Finding peace

January 29th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I have tried my best to learn everyday good and be good. I have made mistakes. My parents have had their own journey and had a lot of negativity. Talking, discussing, is rare without anger. And asking for anything has not been something they are ok with at all. I had started standing up for myself but that only made things worse. Recently I did not and accepted whatever was said quietly. I attempted this because someone said they would ensure things did not get out of hand if I kept quiet and listened. They did not really take care or could not and I feel terrible and hurt. Not only upset with my parents but very let down by the person who I trusted but who just accepted horrible things being said to me. How do I change / what do I do, to find peace? ~Lr, India

ANSWER: To find peace you have to work on the life lessons that are causing all this: finding self-confidence and self-love, releasing guilt, and having faith in yourself and your decisions. Your parents are fearful that you will recognize that they are lost and not in control of their lives. They need to feel powerful, and they accomplish that by manipulating you and putting you down so they can feel superior.

Your would-be “savior” is also fearful of life and wanted to curry favor with your parents by offering you up as a sacrificial lamb, thinking everyone would learn from the experience. They truly believed in communication as the way to straighten out difficulties but had no idea how really horrible your situation had become.

Now the next step for you is to analyze why the things said to you had such an impact. Do you believe what was said was factual? You know in your heart that it was not, so why did it affect you so strongly? That had to do with your belief that you are causing some of the problems by your prior actions, that you have not been “good.”

This is ridiculous. You are believing that the demands of your parents are what make a good child. Rubbish. A lot of what they want has nothing to do with fulfilling your obligation as a good child. You frequently know exactly what makes sense in any situation, but when your parents say no, you acquiesce to their way of thinking. It’s time to start having confidence in your feelings.

Know what resonates with your soul. Develop more self-love for all the hard work you have put in during this life. Congratulate yourself for choosing such difficult lessons and moving through them. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should think or do. Have faith in the way you think things should be handled, and then carry them out.

Alcohol and spiritualism

January 22nd, 2019

QUESTION: Masters please explain and provide the specific negative aspects of drinking alcohol in terms of spiritual attunement and attainment. What exactly is so bad about it? I enjoy drinking alcohol, but my guides absolutely demand that I cease drinking any and ALL alcohol. Even one glass of wine infuriates them, despite the fact that numerous studies over many years show multiple benefits of moderate alcohol drinking to the health of the human body, psyche, mood, partnership intimacy and social cohesion. Nearly all high-level spiritualists are teetotalers and ingrain this into their followers. Also explain why, if it’s so critical to spiritual light to be a teetotaler, so many teetotalers I know are such dark humans. ~Christina, USA

ANSWER: Every soul inhabiting a human body has a differing experience with alcohol and other intoxicating substances, depending partially on the lessons chosen for that lifetime. Human bodies are affected by any chemical substance with which they come into contact via consumption, inhalation, or injection. The resulting effects are unique to a particular body, depending on whatever else is impacting it at the same time.

There is no right or wrong answer to your question, nor is there a single directive as to alcohol’s impact on spiritual enlightenment. In understanding connection to Source energy, one needs to realize that there are many ways to communicate. Sensing, or feeling, taking in the energy, is the surest way to establish a firm joining.

The body’s ability to engage with energy may be influenced by the activity occurring in its nerve endings. Some people are critically affected by ingestion of alcohol and lose their “fine touch” for what is around them. That makes it difficult, or impossible, to sense nonphysical beings, particularly if they are not strong. Thus, some psychics and mediums don’t consume alcohol because it deadens their connections.

An intoxicant can also pose the danger of reducing one’s inhibitions so that discarnates can convince the person to allow them to enter into the contact. There is no reason to fear, however, if one is enjoying a drink with no intention to reach outside themselves for a conversation in the ether.

Most guides have also lived many human lives, and their experiences on Earth can color the information they convey to you. If they had unpleasant drinking events, or their belief systems forbade alcohol, they will condemn it for you. Guides give advice based upon their own experiences, not some absolute fact. See what resonates with you – you have freedom of choice.

Your mentioned that high-level spiritualists follow a practice of “purity,” but that is a personal choice, not a necessity. It is influenced by societal, ego-based judgment, which is not a part of spirituality. Most are also vegan, believing they should not ingest anything with a face. Most of these practices originate in Eastern philosophies where this lifestyle is practiced. It is not necessary. You will notice many “purists” are also fanatics, imploring all to follow their lead. Be yourself.

Why seek non-perfection?

January 22nd, 2019

Question: Masters reading the Reincarnation Guide I had a doubt. The source was a perfection, and then separated to experience a non-perfection. What votes will this experience bring us? If we were already in perfection, what is the next state to be reached? ~Amanda, Brazil

ANSWER: Perfection is the ultimate state that a soul would seek to experience – there is nothing more satisfying. But Source asked: What is perfection? That was all it had ever known, and therefore it had no idea what else existed. It was like humans living in the desert wondering what else there is. By going other places and doing other things, they learn about heat, cold, rain, snow, different vegetation, animals, and seasons.

If you haven’t experienced something, you cannot be sure it truly exists. If you don’t try something, you will never know if you can accomplish the desired result. You might say that life in a singularity, perfection, is boring. It never changes, never challenges, never provides an opportunity to gather knowledge leading to wisdom.

Source desired to reach beyond the blissfully unconditional love it had and to discover the opposite of love and bliss. You don’t know how good you have it if you have never existed in the “have not.”

Source could not completely go into the negative of its positive because then there would be nothing uninfluenced for comparison. For that reason, it broke off parts of itself, known as souls, to be the explorers into the unknown. The more it learned about the possibilities, the more things became complex to test all eventualities. The experiment then became a series of lessons to see how the recognition of their having the powers of Source would allow people to learn faster and more completely about the significance of perfection.

Each soul’s aim is to understand that they are Source energy and that, being Source, they can learn all about the opposite of perfection so that perfection may be appreciated and understood on a grander scale.