Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category

Religious fanaticism and ascension

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, ISIS has been weighing heavily on my mind lately. It seems as though they are such a force for destruction and oppression, that they are psychopaths hiding behind the banner of Islam. How do they fit into the bigger picture of Earth’s ascension into a higher dimension? ~Alissa, Israel

ANSWER: Most of the conflicts played out on your planet since its colonization are the result of ideologies, mostly of a religious ilk. As their underlying philosophy is purity of race or religion, fanatics feel a need to destroy anything that is not part of their group. Power and control are their ultimate goal. To change public opinion and get others to accept their beliefs, they use the weapons of destruction and fear.

These fanatics are blinded by the belief systems to which they are pledged. Their judgmental egos empower them to do all in the name of their god. They do not fear physical death; martyrdom is seen as the ultimate honoring of their religion.

They are not concerned with anyone but themselves and therefore are not part of any planet-wide spiritual process. Their only purpose, in regard to those seeking ascension, is to show the extremes of third-dimensional radicals and their total disregard for returning to Source energy. This adds another layer to human souls’ yearning and understanding of their essence of unconditional love.

This is another cycle of the kind that has occurred since the forming of belief systems from earliest historical times. It has involved Christians, Jews, Islamists, Gnostics, Wiccans, and any non-prevailing religion in an area. With modern-day communications and transportation, geographical boundaries have been forgotten and planet-wide campaigns predominate.

Every ascension process is a solo journey engaged in by a single soul. The planet itself will not ascend because it is needed as a continuing classroom for those who wish to experience negativity. Everyone creates one’s own reality and path to return Home.

Trying to make sense of ISIS policies and a connection to ascension is similar to having a nursery scholar take university courses. Fanatics see only what they choose to see or accept and are impossible to reason with unless they want to change.

Abortion, euthanasia, and conscience

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I’ve been dealing lately with both personal and general contradictions and seem not to find satisfying answers. What are the consequences of euthanasia or abortion? If someone’s profession requires them to take part in euthanasia/ abortion even though it was against their own morality, would the consequences still be the same? I’ve also been thinking of unconditional love and how to find the balance between my own and others’ needs. In certain difficult situations, how do I know if I need to change my own thoughts/ behavior or just step out of it? Why do I seem to end up arguing with some people again and again? ~Elsi, Finland

ANSWER: The soul has complete freedom of choice. In society choices may have varying consequences. Some of the lessons chosen for a lifetime may include dealing with your personal judgment regarding the decisions other people make. When you enter into a profession where your personal conscience says an action required by your employer is something you find wrong or against your own beliefs, you then have the decision to make whether to remain in that employ or move to another position.

Euthanasia and abortion are decisions souls make as part of their life journey. The consequences for them are the lessons they may learn; the consequences for those who assist are merely the performance of one’s duty. Human life is for the purpose of learning who you are as a soul and how you can increase your wisdom.

The human experience is a solo journey. You are not responsible for others or they for you. You do not need to worry about them. Your thoughts are things that have come to be in your head from the outside world. They got there by others telling you what they think and therefore what you should think, and are supplemented by things you have read. All of this material comes from outside you with no input from you whatsoever.

Put your thoughts on hold and ask yourself how you feel about these issues. That is a true indication of your journey. If you pick up on a judgment of right or wrong, you are following society. The spiritual path to understanding this excursion is just evaluating if you would learn anything from these actions or if you would have to try it yourself if it felt like something you needed to do.

You are trying desperately to work out your feelings about these issues and you do it by trying your thoughts on others. They are not going to change their opinions, so why are you spending so much time getting frustrated by repeating the same things over and over again?

Listening to others

Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I need your help I am so confused in my life. I feel afraid of making decisions in my life and after taking decisions I over think about the consequences. What is the reason behind this behavior of mine how can I overcome this? Even I doubt my decision of marrying the person I loved in my life. I feel so negative also most of the time. This negativity is causing problems in my relationship. I know God is showering his blessings upon me but my attitude is ruining everything Please help me Masters. ~Shruti, India

ANSWER: You are like a lot of other people who want someone to tell them what to do so that they do not feel responsible for the consequences of their actions. You cannot learn about yourself and life unless you step up and make your own decisions. This is called using your freedom of choice to learn.

Behind your problem is a lack of self-confidence and self-respect. Negativity is a choice; if you feel that way it is because you have chosen be in negativity. You can reverse this energy by choosing to always maintain a positive outlook. You create your world and the feelings within it. It does take work; it won’t happen on its own.

Stop thinking and start feeling. When you think, you are giving power to all those who have filled your head with opinions and ideas. The feelings inside are who you really are. When you think and analyze, you are doing it for the purpose of judgment (is this idea right or wrong?). Stop worrying about society’s decision about something being good or bad and just decide if it is something you wish to do.

Once you have made a decision on your own, without the input of family and friends, see if it allows you to learn about yourself; if it doesn’t, it may be time to move on to something else. It wasn’t the wrong thing for you – it allowed you to evaluate if you needed it in your life.

No matter how much unconditional love energy you have in your life, it won’t help unless you accept it and are determined to use it to enrich your existence. Choose an attitude of love and positive living.