; it is just a lesson to see how you choose to handle it.
While there is love in your relationship, it is not a sharing match. You compromise but get nothing in return. He is dependent upon your being there and taking care of him but is selfish in dealing with your wishes. If you move, you do not have to be alone – there are many other people in the world seeking a caring, sharing partner.
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