Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category

Abraham’s teachings

Tuesday, December 29th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters how advanced is Abraham’s teachings on manifestation on a scale of 10 (via their channels Esther and Jerry Hicks)? The teachings center around imagining and getting into the vortex where you align your vibration to that which you desire and then what you can will be manifested for you. Is this overly simplistic, hovering on the side of hallucination? What then are the main factors that determine whether a reality we imagine can be actualized in the 3D physical earth? Say if I envision myself looking like Keira Knightly. Will I eventually resemble her physically? ~Ardas, Singapore

ANSWER: You are asking us to make a judgment – something we do not do. There are many channelers on your planet who bring information through from our realm to yours. Some do so on a very general level, for those who are unaware of their own abilities, and some do so to help souls remember who they are and what they can accomplish.

All souls are pieces of Source energy, with the same powers and abilities. The biggest problem for humans is to accept that they have the abilities intrinsic to their essence. You are all-powerful, all–knowing, all-magnificent, and all-creative. Do you accept that you are? Do you believe you can use these abilities to shape your reality to match your desires? Have you begun to use your powers to achieve your dreams? If you have, then you know all these things are possible.

All soul have total freedom of choice to experience that which they desire. The first reason all souls have for incarnating into a body on Earth is to learn specific lessons they feel they would like to work through. Once they have learned the lessons, they may then work to become aware of their true essence and the power that accompanies it.

Faith in yourself and the abilities you possess determines what you bring forth into your reality. No one’s lesson has ever been to come to Earth to mimic the life of another already on the planet. You do have the skill to project an image from your imagination, but that would not bring with it the life experiences of the one whose image you appropriate.

The manifestation process is normally used to provide the environment for souls to learn who they are and the work they can accomplish. This ability can be used only by those who have gained self-worth and self-confidence, while shunning negativity to live in positive, unconditionally loving energy. Work on accomplishing that status and you can do anything.

Taoist or Indian Kundalini energy?

Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I met a Taoist master and studied for 1.5 years until I got scared to be gay (therapist told me it’s not balanced and healthy) and went to chant at Indian kundalini energy guru path. My kundalini got opened. I didn’t understand what this meant I stopped Indian path and returned to the Taoist until I had a kundalini opening last June that turned my life upside down. I feel that the Taoist path was what my soul planned for me. Because of fear and misinformation I had been on the wrong spiritual path. I now have Kundalini rising upward within the 7 chakra system. Taoist way is different with 3 tan tiens. I feel lost and scared to be on a path I don’t feel I belong to, but have energy I have to surrender to. Perhaps, I’m not seeing a bigger picture? ~Michael, United States

ANSWER: The bigger picture is following what you feel about your spiritual growth. Every religion, individual spiritual practice, societal belief system, and racial/national characteristic set is different. That does not mean that one is any better or more enlightened than any other.

Your life is about discernment and clarity. Discernment is examining all aspects of something and evaluating the best solution for your journey. Clarity is being able to see the essence of something without being fooled or swayed by terminology or the beliefs of others. You see things only as “wholes.” You cannot see the similarity in the particular parts.

In the physical body, the chakras and the tan tiens are merely two different ways to concentrate on the physical by using specific locations. Step back, away from the structured beliefs, and realize that the sensations within the body of the rising of the Kundalini are identical if you don’t try to name the pathway. This is part of your realization or discernment.

Before coming to Earth, you did not say you would follow this method or that method of spiritual practice; you merely said you wanted to experience the Kundalini energy. You may see the rising as different within the two practices, but it is not. You are further along in your understanding than you were during the first event.

You have done exactly as you wanted by having various experiences in order to compare and contrast them. They both create the same result. It is like learning different languages and then using both of them in different parts of your life. Concentrate on the resulting sensations within your body, not on how someone else may refer to the process. This is your life.

The Bible and the Qur’an

Tuesday, October 6th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters please tell me is the bible a true book from God (Jehovah) and is it a perfect book without mistakes in relation to Christianity?  Is the Qur’an also a true book from Allah in relations to Islam? ~James, Ghana

ANSWER: Organized religions memorialize their doctrines and beliefs first in oral form and then in written books. The Bible has had many iterations throughout the centuries. It has had sections removed – such as those dealing with reincarnation, the importance of women, and homosexuality – and material added to ensure compliance with hierarchal demands.

Various Bibles exist today, each adopted by a Christian denomination based upon its suitability to the principles the sect desires to impose on their congregation.  Additionally, there is the Hebrew Bible, which is essentially only the Old Testament. All theologians and historians agree that the Bible was written by a series of writers. None of the authors existed until billions of Earth years after the planet came into existence, so their renditions of creation and the lives of various prophets and leaders came from stories they heard, their imaginations, or, sometimes, from conversations with nonphysicals.

There is much proof within the documents that sections exist to create a mindset in agreement with the direction of the organization’s leadership. A lot of the proclamations deal with issues prevalent in ancient times in long-deceased cultures. The over-riding theme of the Bible is cultural control of one racial segment by another. Historical archeology has proven that many reported travels by masses of people did not occur – and could not have occurred. Many of the stories told in the Bible can be found to replicate the beliefs of Eastern religions, Druid cults, and magick doctrines. They are not unique to Christian or Jewish texts.

The Qur’an was reportedly given to Mohammad over a 23 year period toward the end of his life by Archangel Gabriel. Mohammad could neither read nor write, so if he received the text he had to have related it to someone else to copy it down. There have been many different versions of the document located, and several of them contradict sections within others. Some of the scribes were not very well thought of for their accuracy.

To answer your question, we will merely say that all persons living a life on Earth are pieces of the Source referred to by many as God, or Jehovah or Allah. Therefore, anything which is written in the Bible or the Qur’an can be said to have come from at least a piece of Source.

Both of these documents, as well as the Jewish Torah, are revered by their respective religions. The amount of credence given to each varies according to the accepted beliefs of each group within the religion. As we say about all information delivered from, or allegedly arising from, the Source, see how it “feels” to you – does it resonate within you? If it does, then accept the parts of it which explain and assist you on your journey.