Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category


Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I had a call with an intuitive coach a month ago because I wanted advice on overcoming my blockages in attracting money and keeping money. It’s been a BIG struggle for me for as long as I can remember. She mentioned that most of my money struggle comes from feeling and believing that I’m not deserving of it. I wake up every morning and meditate to see what comes up and then I work on deleting beliefs in this area that are not serving me. It feels like it’s never ending. At the end of my call the coach said I had deleted about 35% of those negative beliefs up to that point in this money area around being deserving. What can I do to nip this lesson in the butt and remove all that is left? ~Maria, USA

ANSWER: Your morning routine is letting you see only the things that so far have been triggered by your everyday life. This is dealing only with current situations. What you have not dug down to is the reasons that you have for the belief of being undeserving. It is not just centered on finances but spreads out into all aspects of your life.

Together, this problem and issues of not being good enough, not being able to love yourself, and low self-esteem are sabotaging your projection to the world. The energy, or identity, that you project gets returned to you from all beings who sense how you see yourself. This is all taking place right now on an unconscious level, but it is very powerful.

To nip this in the bud, you need to revisit those times in your life when you accepted these character deficiencies as controlling. This can be accomplished through hypnosis, with a therapist or by yourself, through deep meditation, and/or through conversations with your guides and higher self. You could also start the process by asking for dreams reliving the times when you defined the beliefs you have today.

Once you become aware of the causes, or roots, of your identification of “lacking” type behaviors, you can analyze how you feel about those events now and begin to release the power they hold over you. Every time you sense a fear or a doubt about something in your life, this is an outward sign of beliefs beneath the surface. Don’t let them remain; follow them “home,” root them out, then decide if they are serving or controlling unconscious thoughts. If they are not serving your desired progress, thank them for being a part of your past, but send them on their way.


Establishing your belief system

Tuesday, September 6th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I was in a group of Spiritists for approximately 2 years and its over for me now. Now I like more to read and follow the teachings of the Masters, Angels and Archangels that I read in spiritual channeling, however, I can’t leave this former life behind. Still have any lesson for me to learn about that? And about the channeling process, I could do it some in the past; however I have a fear that it was only my mind talking to me. Can you validate if this experience was a communication with the elevated beings or was really my mind? ~Anderson, Brazil

ANSWER: All souls bring to themselves things they wish to experience. Your spiritual journey exposed you to the energies of Spiritualism, and while the individual practices of the group you joined did not resonate well with you, the energy you were exposed to opened your connection with the nonphysical world and helped you develop possibilities.

There are many ways to learn about your abilities and many available teachers from whom to learn, both through writings and in person. No particular direction is better than any other. The importance is to “feel” that which vibrates in the same fashion as you at any one time. It is not necessary to pick one direction and never vary from the course. Life is a series of changes and switchbacks. Don’t be afraid to sample.

When you meditate and receive communication from your guides and your higher self (soul), this is a form of channeling. The spirits are ready to assist you with advice for living. Beings of the light will never tell you what to do, but they will let you see the alternatives.

Channeling is quieting your thinking mind – shutting it down completely – so that your thoughts do not influence the messages you hear. Since spirits are not in physical form, they do not have voice boxes; they cannot talk to you in a different voice, so you hear them in your head.

Your higher self brings memories and wisdom you have previously gained and makes you aware of them once again. Of course, something originating from your own unconsciousness comes to you through what you perceive as your own thoughts. You have the ability to make these connections. Trust in yourself that what you are hearing is what the truth is for you. Test its validity by the way the answers make you feel.

All of these experiences provide a system of beliefs by which you may continue to learn and grow, but if they ever stop working for you, discard them and move on.

Influential parents

Tuesday, August 30th, 2016

Question: Masters, when I first met my husband I knew he had a close connection with his parents but at that moment, it did not seemed to interfere in our relationship. We are now married for almost four years and living emotionally distant from each other. Even though he is a very responsible and competent professional at work, it seems he does not want to move from the position of son to family man. I have talked to him, explained how I feel and tried to inspire and empower him in many ways. However, I am afraid he will not have the strength to make this change because his parents still have authority and dominion over him. Is this an unrealistic expectation? I do not want to wait for something if it is clearly unlikely. I just want to have a strong and independent partner to share my life with. ~Melinda, Brazil

ANSWER: Your husband is very confused and lacks self-confidence when it comes to taking responsibility for himself and his growth. Everyone creates their own realities and what they accept as the ruling beliefs within their life. He was taught from an early age that he could not make decisions by himself when they were important for his future as an adult. He believes that when it comes to personal matters, Mom and Dad know best and he should defer to them.

At work, when they are not around and have no influence over his progress, he is completely competent to analyze the situation and make decisions. This is business, and there are set rules by which he must comport himself in order to be successful.  It is a built-in responsibility, so he doesn’t have to make any choices; he just follows the path taken by others.

When you got married, he thought that you would also see the wisdom he feels his parents possess and that you would allow them to make decisions for you, as well. He does not think there is anything wrong with the way he leads his life. He believes this is the way of life that all people follow. He also feels he does not have to be responsible for any consequences since he didn’t make the decisions that led to them. He can just blame whoever made the decision he chose to follow.

He thinks that you are the unreasonable one for not taking the easy path with him. He has no intention of changing the way he lives his life. As long as his parents are in the picture, he will remain “their obedient little boy,” hanging on every word they speak and direction they give to him. He is very unlikely to ever want to be the head of his family.

You must decide if you wish things to remain as they are, or if it is time to accept that you cannot thrive in this environment. You misread your husband because you had decided you wanted him and that things would change once you got married. Be completely honest with yourself and follow your feelings about what you desire.