Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category

Listening to another

Tuesday, August 4th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters my Mother has been suffering for a year because of a neighbor who has decided that she hasn’t the right to be happy. It began when my mother found a boyfriend. What can she do to stop this person? It is very difficult for me and my brother because we don’t know what to do. Is it karma? ~L., Portugal

ANSWER: Every soul creates its own reality. If you do not believe something can hurt you, it generally will have no effect on you. Your mother’s neighbor is jealous of her, particularly concerning her new boyfriend and the fact he makes your mother very happy. The neighbor tried flirting with him, and he saw only your mother. So the neighbor, who is always negative, sent as much negativity and animosity toward your mother as possible.

Your mother is a very caring, sharing person. She tried to console her neighbor at first, but then the woman heaped insults, accusations, and fear upon your mother. She has given your mother the impression that she can curse her and interfere with her life. She has no supernatural power, just a very big mouth and a hyperactive imagination.

This woman, in addition to being jealous, is also very lonely and unhappy with her life. She lives in negativity and thinks everyone else should as well. Your mother needs to cut off all contact with her because she will never be able to help this unfortunate woman. If your mother does not listen to her or respond to her ranting, she will eventually get tired and move on to someone else.

All this negative energy generated by the neighbor will remain in the area until it is replaced by something else. Have your family and friends gather and share their love for each other and the lives they have chosen. Have them send unconditionally loving energy to the environment, and it will chase away the negativity. Burning candles and incense will also alter the area.

Have your mother ignore the neighbor and spend time on creating the feelings of love and joy she desires.

Whose fault is religious ideology?

Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

QUESTIONS: Masters why has God created so many Religions..? Why are people fighting in the name of god/religion? ~Deepak, India.

My wife is destroying me, I feel that her religion Umbanda, had a strong influence on this separation when she decided to accept and respect their choice and arbitrariness. I cannot understand a religion that separates and does not unite the families. ~Carlos, Brazil

ANSWER: Organized religions are not the creation of anyone or anything from the spiritual world. The basis of all Earth religions is judgment, which requires negativity. The duality of negative and positive exists only on this planet. Humans who wished to exert control over masses of people put together doctrines, rules, and regulations to get adherents to follow their wishes and carry out their desires.

When some leaders decided the existing religions did not cause the people to act the way they wanted them to – such as declaring war on their enemies – they created, or interpreted, a religion to make the adherents do exactly as they instructed. The formers of these religions all teach that theirs is the one true religion that should be followed by all. And if one chooses not to be a member, then they have the right to show you the error of your ways by killing the infidels.

Umbanda varies from group to group, but it is consistent in demanding that the priests are supreme and must be obeyed in all things. It combines aspects of Catholicism, spirituality, African rituals, Native American beliefs, and whatever the group leader wants to use to control the members. Most branches came into existence surrounding a spiritual medium of some kind in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This is more a cult than a religion, and your wife has been made to feel important in its clutches.

Definitions and beliefs

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I have a doubt about the Trinity of God. For me God is our Father, Jesus His son and The Holy Spirit is the Power, the Light and energy of God that makes us live and feeds our Soul. Am I right? ~Sandra, Portugal

ANSWER: All souls living a human existence determine the parameters of their own reality via the belief systems they accept. No one can make you believe anything unless you accept it as true to you and a part of the reality by which you choose to define your life.

All organized religions have doctrines that they insist you must believe if you are to be a true member of their organization. To be an adherent, you must not question these beliefs even if they do not resonate with you. In this element of their “faith,” you have your freedom of choice stripped away from you.

Freedom of choice is the cornerstone of the soul’s spiritual journey to come into a body and learn lessons by choosing positive experiences over negative. Each soul came into existence by being broken off from Source. As such, each piece has the same powers and abilities as Source. Since Source is the origin of all, some see each soul as a son or daughter of Source.

Where you stand on these last few statements is completely up to you. Nothing is right or wrong in terms of the nonphysical spiritual world. As we always say to those who make enquiries of us, do not accept blindly anything even we say unless it feels like something that resonates with you and explains your reality.

It is intelligent to listen to what others have to say about their opinions of reality, but there is no need to thoughtlessly take their rules and make them your own unless it is truly something you desire. Always ask yourself: How do I feel about this? Is this what I feel embodies the beliefs I want to live by?