Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category

Why not euthanasia?

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters I don’t understand why humans allow people to suffer when they have a terminal illness. Is there any reason that we should not allow assisted suicide everywhere? I do not see a point in keeping people alive when they want to transition and their quality of life is not good. ~Kathy, USA

ANSWER: You are existing on a planet of dual energies, both negative and positive. Souls come to the surface to experience negativity wrapped around life lessons to see if they realize they have the freedom of choice to change the direction in which their life appears to be going.

The main forces impacting daily life are determined by the ego judgment of society. Depending upon where you have chosen to physically settle, the laws (belief systems) vary. Society may choose to tell you what you can do with your body, or it may leave it completely up to you. The decision to cease the viability of your body may be your choice or mandated by that society.

A spiritual person understands that both the length of their life and the lessons they undertook are in their hands. That would mean they can stop a lesson by withdrawing from it at any time. In most cases this would be by returning Home, or ending that particular physical life so that another may be instigated. The general technique is assisted or self-employed suicide.

Many areas have laws against suicide, mostly stemming from religious beliefs. At one time religions proclaimed suicide to be a sin because you were acting as God by determining the extent of life. Some religions still teach that belief. In ages past, people in authority did not want any of their work forces to be able to take away property and slave labor. Neither of these practices gave any consideration to a soul’s possibly having freedom of choice.

This issue and all other things that encompass one’s life lessons take place in the duality so that one may make their own decisions concerning how and what they seek to understand. Spiritually, there is nothing that affirms or denies a soul’s right to commit suicide. Practically, based on societal laws, there might be: that is when the life lesson brings up freedom of choice and working with situations chosen before incarnating. The choice is always the individual’s to make.

Creating reality

Tuesday, November 8th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I have a really nice job, something I really like, but over the time I’ve gotten less and less work. Sometimes I have only 2 hours work per week. I was told my skills don’t reach the needed level, which I understand. However, we have lots of work I can do fine, and I’m skilled in communication, but it’s shared with multiple other workers. Basically I need to “fight” to get my share of working hours. I’m very disheartened and I’ve been thinking of either changing the job or changing my thoughts to attract more work. My bosses understand that I can’t live with 15h/month salary and I’ve been told they’d like to keep me in the company and try to offer me more work. I’m confused, as everything happens for a reason. Why the lack of hours? ~Kati, Finland

ANSWER: You have become complacent and have allowed work to flow to you without the need to send requests out to the universe to bring it to you. You have permitted the only channel to be through your employer, and you are competing with all the other employees. Since no “advertising” was going out specifically from you, no responses were returned.

All souls are very powerful, but they have to take an active part in creating the environment around them. Do nothing, and nothing happens in return. Visualize work coming to you to fit your requirements, and it will appear.

Secondarily, you are being told both by your employer and the universe that it might be time to upgrade your knowledge. The world is constantly moving and if you don’t keep step, it will pass you by. Even though there is work you can do with your limited abilities, why not shoot for a broader palette of talent?

Your bosses do appreciate your communication skills and the enthusiasm you bring to the job, but they have to juggle what they are able to provide for you with all the other workers who share the same skill set. They would be very happy if you acquired more assets and might even assist you in obtaining them.

Your message here is that it is time to evaluate just where you are in abilities, needs, and potential. It is time to make some changes in order to be able to fulfill your needs. You have to become more engaged, one way or the other, to bring in more business, or to improve your general saleable knowledge.

Spirit and physical world comparison

Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters can you describe the spirit world in detail? and how it influences the natural? How can one contact the spirit world? Is it possible to travel into time to the future and past? ~Elmar, South Africa

ANSWER: Trying to describe the spirit world in detail is like attempting to delve into the thought processes of the billions of people sharing the Earth with you.

There are two distinct aspects to what we call the spirit world. First, there are those souls at Home who are in the presence of Source energy where there is nothing but unconditionally positive love energy. This is called by us the fifth dimension. No negativity of any kind exists here.

Then there are souls who are not contained within a human body but exist between dimensions of the positive/negative duality of Earth and the unconditional love of Home. We call this the fourth dimension. The souls existing here may choose whether to be surrounded by positive or negative energy. Those who are positive are frequently your guides, who are around you to offer assistance in dealing with life lessons. Those who call negativity to themselves are what is referred to as discarnates or negative entities who are attempting to have a negative impact on all people living on Earth.

Completely human physical souls in bodies living in the positive/negative duality are in the third dimension. This is where souls go to learn about who they are as a soul and what abilities and powers they have. They start out being trained by society in “accepted” belief systems with the ego in charge. The controlling force of the ego is judgment. Everything that happens is judged, rated, and graded in the third dimension until the soul recognizes this is a human trait and not part of their spiritual journey. Then the learning process of choosing positive or negative occurs.

One contacts the nonphysical world by opening to its existence and seeking to communicate. Care must be taken to restrict contact to positive souls, or your own life lessons will become more difficult to learn. Try asking a question of them just as you are falling asleep, or as you enter into a meditation of quietness. First ask for contact with your guides and they will help you with further connections.

Your consciousness can travel into your past and future by your releasing the thought that you are just the physical being you see in the mirror. Let yourself drift into your essence, and concentrate on a time where you can get information about what your current life is all about. You will need to practice, practice, and practice releasing your expectations and just letting happen what will happen.