Dealing with sister’s lessons

January 15th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I have never realized how unhappy and manipulative my sister is, she becomes a victim to draw attention, she is of unbelievable need. One of my lessons in this life is to learn to be strong and firm in making decisions and not bow before her and anyone’s wishes, but tell me, is it wrong for me to want my life? Living well away from her is one of my greatest desires because I do not know if this behavior has a remedy. How to proceed? How to deal with it? She has an interesting side; helps people and is generous, but I wonder if she does not do those things to get the recognition, she “thinks” she deserves. How to deal? ~Maressa, Brazil

ANSWER: It is never wrong to wish to learn in whatever fashion seems the best for you. The decision to remove yourself from what is dysfunctional activity for you is never a bad one, because it will allow you to see from the outside what you have endured from the inside.

You have been drawn into your sister’s life lessons, actually being a part of them, and you do not need to remain. You can watch what happens to, and around, her and understand what you could learn from, and in what you do not need to partake.

She will move through her lessons only to the extent that she is ready. She craves love, and her assistance to others is how she feels she can obtain it. Being a victim is her “fallback” plan when she senses people are fed up with her or not noticing her the way she desires. She is very lonely and hates herself. Without any self-love, she finds ways to demand it from others.

This is her journey and all the decisions have to be hers. There is nothing you can directly do to, or for, her. Send unconditional love to her soul that she might recognize the lessons that plague her – or at least that is how she sees them now. This extra positive energy might open her eyes to her behavior.

It is important not to engage with her in any arguments because that fuels her energy of attention. Just say: “I know that is your opinion, but I don’t feel that way.” She can argue with what you think but not with what you feel, because she is not inside you.

All your future choices are yours. If you wish to create a distance between you, by all means, do so.

Spiritist doctrine

January 8th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, When I was younger, Allan Kardec’s spiritist doctrine became very present as a form of religious study. Today I think, is it all an absolute truth? For example, would suicide really be a crime against one’s own life and the spirit would go to the city of the “Umbral” (lower astral city)? Or would the soul only free itself from the density of the physical body and be free? If we create our reality all the time, do these religious beliefs influence us when we accept it as truth, right? Could you talk about this, please!? ~Sergio, Brazil

ANSWER: Spiritism is a philosophical religion based on the writings of the French educator Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, who used the pen name Allan Kardec. His doctrines dealt with the connection, in his reality, between the physical and nonphysical elements in his accepted universe. He related that the soul, as we know it, came to Earth (or incarnated) in order to understand humanity and therefore be enriched.

What a soul faces, when having a human experience, has to do with what they accept as their own reality. Each soul creates an illusion of life by the belief systems they choose to accept to rule and control their life. These beliefs generally come from things that others have accepted and then have persuaded the soul to accept as the way to exist.

The only place where negativity exists is on the surface of the planet Earth. Once leaving the human physical, a soul cannot experience negativity or “bad” things. They return to an essence of unconditional love. A suicide separates the soul from the physical form and frees it to enter the unconditional love where negativity is banned.

When you accept and/or follow the doctrines, beliefs, or dictates of a group, religious or otherwise, they influence you only as long as you continue to keep them as part of your reality. If you want to change to a conflicting belief, they disappear unless you return to them later.

What you should do is not accept anyone else’s ideas about your life unless they feel good to you and resonate with your energy. When you adhere to another’s beliefs, you are giving them control over you. Always take responsibility for your own power by examining how the ideals of others impact you.

On a spiritual path nothing is right or wrong. It is a series of tasks that allow you to see what you can learn from using or observing how your life is directed by your choices. All the choices are yours. Don’t be afraid to try out various directions until you find something that satisfies your thirst for knowledge and understanding.

Recognizing your essence

January 8th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I frequently have dreams about moving objects with my mind and flying. Whilst having these dreams there appears to be a certain frequency I tap into which I briefly remember on awakening. On awakening I quickly realize I cannot do these things, though the sensation remains. I often feel fear just in case I can actually do these things. What are these dreams trying to tell me, and what can I – if anything – learn from them? ~Steven, UK

ANSWER: A soul comes to Earth to learn certain life lessons and, once the lessons are completed, to understand who they are as a soul. Every soul is a piece of Source, who is all-powerful, all-magnificent, all-knowing, and all-creative. Simply put, that means that a soul undergoing a human existence has the ability to utilize all the same powers and abilities as its Source origin.

Outside of the physical body, your essence is pure energy unless and until you decide to take some type of physical form. As energy, you can go anywhere and do anything you wish. Intention is the driving force. Want to relocate? Wish it and you are there. Want to change your environment? Imagine it and it is so. Your relocation can be done instantaneously or by leisurely “flying” to the new position.

When you “realize” upon reentering your physical form that you cannot do what you have just experienced, it is by choice. You have the ability to do anything, but you have not included it within your choices for your reality.

The fear is part of your journey to Earth. Doubts and fears define the tests a soul presents to its human self. To accept these possibilities, you have to get out of your head where the idea of impossibility is controlling your thinking. This is part of the ego mind, which is society’s concept that you need to rate, grade, and judge all actions taking place.

Accepting that this is true in your life is allowing others (society) to make all your decisions for you. Stop thinking and start “feeling” what you believe you can do – understanding there are no limitations.

Your dreams, which are really journeys your soul is making while your body is in a state of rest, are attempting to remind you of what your essence is capable of. It is like a post-graduate course in soul recognition, and not for everyone. If it begins to resonate with you, work on taking trips while meditating. The possibilities beyond that are unlimited.