Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Mind vs. feelings

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I wanted to ask how on some days I feel so connected to source and I buzz with happiness and excitement, yet in a flash when I’m experiencing high emotions or if I’m upset, I seem to lose my connection. I seem to have a lot of people around me at the moment who make me feel negative, and I’m not sure if I’m imagining this or if it’s real? Is this because my ego takes over? If so, how can I prevent my mind from attacking me? Sometimes I think my mind is my own worst enemy. ~Michelle, England

ANSWER: The mind, the ego, and the judgment realm of the third dimension all play a part in diverting you from the feelings generated from your essence. You are sensitive to energy but you haven’t learned discernment yet, which would permit you to turn away the negative waves.

When you are flying in the positive energy you let your guard down. With no protection, you are vulnerable to people who bring in negative vibes, take over your aura, and eat up the good feelings, leaving you exposed to the negativity. You then start thinking rather than feeling.

With others around, you drop into an ego judgment where you become concerned about what they are thinking and whether you are doing what they want you to do. Staying away from the ego will remove any concern for what others think. Discernment would allow you to decide instantaneously what to let in and what to block or banish.

The process of entering into judgment takes place in the past or future, never in the present, because you must have standards against which to rate, or expectations of what you anticipate. One way to defeat being ambushed is to return to the immediate present when you start comparing or judging.

Your mind isn’t your worst enemy because it can also take the beliefs you want to live by and hold them for reminders of what to do when you feel overwhelmed. Evaluating whether or not the situation is something you need to experience is all you have to do to complete the test.

Understanding the lesson

Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, a few years ago, I had a profound experience where I just “knew” I was completely healed from my long-term illness. I was very grateful and thanked Spirit profusely. However, the healing did not manifest on a physical level. Could you please explain what actually happened in this experience? Why did I feel I was healed? What stopped it from manifesting? Will the physical healing actually happen? ~Angela, Australia

ANSWER: Souls who are having a human experience have many layers. They have mental, emotional, and spiritual as well as physical aspects to self. When dealing with a physical condition, which is part of a life lesson, you may have to heal or re-balance each of your layers. Your long-term illness was the outward indication of a lesson you had chosen. It affected all four layers of your existence.

On a spiritual level you understood the elements that constituted your lesson, and you accepted the teachings of self-awareness, manifestation, patience, and faith in self. This allowed you to rid the spiritual part of your existence from the effects of your illness. On the physical level you still have to work with the lessons of being dependent on others and being able to ask for assistance while turning negative thought into positive action.

Emotionally you have not recovered your balance from victimization to whole person. It has become a belief system with which you identify yourself and it hasn’t been released or rewritten as of yet. Mentally you don’t have full faith that a total transformation is able to occur. Doubts continue to creep into your life, and these hold a physical change at bay.

Exposure to some of the actions and reactions from the duration of your problems created a comfort zone of acceptability, and these must be explored and banished before such a drastic modification as you perceived in your meditative state can take place. Anything is possible.

Fear of manifestation

Tuesday, October 14th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I am having trouble manifesting a girlfriend. This has always been a hang up of mine; I had my first and only girlfriend at the age of 33 after much prayer. Now I am stuck, because I know prayer works and I fear it. If my every whim were to be answered life would become unbearable and I wouldn’t develop. So I cannot pray without internal resistance born from fear that my prayers will actually be answered. If I was praying for something spiritual I would have no fear, but this prayer seems to be only about satisfying my ego. But as I said, having a girlfriend is a particular hang up of mine, because I often satisfy my ego in other ways. How can I transcend this problem without becoming a monk? ~George, UK

ANSWER: Prayer, as recognized by most people from the instruction of organized religion, is the beseeching of a supreme being, who has the power of judgment over all others, to grant the subject matter of the prayer. This being outside of oneself is believed to have ultimate control over everything that happens.

Within each person is a soul that is a piece of the Source of all, who exists in unconditional love with no judgment whatsoever. Therefore, each person’s soul has the same magnificent abilities and characteristics of the origin of all existence. For humans, the basic problem is they first have to accept and realize that they have these capabilities. They are all powerful, all creative, all knowing, and all magnificent.

Even if they accept their abilities, they may not be able to use them in a particular lifetime because doing so would interfere or conflict with the life lessons they chose  before coming to Earth. If something that is desired is not in conflict, it then becomes simply an issue of people having faith in themselves and their powers.

When they think they are praying to an entity outside of themselves, they are actually asking themselves if they believe they deserve, and wish to use the energy to create, the object of their desire in their life. Doing so is a spiritual act because it is using one’s essence. An ego is not able to create something, but a soul is.

Your difficulty is having faith in yourself and the need to stop questioning your worthiness. Life lessons include accepting yourself without question; avoiding negativity and seeing only positive outcomes; getting rid of phrases like “I can’t”, “I don’t believe it”, “It will never happen”, “It won’t work”. Start saying instead: ”I have a beautiful female companion” – and believe she is coming to you.