Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category

Accepting others’ beliefs as yours

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, recently I visited an ancient temple during monthly periods. Later I was beset with guilt as temples forbid menstruating women to enter. Did I inadvertently cause pollution of a sanctified space? And are there any karmic consequences? How can women use this period positively for spiritual growth? Many years ago, masters, during a very difficult phase, I visited an astrologer who when I asked him what was in store for me in life said that I would wander about and commit suicide. Though I intuitively know that he was just a money-minting fraud, still his words echo in my mind and instill fear. News of a friend who committed suicide a few weeks ago is giving me sleepless nights of fear. Though I take it all positively to remind myself to use words thoughtfully and responsibly, I want to be free of the fear-this and all other fears-Please help! ~Bodhi, India

ANSWER: In the spiritual process there is nothing that is right or wrong; all things are just for learning about the human existence and the lessons you chose. In society everything is judged, rated, graded, and determined to be right or wrong depending on the point of view of the “authorities.” Organized religions within society add an additional layer of requirements and “must-not-dos” to life.

Karma exists only on the planet within the duality. If those authorities learned of your condition they might impose punishment for your actions – but it is not a spiritual thing that will follow you into the unconditional love of the hereafter. It will not condemn you to punishment in another lifetime because there is no judgment once you leave this life.

All the rules for ancient religions were written by men, since they were the only ones who had any power. Many men feared the power of a woman to shed blood during a monthly resetting of her hormones without suffering any ill effects. They thought the woman was possessed of evil spirits. For a man, bleeding was always a devastating effect of injury, frequently leading to death. Women were therefore determined to be unclean during menstruation.

Your sense of guilt over a tour and fear of suicide from a prediction indicate that you accept the beliefs of others as your own. Why? Do these people know more about you than you do?  Fear is an indication of a life lesson you are ignoring. This lesson is about knowing yourself and taking responsibility for your own actions and the way you feel about life.

No one can make you do anything you do not choose to do. Go into those feelings of acceptance of the beliefs of others and see if you really accept them as applying to yourself. If they do not make sense to you, reject them; let their power over you leave, and with it, the fear of someone else’s words.

The story of sex

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014

QUESTION: Master, can you clarify about the biggest taboo in society: sex? Sex should only be for procreation, as many religions say? It is wrong to have sex with someone you like, but not to marry in the future? And what about gay relationships? ~IC, Brasil

ANSWER: Some religions you speak of have a section of belief systems they impose on their membership which dictates that not only should sex be engaged in only for procreation but that it should be done repeatedly to increase the number of celebrants in the religion. This has all the subtlety of breeding cattle, and this while the enforcers themselves allegedly observe celibacy.

Other beliefs feel only the male has the say in matters of intercourse and must be obeyed whether or not the female is in agreement. Polygamy is endorsed where the male is dominant and the result is increased productivity of children. None of these religions speak to love, honoring, and sharing between spouses.

As we have spoken many times, souls accept belief systems from many sources as they are maturing. They use these beliefs to determine how they are going to pattern their life. They are never told by those who give them the laws: they have the freedom to accept or reject each in turn. The soul always has the freedom to choose what it wishes to experience – to create its own set of laws for life.

On a spiritual path there is nothing which is considered to be right or wrong because there no judgment exists. The soul merely evaluates what it witnesses or experiences and then decides whether it is something they need to repeat or if it is not needed, thanked, and sent on its way.

The sex act is a pleasurable, tension-releasing way to share with another. It does not bind one to another and does not ensure a religious “pathway to heaven”, although a form of Earthly bliss may be enjoyed. The bodies which souls occupy are full of nerve endings which allow experiences not duplicable in any other fashion. Sex is an experiment in the possible reactions, emotions, and sensations only possible on Earth, stimulating the sexual response centers of a body.

Is it wrong to take part in the enjoyment of a creation made to be able to respond in these manners? Absolutely not. Nothing is right or wrong in your spiritual journey unless you choose to accept the need to follow the teachings of another on the Earth plane, but then you are the one restricting your own activity.

Is sports needed in life?

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, we have always been crazed Brazilians in football but this year we will host a world cup and people seem anesthetized. They are not caring about the event, are looking disconnected and without feeling and think only to protest the money spent on the event – it is all about protests. Why have they lost the love of football? ~Fabiana, Brazil

ANSWER: A lot of people in Brazil are becoming very spiritual getting away from matters of the ego and pursuing a higher path. Sports are a divergence from life, a way to forget about the difficult lessons and to put one’s energy into cheering on the home team. But to what benefit of the soul?

Sports are ego based. Every aspect of the game and every player is judged and rated to determine their “worth” to the team and the fans. This plays out in the Earth plane in the positive/negative polarity of humanity. Nothing that happens during a game helps a soul along their path of enlightenment. It has no place in the reality of life lessons.

Societies use the success of their teams for indicating to their citizens the power, importance, and strength of their economy and standing in the world – but it does none of that. The ego is the one “selling” such a notion to the people. Winning makes a country join together in celebration while losing may lead to riots and disobedience because the team (in most minds the energy of the government) has failed to conquer.

Those who have recognized the lack of any beneficial result from winning a game, have taken up the banner of objecting to their hard earned money being spent to make money for the over paid players, team owners, and sponsors. The only benefit many see is as an entertainment and video games and movies are much less expensive.