Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Why seek non-perfection?

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019

Question: Masters reading the Reincarnation Guide I had a doubt. The source was a perfection, and then separated to experience a non-perfection. What votes will this experience bring us? If we were already in perfection, what is the next state to be reached? ~Amanda, Brazil

ANSWER: Perfection is the ultimate state that a soul would seek to experience – there is nothing more satisfying. But Source asked: What is perfection? That was all it had ever known, and therefore it had no idea what else existed. It was like humans living in the desert wondering what else there is. By going other places and doing other things, they learn about heat, cold, rain, snow, different vegetation, animals, and seasons.

If you haven’t experienced something, you cannot be sure it truly exists. If you don’t try something, you will never know if you can accomplish the desired result. You might say that life in a singularity, perfection, is boring. It never changes, never challenges, never provides an opportunity to gather knowledge leading to wisdom.

Source desired to reach beyond the blissfully unconditional love it had and to discover the opposite of love and bliss. You don’t know how good you have it if you have never existed in the “have not.”

Source could not completely go into the negative of its positive because then there would be nothing uninfluenced for comparison. For that reason, it broke off parts of itself, known as souls, to be the explorers into the unknown. The more it learned about the possibilities, the more things became complex to test all eventualities. The experiment then became a series of lessons to see how the recognition of their having the powers of Source would allow people to learn faster and more completely about the significance of perfection.

Each soul’s aim is to understand that they are Source energy and that, being Source, they can learn all about the opposite of perfection so that perfection may be appreciated and understood on a grander scale.

Souls afraid to go Home

Tuesday, January 15th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, I have started to see on the astral level and there are souls who have not realized they have passed away. Some of them keep acting the same as in their lives on Earth. They are confused, and they come to my aura. I tried to send them to the light but some of them did not want to go and they grab my hand and don’t want to go further. Those souls are everywhere and sometimes I “hear” their talk. Actually, they have same personality as when on Earth and they can feel emotions, like fear. Why there are souls who stay in this level? Why they don’t keep going to the light? And why I can see, feel and talk to them? ~Amalie, Finland

ANSWER: You have the ability to see and communicate with these souls because you choose to do so. You had decided that, sometime along your present journey, you would like to offer assistance to those who don’t realize who they are, souls who had chosen to have a human experience. You can do this since you have become enlightened with the knowledge of your essence as a soul while you remain on Earth in your human form.

You understand the blissfulness of Home and its unconditional love. Souls who have not come into this awareness during their time as humans are still controlled by the negative thoughts and ideas they believe are their only option. They cling to what they think they know, which is the belief system of reward and punishment, or karma, for what they have done during their life.

Their reality is that it is safer to remain on Earth since they don’t want to be subjected to “hell”. They are still in touch with all the emotions of the human body because they have not completely released their hold on it. They feel safe in the negativity in which they lived and cannot imagine unconditional love.

Some just need a little push, such as telling them they can move on, and others need more assistance to overcome their doubts and fears. Whether they move or not is completely up to them.

Something that helps make up their minds is suggesting they will be reunited with loved ones who predeceased them. You can even ask those friends and lovers to come and get them. Another helpful tactic is suggesting they ask their guides to accompany them across.

Some of these souls are remaining because they think there are things they have to do, such as help one left behind or get revenge for some wrong done to them. These souls are more difficult to assist because they are adamant in their beliefs.

Do whatever feels comfortable to you, even if that is nothing. If it ever becomes too much for you, you have the ability to shut off the connection.

Two human bodies, one soul

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters can the same soul reincarnate in two bodies in the same time and space, have death in one and continue the experience in the other body? Additionally, can these two lives have an agreement with another soul who is the same person here on earth? ~Amb, Portugal

ANSWER: No. A soul comes to Earth – that is, incarnates – only to experience the life lessons it previously chose, and for no other reason. Two souls can share a body only if one is having a human existence and the other has disincarnated (died) and been invited by the first to enter the same body.

The discarnate can continue with its planned life, which it left when it died, only if the soul occupying the body allows it to take over. The original soul can just travel along and observe life, or it can choose to leave the body and return Home, giving the discarnate possession – but that would cause the human body to die since no viable soul is present. This is extremely rare.

There cannot be another soul who is the same person, and no soul can live in more than one body at a time, so the agreements you mention are impossible. A single soul, in choosing to have a physical lifetime, may have that life only at one time, in one place.

It is true that the soul’s many lives do co-exist. They occur in different timelines and are imprinted within the soul’s akashic records, similar to the way a compact disc contains many different cuts of songs or videos. But the soul’s human awareness can be present in only one of these timelines at a time. The other “lives” are energetic until the soul’s focus shifts from one timeline to another and the awareness is shifted to the other body, severing connection to the previous physical life.