Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category

Life and change

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

QUESTION: Masters here in Brazil, things are not going well, the economy is bad, we are afraid that communism/socialism arrive and remove the freedom of the population, the medical profession is under attack, and I am worried as a future doctor. Is the best option to go to live in a developed country? If I decide to go, I will succeed? I will be happy? I will be able to exercise our profession and have a good salary? I will have success as a doctor in other country? What do I need to go? I have not done anything for fear of the unknown, fear of not doing the right thing, fear of being alone forever without a partner in distant lands. Please give me some advice. ~Thais, Brazil

ANSWER: The only thing that is certain to occur on planet Earth is change. The more people who are involved in the decision-making process that will have an impact on your life, the more variables are introduced, and the probability of telling you what is going to happen in your future is meaningless.

We could tell you what your future will be like, but we can only do it based upon the decisions you and everyone else have chosen up to this time. If you change a single, albeit insignificant, option in your plan, you make your future different. The choices of each person you are going to come into contact with, or those who will have an input into your future, will result in a different outcome for each change.

Since there are an infinite number of decisions that could change your future, there is no way there is certainty in it. If you will not do anything without knowing what the future will bring, you might as well bury your feet in cement and watch the world go by.

Souls are pieces of Source and have the powers and abilities of Source to manifest what they want to occur. If you put yourself into the flow of the universe, you can direct where you are carried by the workings of others. If you think it is possible to control the choices of others, you are kidding yourself.

To be successful in life, you have to have faith and confidence in yourself to bring you where you want to be. If you don’t make your own decisions based on the feelings you have inside, you are at the mercy of others.

Fear is the indication that a life lesson is in front of you. Hiding from it or ignoring it will stop you from moving forward. You can only see what is present in this moment. If you do not feel it is the right place for you, you can move. If you want a job or a mate, put your intention to work creating and bringing that energy to you.

The Oneness Movement

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters my question is about the Oneness movement. (don´t mention the name, if that prevents you from answering) What is it? How can one know what is good for them and what isn´t if you don´t want to be afraid of everything? ~S, Finland

ANSWER: The term Oneness has been used for centuries to refer to various belief systems, descriptive definitions, and religious ideologies. You can find the term in many New Age writings as an apparent indication that all humans are the same. This is a reference to the fact that all humans are, first and foremost, souls, all of which were broken off from one place – Source.

You can find the concept used to indicate a unity, a togetherness, a singular point of view. In the religious setting it generally refers to a solitary source of power rather than the trinity that many Christian philosophies teach. To others it is a search, a hopefulness that all people will feel a unity and join together in a common goal of oneness or sameness.

The belief system purports to do away with the duality and judgment of Earth and bring about peaceful, unconditional love as is found at Home. The difficulty encountered in Earth-based movements lies with the egos of the ones administering or dictating the particular dynamics of the organizations. When they suggest to the world that their way is the only way to live, they force judgment upon the rest of the humans approached by them. This thrusts the decision process to join or not to join into a positive vs. negative-appearing decision battle.

All souls have freedom of choice and should use that ability to find the best way for them to spend their time on Earth. All humans look for guidance from others. Some go so far as to shun responsibility for making decisions and assign that right or power to others. This prevents the spiritual growth that brought the souls to Earth in the first place.

Your life lessons appear to you as doubts and fears in daily life. If you shy away from anything you do not completely understand, you never learn anything. The journey of your soul includes opening up the doors that hid things away from you. The universe will present to you the things you need to experience in order to fulfill the desires you had before coming.

Always ask yourself how you feel about something before making a decision; this brings in your unconscious higher self to assist in the learning process. Understanding what you fear makes you stronger and more knowledgeable.

Stepping into the unknown

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, for 6 years I have had an on/off relationship and he ended it again. We are never very mean to each other and we both are good people, so it hurts me a lot that he left me, when I was ready to make a family. When I was with him I started to drink to feel good and not insecure. I understand that is not a sign of a healthy relationship. Why do I still want to be with him? And I feel like we should have family together. I am not happy with him or without. Where do I get the courage to reach for my own dreams and live my own life? Will I ever find a man who I’d love and who would love me? Many have asked me out but I have no interest. ~Emilia91, Finland

ANSWER: You do not like to assume the responsibility of making decisions about long-term living. You have an idea that you would like to have a family, but you have not found a person who is of the same mind and intention. You sense this man is toxic to you, and that was what drove you to drink – to hide from the realities of the situation. When you have to go into a bottle to flee unhappiness, you are in the wrong place.

You are insecure in all major decisions and look to others to tell you what to do. It is time to grow up and acknowledge that you cannot move forward unless you choose and take that first step. You want to be with him because he makes decisions. His presence has created a comfort zone for you where you know exactly what he will do, even if it is not to your liking.

Why would you want to have a family in this environment? What kind of energy would you be placing those poor children in? Would you have been able to thrive in such chaos?

You fear the unknown because you have no control over it and do not know what is going to happen. You need to accept that you are a piece of Source and have the ability to create and bring to yourself what you desire to experience. You lack self-confidence and think you deserve everything that has happened to you. Get it through your mind that that is not so.

Visualize the type of man you could see yourself creating a family with. Believe that you are worthy of him. Send an invitation out to the universe to have him come to you – and then, most importantly, when he asks you out, go! You must do the work to reap the rewards.