Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category

Looking for love in comfort

Tuesday, June 14th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters I have a big issue related to food and anxiety. I know what is good for my body and some periods (2-4 months) I eat right, controlled, losing weight, and I feel good with my physical body and emotions. But then, something happens, like a travel, problem in school or job, end of a relationship, and then I change my relation with food in a way it makes me feel so bad with me, my body and emotions, I feel always so full, more and more food, and I just can’t control. Why I’ve been doing this for so many years? ~Giovanna, Brazil

ANSWER: Your problem is all about learning to love yourself and understanding your need for finding comfort. You seek to be loved and understood when you sense the world is against you, so you turn to food, which has always been there to comfort you and make you feel good. It is your substitute for love received from others and from yourself.

The unfortunate part is that it appeases the need for immediate comfort, but then reminds you that you are out of control because of this unconscious reaction to life. You then have another reason to be upset, since you now want to criticize yourself for this automatic response that occurs without any contribution from a consciously made decision.

To see why you always react this way to stressors, return to your childhood and examine the pattern that was established for you by your family. When and how were you rewarded for the triumphs in life? How did your family compensate for difficulties? You were programmed to see food as the only constantly available comfort zone.

You need to create for yourself a substitute for food – and we don’t mean as a nutritional stand-in. Your body craves coziness. Try placating it with soothing music, meditation, visualization, or self-hypnosis. When you feel your world falling apart, instead of reaching for food, project yourself into a comforting, safe-feeling place to rest and recoup. Find music or a meditative vibration that you can feel working throughout your body to chase away the negative, abrasive demand for food. Have it ready to play whenever you sense strife arising. Find peace and relaxation in the musical resonance without the need for the addition of food.


Black magic and polygamy

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters in Africa, black magic and polygamy is common experience. What is your stance on polygamy and black magic? ~Akbar, Nigeria

ANSWER: In the spiritual journey that a soul takes on Earth, nothing is right or wrong from the spiritual standpoint. The entire reason for being in a body is to experience lessons and try to understand why you chose them and what you can learn from going through them.

Planet Earth is a duality of equal parts negative and positive energy. Lessons are presented in negativity so that the soul can recognize what they are and decide if they want to remain in the negativity, or if they want to take the positive route away from the darkness.

Many souls choose to have a lifetime immersed in negativity to experience control over others. Examples of these types of lives are dictators, mass and serial murderers, and those who prey on others using various methods including black magic.

True black magic is the use of energy to take over the decision-making process from others, or to cause physical, mental, and emotional harm to someone. It is a lesson just like any other – we make no judgements about the way a soul chooses to learn. Every soul has freedom of choice.

Polygamy practiced by consenting adults is a life choice. Again, on the spiritual plane, nothing is right or wrong; such choices are all merely various ways to experience lessons. Practitioners need to be aware of whether or not they are going against the societal regulations for the area in which they live. The choice to engage in polygamy is still theirs, but they may be liable for punishment under the laws in the third-dimensional, ego-judgmental society.

It matters what you think

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters, Creation? I ask if it’s possible our rules on creation come from seeded acceptance into global consciousness to become a truth? For example most people accept that to create a child, it can only happen certain times of the month. Yet I have heard people tell me they either got pregnant on their monthly cycle OR they conceived and continued their monthly. This of course contradicts what is accepted mainstream? Yet all things are possible correct? There is no absolute one truth, I know a person that conceived with their tubes tied as well desiring a child! So intention is powerful, yet also best not to limit ourselves to global truths because you can open doorways to unlimited potentials especially with the manifestation energy available on earth now?? ~Jen, Canada

ANSWER: We think you are more concerned about human conception rather than creation. Creation is the initiation of a soul by Source from its own energy. Conception is the merger of cells from two humans to form a third.

A soul having a human experience accepts various beliefs (his personal belief system), which he then allows to do his thinking for him. This is how global consciousness, as you have called it, can be used to create one’s belief system. On a simpler basis, what you are taught by parents, teachers, religious, and what is read in scientific or societal journals generally forms what a person accepts as being reality. At this point in forming your beliefs, these are all just thought forms and nothing that has been learned through experience.

All of these materials are merely the opinions of the speaker or writer. There are no absolutes on Earth because every soul has the powers of manifestation and freedom of choice to live the way they desire. What is experienced by some, and therefore accepted as their truth, may not apply to anyone but themselves.

Souls are extremely powerful if they accept that they are and choose to use their power. They use their potential through intention. Some would call this “mind over matter” or creating their own reality.

We agree that you should never limit yourself to global “truths” because that is allowing others to decide what you feel is right for you and yours. Belief systems can be changed from what you have been told and accepted at a prior time to what you have experienced by having faith in what you feel instead of what you think. Create your world as you want instead of according to someone else’s impressions.