Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category

Fear of death and illness

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I feel strong fear of death and fear of sickness. Sometimes that makes me feel totally incapable to do anything. What would I do with this feeling and how to connect with my Higher Self? ~Eeva, Finland

ANSWER: Whenever one senses a fear or a doubt, that is an indication they are looking at a life lesson they chose before coming to Earth. A soul incarnates (enters a body) for the purpose of remembering and finding out who they are as a soul and what abilities and powers they possess. They set up a series of interconnected human traits to allow themselves to see the negativity in the event and then, using their freedom of choice, to turn the negativity into a loving, positive energy.

Around the fear of illness are lessons concerning realization of a lack of control, a lack of the comfort of the known, a potential loss of independence, and being dependent on others. There’s also the question of what others will think of you: will they shun you, stay away and ignore you, or confine you somewhere alone?

A fear of death reflects the beliefs of a vast majority of society and religious organizations that it is the “judgment day,” when you will have to pay for everything you have done wrong by their standards – the bulk of which you never understood. In reality, it is simply a transition from the physical to the nonphysical.

From a spiritual perspective, you fear you will have not completed what you came down to do and will have to do it all over again. You need to accept and know that you are a soul who has been broken off from Source energy and are magnificent, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-creative. You can do anything you believe you can.

Tapping into your internal essence of unconditional love, you are able to work through anything that you draw to yourself. Take one step at a time, and each time a fear emerges, ask: why is this here, and what may I learn from it? The only important thing is what you think about your life, not what others think or have said. Feel comfortable with yourself, and take baby steps until you are comfortable with your decisions.

Sex, love, and appropriateness

Tuesday, April 5th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters I am conflicted about the appropriate expression of sexuality: in what circumstances it is appropriate, to what extent it is a justifiable end in itself and the correct relationship between love and sex. We are living in a time of increasing sexual freedom and whilst this seems to offer a type of guilt-free fulfilment I am also concerned that this sort of ‘easy sex’ is empty and not a valid expression of our real sexual selves. (You may note that I am struggling to express this adequately which perhaps indicates my confusion.) Partly this has arisen from a recent association with a woman (there was no sexual relationship) who has a very different attitude from mine. I am caught between despising her approach (which you may tell me I shouldn’t because that’s judgmental) and envying it because of the apparent freedom it offers. ~John, UK

ANSWER: Your confusion comes from trying to rationalize, and then justify, what you have accepted as belief systems for yourself as compared to those of society and of people who want to experience everything they know is possible while enjoying their human stay. You are an energetic soul spending a human lifetime in a body replete with physical sensors that give the soul an opportunity to gain knowledge of human sexuality.

Each soul is pure energy and has no sex such as is seen in humans – no males and no females – yet it must choose a sex in order to come to Earth. The soul has no physical devices that register a body’s orgasms or emotional highs and lows, but it can feel the reactions occurring within its body. The romantic love that some humans see as a needed element of a human relationship is merely a lesson that many souls come to learn on Earth; it has nothing to do with the sex act.

You got your current beliefs from growing up with the beliefs of parents, associates, religious organizations, and your own interpretation of what makes a moral individual. They are not right or wrong, and neither are the beliefs held by those preaching free love. Their actions are practiced in order to feel the sensations that only a body can provide. For some, sexual release is the ultimate way to unwind and experience pleasure, even if just as a one-night stand or casual meet-up. This is not against any spiritual principle.

Every soul has the freedom to choose the things they feel are right for their life. If there are childhood beliefs that make you feel comfortable, and they are in conflict with new desires, you have the ability to keep them intact or to rewrite them in order to try new things. The choice is always yours. You came to Earth to experience things that can only be accessed through the human nervous system and physical condition. You determine what is appropriate for your life lessons.

Organized religion and spiritual abilities

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, I’ve been struggling a bit with so called spiritual gifts and religion. I feel like those engrossed in organized religion are forcefully breaking contact with me, and at times blaming me for not being strictly religious. But they are interested in learning things from my small psychic ability? This is somewhat contradicting at times. How can I use this in the future to help others? Should I continue to try and block this ability? It can be a bit scary sometimes. ~Erika, US

ANSWER: Belief systems adopted by a person in order to bring control to their lives frequently arise from religious affiliations. Organized religions are established to get devotees to accept everything they are told and also to try to convert others to those beliefs. When you think for yourself and believe only what resonates with you, many label you as heretic, dangerous, and evil. Their hierarchy tells them to avoid you because you believe and talk about things that threaten the foundation of their organization.

Since you don’t “toe the line” of their belief system, church members are told to stay away from you almost as if you were contagious. To an extent, you are infectious because you may get them to question their beliefs and loosen the hold their group has on them.

What you do with your ability is up to you. You are very intuitive and can sense energy. There is really nothing to fear if you are open and just allow it to happen. You do “know” things that are unapparent to others simply because you have “tapped in” to the universal energy stream.

To the religions, these feelings and answers come from “out there,” and they consider that to be evil. Does it feel evil to you? Ask your guides to ensure that you communicate only with beings of the light who come for the highest and greatest good.

While your associates feel safe adhering to the tenets of their religion, they are curious about knowledge coming from spirits. There are so many television shows and movies lately that talk about psychics, past-life regressions, and reincarnation that their curiosity overcomes the admonitions of their religions. Disclose what feels comfortable to you.

Sharing your experiences will allow all these skeptics and those brainwashed by their religions to sample a substitute and give them an alternative to where they stand at this time. Sharing your beliefs also reinforces them within you so they feel more a part of who you are.