Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Human souls, spirits?

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, human souls get recycled through different lives in physical bodies, but spirits are metaphysical and live nearly eternally. Is it possible to change a human soul into a spirit or a spirit into a human soul? What would you need to do, and who would you need to ask to make this transformation possible? ~Hannah, USA

ANSWER: This is another case where the use of words is not standardized, and cross-meaning complicates understanding. Source broke off pieces of itself in order to have experiences in the physical realm. These pieces are called souls, and like Source, they are composed of energy and are eternal.

They are “souls” whether they currently inhabit a human body or are in the nonphysical realm of unconditionally loving Source. Some people refer to souls who are not in physical form as spirits. There is no such thing as a human soul, merely a human who is animated by a soul. Some say that the energy inside of humans is their spirit.

Souls are never totally in one place or another since they are energetic and may be in more than one place at a time. While incarnate on Earth, they mostly reside within the human body, but a portion of their essence remains at home with Source.

In whatever form they have, souls exhibit freedom of choice in all matters concerning their existence. The choice of lives on Earth, or elsewhere, is totally up to the individual soul. They enter physical form to have experiences not possible when they are energy. The choice of human experiences, or whether to be physical or remain nonphysical, is completely up to each soul. No permission is needed from anyone.

Who does the planning?

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I am confused about “who” does the “pre-birth” planning. Some say it is the “us” that is aware of itself as SOURCE, while others say it is the “us” that is just non-physical, but not aware of “us” as Source. Recently, I read some Seth Material, where Seth described an entity that overcompensated in his pre-birth planning, resulting in difficult life lessons for the incarnated personality that “need not have been” (I understood that to mean “unnecessary”). In another book, Jeshua, a channeled entity, describes the “soul”, that does the pre-birth planning, as a mix of love and non-love, and that the pre-birth planning is to create a lifetime to “scrub” away the non-love from the soul. This seems contradictory to the idea that perfect “Source” versions of us are doing the pre-birth planning. Who is doing the planning, and how can these “planners” be flawed, resulting in “overcompensation”? ~B. Singapore

Answer: The confusion with the various materials you have read is that there is no common description or understanding of what the different words universally mean. When people talk about the soul, do they mean the spirit, the piece that came from Source, or the unconscious aspect of the human being? Or do they mean all of the above? Channels can only speak the words they have in their vocabulary; they cannot use terms from another language unless their body has been taken over by another soul.

The sources you have quoted also come from different periods and locations where terminology varies slightly. We will answer your question defining our words as we go along. The piece broken off from Source is what we refer to as the soul. When it is nonphysical, it may also be called the spirit or reflection of the soul from when it inhabited the body. When the soul is nonphysical and at Home in unconditional love, it has no aspects of negativity or non-love. Once the soul re-enters unconditional love, it is totally aware of its essence of Source energy.

Who makes the plans? The Source-aware soul, which fully understands life lessons and freedom of choice, lays out its desired life. Although each soul is advised by its own council of advisors, they do not make any decisions for the soul. Just as you humans sometimes eat more than your body needs or can stand because your eyes are bigger than your stomach, souls may overestimate the number of lessons they can complete in a single lifetime.

The whole purpose of the planning is to experience situations the soul has never encountered before. Since souls are not aware of the extent of difficulty they may face, it is possible to overfill their plates. This is one of the reasons people may commit suicide – they get overwhelmed by their plans. It is not wrong; it is just another lesson.

Eternal souls and their choices

Tuesday, August 19th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, Our psychic daughter with autism has typed that our grandson is the reincarnation of my late sister. I always thought that I would see my sister again after death, but if she is incarnated at that time, how could I possibly meet with her again then? Do spirits who have moved on leave a personal messenger type hologram behind? Or do they come as their old selves somehow to meet us? I get confused about this, as I want very much to see my departed family members again. . . . . as they were when I knew them. How does this work? ~Carolyn, U.S.

ANSWER: Souls never die they just choose to go from one lifetime to another. Occasionally they decide to come back into the same human family from which they once resided and other times they will go somewhere new to them for an entirely different sort of experience.

The way you remember a particular soul is from your face to face contact with them. The body is nothing more than a covering which the soul has chosen for a single lifetime. Once the soul transitions back home the physical shell remains on the planet. The essence of the soul is unconditionally loving energy which needs no outer covering. It is without form and may be in many places at once which is why they rarely choose to take human form at Home because it takes so much energy and restricts movement.

You are correct that if your sister chose to come back that she will not be in energetic form when you first return to your original form (energy) unless she planned to have a very short life and pre-decease you. Also you may be disappointed in the person you see because after a soul has left the body they used on Earth they do not have a physical appearance unless they choose to reconstruct one. The chosen form may appear to be any age they were within that body. They may even choose to affect cosmetic changes if there was something about their body they did not care for.

Souls do not leave behind holograms per se – but the memory of those here is sometimes sufficient to provide that degree of definition. You will know your sister by her energy if you merely open yourself to the energy coming from her soul.