Archive for the ‘Belief Systems’ Category


Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

QUESTION: Masters how do our beliefs influence our lives? They influence “reality” or our perception of “reality”? If I believe that I was X in another life this will become real? ~Mr. E., Austria

ANSWER: Each soul having a physical Earth incarnation accepts certain concepts, which they allow to influence all aspects of the human experience for them. These are called their belief system or, simply, beliefs. At first everyone is indoctrinated by those they trust; they learn to regard what society expects, in its judgmental ego manner, as being THE way to behave.

When young, humans do not yet realize they have total freedom of choice to accept or reject what others tell them. Most feel they have no choice at all. An additional segment is afraid to take responsibility for their decisions, so they allow others to decide for them. This, then, creates a mutually accepted reality for all who join in this group mentality.

Reality is a term that has varying definitions based upon your involvement in a spiritual journey. If you are aware of the power of the soul to manifest and create that which you desire, you constantly create your own version of the reality that you accept as applying to you. Reality is transitional for a human depending on the beliefs that are operative at any one time.

For example, if you live in a temperate climate, a humid 95 degrees F. temperature is normal and pleasing to you. If you then move and become used to a moderate climate, you find the temperature unbearable once it reaches 80 degrees even without humidity. Your reality has changed based on external input. If you are a member of a working-class family where no one receives an advanced degree, you are very content and feel complete on learning a trade. If you are born into a family of professionals, your reality includes a need to achieve a professional degree, or you feel you are a failure.

Under hypnosis it is possible to visit other timelines or past lives. Wherever your consciousness is centered is your reality at that moment. You may be experiencing a battle you engaged in once upon a time, but your physical body is relaxing on a couch in the therapist’s office. Both are a part of the reality of your soul.

The soul has the ability to choose what to experience. So, yes, you can live whatever life you desire in another place and time.

Seeing the world through blinders

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

QUESTION: Masters my father passed away when I was 10yrs on 22 Sep 1984. After 30yrs, my only sibling passed away on 24 Sep 2014. I miss my brother every day and am in such grief. I feel guilty for not being there and helping my brother. He was in a bad marriage and I believe his wife was responsible for his death. She was after his inheritance and when she got his money, she left even before his 1st anniversary. Although I have a loving husband and mother with me, I feel alone, sad and lost. I have attempted IVF multiple times for a child and haven’t been successful yet. Please help me make sense of what is happening. Will I ever be happy again? Will I ever find my brother’s soul? Will my family be together ever again in this life or next? ~Rajni, Australia

ANSWER: You are very confused concerning your life. This is your life, not that of any other member of your family. Your brother made his own decisions, and your greater presence in his life would not have changed or affected the outcome. It is not so much that you miss him as that you will not allow yourself to forget that you think you should have been more active in his life. Forget it. Forgive yourself for what you think you should have done. You couldn’t do anything.

Accept that your life is what you are living right now, not the past you yearn for. You have a very loving husband and mother and are not being respectful to them in spending so much time thinking that your departed relatives would provide more than the living are sharing with you now.

You feel alone and sad because you choose to. You do not believe you are worthy of the love you receive from your family. You are now spending a lot of your energy convinced that if you have a child, you will find the love you crave. One of the reasons the IVF has been unsuccessful is your putting so much faith in the child as your savior. All would look different to you if you could learn to love yourself. Try to find the unconditional love within your soul and embrace it.

All souls will be joined when you are at Home. You will have to decide individually whether each soul wishes to share another life with the others.

What’s important, my opinions or others’?

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Question: Masters I’m in a relationship with a man who is loving and committed to me; he has great values and is very much in love. The issue is that we come from very different backgrounds. He is a singer who succeeded but comes from a humble family and is a man of color. On the other hand, I earn a bit less than him but have a steady career (unlike his) and come from a family with position. I love him as a person but don’t know if I’ll ever feel at ease with him as a man. I don’t seem to be
accepting very well my own and other people’s prejudice, and also the fact that my lifestyle with him may be less than what I want. Should I leave him and search for someone who resonates more with me? ~Paty, Brazil

ANSWER: Personal prejudices should not have an impact on sexual relationships or the way you see a person as a potential partner. You are stating that how society might view your lover is more important to you than the fact that he would do anything for you and loves you beyond question. You have made the judgment, with the help of what others think, that he is not worthy of you.

What makes you think that you are so great? If your positions were reversed, would you voluntarily walk away from him because others think that you may not be good enough? Are you being blinded and influenced by what others may say, and  giving up your own feelings to fit into society? Take your decision-making power back from those to whom you have so readily bowed.

Souls come to Earth to learn who they are as a soul, and that all souls are from the same Source and have the same abilities and powers. The thoughts that you have once you get here create a set of belief systems by which you run your life. The first beliefs come from parents, teachers, and society and are accepted without question.

What a lot of souls do not understand is that part of your life’s journey is to review these rules and see if they feel good to you and if you wish to keep allowing them to control your decisions in life. If you wish to follow what you believe is “written in stone” – such as “I am better than he” or “he is not good enough for me” – then let him know about your prejudices, received from family and friends, and move on.

Right now your secret disapproval of him is not treating him fairly. Tell him what you think and why you think it. If you don’t truly know why you have these ideas, then it is time to review your beliefs and see which ones resonate with you. If third-dimensional ego lifestyle is more important to you than a loving, sharing companion, it is time to find a shallow individual who shares your prejudices.

Honor yourself and him by defining why you are acting the way you are. Make it your own decision, not just an echo of your believed position in society.