Making troubles go away

March 5th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters being a Soul living in a human body can be very hard at times. We all try our very best to live a life the best we can for our Soul and our body to stay as positive and healthy as we can! But we all know very well it is not always possible. Living as a human can be challenging every day. Our minds try to stay positive but sometimes we need help to get through some hard times. Masters is there a way we can help and teach our mind to just forget about some worries and troubles we go or went through, to make our life a little easier to live with? I try to self-heal my body and my Soul but some people might not know what to do! ~Sylrose, UK

It is kind of you to worry about helping others deal with their lessons, but a soul’s journey is a solitary undertaking. It is also impossible to get another to do anything unless they are willing to make changes that you can see from the outside but they can’t from the inside. Not only do some people not know how to resolve their tests, they may not even identify them as such because they can’t see past the ego judgment of society. Those who rely upon the instructions and opinions of others instead of their feelings about things will remain the same.

Unless a soul having a human experience recognizes that they are on a journey and that happiness does not, and cannot, exist in negativity, they cannot redirect their life to rid themselves of the fears and doubts that outline lessons. To understand that learning is all about making choices, one must want to amend their behavior to address it.

A way to change your environment is to first accept that it can be changed. You are not stuck in some deep, dark, bottomless pit. Every time you find yourself in negative energy, ask yourself: what is it attached to? Follow it back to its source and then probe the source until you see why it is there. You can then decide if you wish it to remain or if there is no longer any need for it.

A big part of finding happiness and a peaceful life is to love yourself. Loving yourself is based in acceptance. Accept that you are a magnificent soul who chose to be where you are, faced with what you are facing, and that you need to spend the time to understand and learn from the negativity before you send it packing.

Triggering the kundalini

February 26th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters- In the past, I was in contact with a man via email only, that resides on the opposite side of the world. By photograph only, never actually meeting or verbally speaking in the 3D, I began to strongly visualize real life emotional and physical interactions, on a routine basis. Shortly after, the etheric body of this specific individual appeared to me. It triggered a full-blown Kundalini activation and the opening of my third eye. I was bombarded with numeric patterns, and very precise signs and synchronicities. What feels like “merging of the energetic bodies” still continues to take place, along with other metaphysical activity. Can you please help shed some light? ~J~~, USA

ANSWER: What you are describing is one of the possibilities when the kundalini energy, coiled inside the body since birth, is released and activated throughout the physical by something stimulating it. This energy – also called prana, life force energy, or chi – is pure, positive, unconditionally loving energy direct from Source. It is what mystics and spiritual awareness-seeking individuals strive to activate during their years of searching for a connection to Source.

In your case, the activation occurred because you were so involved in the energetic connection you had with this individual who has an aspect of pure energy. You merged, not with this person’s energy, but with the energy of the universal Source. Stimulation of the kundalini to rise through the body may be something as simple as a visualization or as complex as a deep, meditative ritual. You have unconsciously prepared yourself for this event for a number of years.

The process of acclimation to this intense energy can continue for a long period of time, even months or years. This is like upgrading from a jalopy to a race car. You have to get used to the power available to you. Everything is more intense, brighter, and may even be accompanied by physical sensations such as vibrations.

The patterns you are observing are the communication of the universe. You have opened a section of your akashic records and are reviewing your knowledge. This is your physical self merging with your spiritual essence; some call this enlightenment. This would have happened to you whether or not you had contact with this person because you had prepared yourself for it.

What you do with this new-found energy is up to you. You can direct it toward something about which you are passionate, use it to establish new connections with those in the spiritual realm, expand your manifestation powers, or any of those powers and abilities which are yours as a piece of Source energy. Or, you can consciously try to close it down – which you will find very difficult.

About karma

February 26th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I notice how there are still limiting religious beliefs in me, socially, culturally, and so on. It seems that I have rare glimpses of feeling like a free soul from the source. It is very difficult to be in a dual reality. About Karma, it would be a law of this planet that would bring us back to be born here on Earth to solve or Karma would be a kind of awareness of what we did “wrong” with someone or something and would leave us guilty to the point of returning here to Earth and try to dissolve this energy? ~Sérgio, BRASIL

ANSWER: It is your belief system that causes you to ask about karma since it is the negative controlling factor in many societal and religious beliefs. The reality in which a human soul spends their time on Earth is created by what they accept as the beliefs they wish to follow.

Belief systems are first established unconsciously by those training you about living. They are your parents, teachers, religious icons, and society in general. You start believing the rules those around you think are mandatory. You don’t even think about whether they apply to you as you become one of the sheep being directed through life.

What most humans do not recognize is the fact that they can change their beliefs at any time. Just because the world may say the sky is pink, you don’t have to accept that if you “know” it is blue. Constantly examine why you behave the way you do. Is it because you choose to do something in a particular way or because the “world” does things that way and you think you have no choice?

Karma is a concept, a belief system, a negativity found only on Earth within its duality. When you leave the duality, there can be no karma because it is a negative punishment belief. You are punished for something you have done while within the negativity of the duality.

Guilt is a life lesson. If you have studied it, by experiencing it, you do not have to relive it in another life unless you wish to explore more complex issues of guilt. A human incarnation is undertaken for the benefit of an individual soul. What happens in an interaction with another soul does not enforce a duty upon the acting soul. You don’t owe them anything because they are just doing their thing like you are. You may never share a human existence with that soul again.

All the choices about a subsequent life are decided by the soul. They have no obligation to revisit anything they have done before or to continue on with a lesson they have not understood. Karma does not exist for a soul unless they choose to create a required response to something they have done in the past.

Cut loose from the beliefs that do not assist you with your desired lessons. Seek to live in positive, loving energy. If you find yourself doing something and don’t know why, stop it and reconsider the reason. You always have choices.