Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category

Societal control

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, as you know, I’ve been struggling to cope with the needs of my mother. I accept that I’m looking for someone to tell me what to do and I know you won’t do that. I’m desperate to find a way to meet her needs and yet still have a life of my own. I’m confused about how selfish I’m being and how much I owe her. And one day, she won’t be here and I don’t want to have regrets then. Please can you administer a verbal kicking to me? Please, please help me. ~Karen, UK

ANSWER: Just as your mother had to accept it was necessary to cut the apron strings when you needed to go out on your own so you might grow and mature, you need to evaluate what your responsibility to her is, in reality. The wishes of your mother are to some degree very selfish. She is keeping you from living your life by her requests for your almost constant assistance.

In this period of her life she has a fear of death, and when you are around she can imagine herself as a young mother with a doting daughter. Nothing you are doing in recognizing the true situation, her age, and her health difficulties, is being selfish. There are a number of times when others are a much better aid for her than you could ever be.

When a woman has a baby, she puts a portion of her life on hold to help mold that child into a responsible adult. She has usually done everything she could to create that baby. Nothing in the equation of daughterhood calls for a reciprocal “hold” when the mother becomes dependent. You do not “owe” her for taking care of the child she wanted.

Assuring that she is adequately being taken care of does not imply that you must be the caregiver. The life you are leading is still yours and not a continuation of hers. One of your life lessons is learning to honor your journey by using self-love as a motivating factor for your actions.

You are assigning duties to yourself that you have every right, but no responsibility, to do. Everybody dies, and every soul returns Home to unconditional love to be mourned by the humans who remain in body.

Your mother is not simply the body seen before you; she is an eternal soul with whom you have made contracts to puzzle over the exact situation you face. There are no right or wrong answers or actions to this dilemma. There will be no regrets if you remember this was a group agreement and you will rehash it when together again.

Societal demigods

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

QUESTION:  Masters. I am from a state called Manipur in India. There are so many demi-gods/forest gods/other form of gods who are regarded as highly powerful. They are there for many many years. What are these gods? Are they elevated souls or discarnate souls? Aren’t they supposed to return to their home? ~Oinam, India

ANSWER: These beings that are such a part of your society are designated and given powers by those who believe in them. They have become a part of your belief system because those around you tell you what they believe in and insist you share the same beliefs. This is where freedom of choice comes in.

When you travel to other countries and locations, you will find that people have no knowledge of these various forms of gods. This is because their ancestors didn’t start a belief in the alleged power of these deities, or they had others of their own. This is a part of your locale’s regional mythology.

A myth is a traditional story, generally of unknown origin, that usually uses a semi-historical basis to explain some phenomenon of nature, or is established to get a group of people acting in a particular manner.

Over the years, some nonphysical beings have purported to be one or the other of the deities in question. Some of these have been positive souls who have returned to act as guides for those still on Earth. Others have been negative souls who have left their bodies but wish to control the thoughts and actions of humans because they can. These latter beings use the religious beliefs as a way to induce someone to do what they want.

A soul has freedom of choice to return Home or remain on Earth. But we ask you: would you forsake unconditional love for a little control over a few humans? With each belief presented to you by others, ask yourself whether or not it serves any purpose in your life. Ask if it feels like it resonates with your soul, or if it is chaotic and abrasive. Accept only those beliefs that will assist you through your learning in this life.

Remember that all souls come from the pieces that were broken off of Source. Their essence is identical. They have the same powers and abilities if they accept they do and believe they can use them. No one is any “better” or more special than any other. There is no judgment whatsoever in the spiritual world – all are alike.

Control through behavior modification

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015

Question: Masters, For 2 years I’ve been involved with an organization that taught me to delete beliefs that are not serving me and to create what I want in my life. I have created many things I set out to create – I’ve done it with small things and now moving on to larger creations. I ‘feel’ the key members of this organization have said things like, “oh, this is what you really created…” There is a feeling inside of me that those things are not true – I didn’t create that situation in my life the way they described it. The courses are quite pricey and they keep wanting people to purchase the courses year after year. What is their true motive? I almost feel like they want to control me. ~Angeles, USA

ANSWER:  Congratulations for taking the time and effort to work on your life lessons, because that is what getting rid of un-serving beliefs is all about. This organization has an ulterior motive, though: MONEY.

They want to get you so happy with the progress you have made that you will feel you need them in order to continue. It is like learning to swim and then having your teacher tell you that it is necessary for you to continue lessons, even though you have learned as much as you desire, in order for you to be able to move forward and not drown when you enter the water.

You have fallen into a group that uses behavior modification, not spiritual growth with you using your essential powers, to provide the results you wish to achieve. In addition, they are keeping you dependent on your sense of progress by “telling” you what you have done. They do not want you to use your own evaluation or feelings.

When they tell you what “really happened,” they remain in control and make you question your own conclusions. Always go with your feelings; these are the determiners of what has occurred around you. Ask: How do I feel about this? That comes from within. What others say has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them and their agenda.

You have enough information to continue your growth and manifestation without anyone else’s assistance. Use your intention to create and bring to you the things you wish – you will know what you have brought to yourself. Take responsibility for your life and let others worry about their own interaction with the universe.