Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Energy blocking

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I have been reading about heart walls – how we erect one around our hearts to protect us after we have been hurt. My friend, who is an intuitive, says that she can’t read my energy. Does releasing negative energy and emotions using things like magnets proposed by Dr. Bradley Nelson work? Is there a better way? ~Marnie, Canada

ANSWER: People will erect walls, barriers, blockades, and energy stoppages around anything from which they desire to hide. A traumatic event will automatically and immediately cause the unconscious to find a way to keep it hidden so it will not harm you. Some people break off parts of their personalities to hold onto the hurt and keep it from being seen or attacked by others. Post-traumatic stress disorder is one way hidden events can handicap a person.

There are many techniques to uncover and deal with hidden traumas. These hurts may occur in any of the bodies or waveforms: physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual. Their location can have an impact on the method needed to “heal” them. Healing is really a balancing of all the energies of the body.

Physical waves, such as the magnetic ones Dr. Nelson uses, can help balance up the physical body but have minimal effect on the other bodies. The most effective way of defeating the distressing event is to have the person understand what the particular lesson is, the reason for choosing it, and how to learn from it and release it.

If one does not get rid of the cause, treating the symptoms will bury it only until something triggers a similar response again. Getting rid of the cause removes it for good with no recurrence.

Through deep meditation and/or hypnosis, returning the soul to its ordeal so it may work through it is the fastest way to erase all effects. During the process of healing it is important that the client is completely on board with the procedure and believes that it will achieve the desired result.

The method suggested above works because it allows the conscious thinking mind to go to sleep and the client or practitioner to work with the unconscious non-judgmental, non-egotistic, feeling part of the person. The obstruction can be visualized and a method found to destroy it.

Everything is a lesson

Tuesday, November 11th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I love my husband but, we have different opinions regarding spirituality. He’s Jewish, still carries some hate and distrust toward Muslims and has a general negative view of the world. I’m seeking my way to learn to ascend, love unconditionally and make heaven on Earth. Why are we together if we are so different? What is my mission on Earth? ~Patricia, USA

ANSWER: You put yourself in situations where you may complete your life lessons and gather an understanding about yourself and the human process. You have many things presented by your husband and his beliefs that are examples you may use to hone your spiritual growth.

When souls are working on the process of enlightenment, they realize the need to release any vestige of judgment and start turning toward evaluation instead. On the spiritual path nothing is right or wrong; it is simply an opportunity to learn lessons. Your husband’s beliefs hold him to a standard that requires him to have very defined judgments about peoples and religions.

He has never comprehended that he is not making his own decisions about things but simply relying on what he has been taught without ever examining the doctrines. The nature of his thoughts leads him to join in the general negativity and to be satisfied with residing there instead of attempting to seek positive alternatives.

Open to the energies that are around your relationship. This is a lesson of discernment – how it feels, where you side, what you choose to do. You are examining the law that all souls have freedom of choice if they recognize it and choose to use it. You also see that no matter what you say to others, it is impossible to get them to take action or change their mind about something unless they choose to do so.

This situation is teaching you to honor yourself and the beliefs you have chosen to follow. You are being true to your feelings and intuition when you turn away from the negativity your husband brings into the house. Your mission is to understand who you are as a soul and to use those powers and abilities to create a reality in which to continue growing.

Accept that your husband’s way is his chosen path. Love that he is learning from his beliefs even if it does not match something you would choose for yourself. Make your own choices about the future. Choosing to walk away from the negativity is one way you may go, but the choice is yours. He is not going to change.

Creating and projecting fears

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I`m finally ready for love and I feel it near me…he is almost knocking on the door, I think… BUT the problem is that what can I do to trust my daughter to be safe? I have bad experiences about child abuse and I´m quite sure that my daughter has had those also, or if not I still am afraid about her not to be safe. How can I get over this fear? Is there something about our past lives concerning this matter? ~Anett, Finland

ANSWER: You may feel that your love is close, but you have closed the door in his face because of your fears. When you give power to the potential for problems, it invites those activities to come and visit you. The past is the past and it will not affect the present or the future unless you call a repeat of that energy back to you.

Stop thinking – and thereby bringing – the worst possible scenarios into your world. Give time and energy only to the positive, the most wonderful that you wish to appear. Like attracts like; if you remember the bad experiences, the universe thinks you want to have them again and will make sure that is what happens.

Fears are the signposts of life lessons you wished to work on in this lifetime. When one appears, you need to go into it and find out why it is there and how you can understand and banish it from your life. Ask yourself how you feel about the fear; go back to its origin and see that it was only a lesson, and if you don’t need to experience it again and you won’t have to.

You need to be very positive about yourself and what you need. As a piece of Source energy, which is your soul, you have the power and ability to create your own world. If you envision your surroundings as only positive and loving, that is what you will receive. Be cautious that negative thoughts don’t creep in and populate your world with those things you have feared in the past.

Your daughter is also a very powerful soul and will bring to her the things she wishes to experience. Trust that she knows her own mind and spiritual path.