Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Does amnesia ruin everything?

Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, how can a soul learn and progress if each time it is reborn it ‘forgets’ what it learned from the previous life, and has to ‘start over’? Surely, you keep learning the same lessons and make the same mistakes? ~Lou, UK

ANSWER: Each time a soul comes down to the planet it has plans for a different set of lessons. Its purpose is to first work through each lesson and then to find out, or remember, who it truly is as a soul. Having all the answers in the beginning takes away the need to use freedom of choice to move through that life.

If a soul has a desire to be a master in a particular area, such as abandonment, remembering how it dealt with parental loss, say, would prevent it from significantly being able to work on spousal abandonment without knowing it is just a lesson it chose that has a lot of the same emotions it dealt with in other lives. Understanding the nuances and permutations of a human trait is the only way to achieve mastery.

Masters are not souls who are better than others, but rather those who have studied and lived through all the possible variations of a theme. In this example, a master would be expert in all the possible ways to create and deal with abandonment, and would also take the role of the abandoner to feel all those emotions as well.

In school, if someone gives you all the answers to the final examination before you have started the course, you are not very likely to spend much time studying the subject matter. The same effect would occur if you knew how to deal with your lessons before they presented themselves.

You don’t even come down with knowledge of your particular lessons. You have to work to uncover them from the fears and doubts they raise as you go through life. Frequently, interconnected lessons hide the major one until you deal with the minor ones. For instance, guilt, lack of self-confidence, and no self-love complicate seeing and working with abandonment. They have to be cleared before you can face the versions of this life’s particular type of abandonment.

Once all the lessons are complete, the soul may bring back into awareness what it has done in prior lives and how those experiences may have affected this life.

Confusion about death

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, my husband died in my arms, a victim of cancer. We spent seven years together, with many difficulties, many of them were financial difficulties, but I think we mature together. I think he was my companion in this life. I would like to know how he is now, and if he suffered in the last moments. I would also like he forgive me for the lack of patience and everything I did wrong for him. I am too sad and don’t know what to do to complete my lessons of life. May I do something to help him somehow and help myself? ~Adriana, Brazil

ANSWER: Once the soul leaves the physical body, it enters into unconditional love with no negativity – therefore no pain or regrets. As your husband’s body went through the last phases of the disease, his soul and consciousness spent more time outside the body than in it. In other words, the physical pain was not affecting his awareness.

You were with him in this life to witness this trial he had requested and to learn more about yourself. Since this was your journey as well as his, you did nothing that could be considered wrong since it was all for the experience. Patience was a life lesson you wished to deal with and you learned by being able to know when you felt you were too brisk with your actions.

Examine what occurred during your time together and you will see the lessons on which you were working. Understanding the way you now feel and think about your actions will help you further learn and understand your lessons.

Take one day at a time. Honor the magnificent life you witnessed and the one you are living. Continue to send unconditional love to your husband – and don’t forget yourself. Love is the answer to all awareness, learning, and growth.

Higher state of being

Tuesday, November 25th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I strive for Spiritual balance and loss of ego. With the use of psychedelics I have experienced fleeting moments of a higher sense of being. I strive to achieve that state of consciousness but I understand that the journey is far more important than the actual achievement. How do I go about becoming a Master of Self and take full control over my physical vessel so I can be of most assistance to those I Love and be a channel for the Universal Energy? ~Juan, USA

ANSWER: True spiritual living can only come when the ego is tamed and put in a cage. Ego is the judgment aspect of society. One byproduct of psychedelics and other drugs is the loss of concern for the beliefs of others, particularly the judgment phase, while the uninhibited consciousness is freed of all fears and doubts. This appears to duplicate the elevated enlightened state one may work to achieve.

The soul comes to Earth to learn lessons, which appear as negative doubts and fears. It is the soul’s intention to understand these demons by facing them, going into their causes, and, while understanding them, turning them into positive experiences and wisdom.

The journey to be successful and repeatable must be done step by step. You have to face each negative challenge, go inside to find what it is attached to, and then, using your freedom of choice, replace it with its positive opposite. Under drugs, all you do is banish the challenges’ existence until you become sober again, and then they are still facing and taunting you.

When you have removed all the negativity, you will be no longer be faced with judgments that require ego. Your only job then is to evaluate a situation and see if it is something you can learn from while never declaring anything right or wrong. This journey is one of modifying your life as you go through the process of finding and changing all the judgmental situations.

Each time you remove negative energy, it is replaced with positive, unconditional, universal love energy. When you have replaced all the negativity, you have mastered this physical life.