Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Are WW II Germans unjustly judged?

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, the Second World War has been the subject of many films and history books teach us that during this dark period, 6 000 000 Jews died. Since I train myself to take two steps back, and watch the events, I thought to ask this: Do we judge the Germans more severely than would be justified? Were they really so cruel, as we are taught? ~Juha, Finland

ANSWER: Why is it you take two steps back to analyze what society does with negativity in the third-dimensional world? We give information here on spiritual awareness: striving to reach the point in human life where you are able to shun all ego judgment and merely evaluate whether or not the activity of the rest of the world is something in which you want to participate. Can you learn anything by repeating what society has decided is right? In spiritual growth nothing is right or wrong.

Your inquiry implies that you question the societal majority’s judgment that the Germans were bad, and are uncertain whether you should also believe it. Freedom of choice is the way souls learn their lessons on planet Earth. Behavior is guided by the belief systems one accepts. You can side with the majority or decide for yourself if it makes any difference in the way you live your life.

Human history also reports the treatment that the Japanese inflicted on prisoners during the same war. Other despotic leaders had similar or worse records from their ruling techniques: Mao Tse-tung, 23 to 30 million Chinese dead; Stalin, 20 million Russians; Pol Pot, 1 to 2 million in his killing fields; and Idi Amin, an ethnic cleansing of 300,000 of his own people.

The accepted ideologies of these leaders and their peoples are what have been condemned. Remember, all the participants agreed to what occurred. To carry a condemnation beyond the ones who perpetrated the events is something the egotists feel is their right. Decide whether you need to join the group or just sit back and observe if you can learn anything from the behavior.

Doctrine of hell

Monday, December 29th, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, you said in one of your posts that there is no hell, but I read a book “the laws of spirit world”, which says the subconscious mind of the person leads them to a realm out of seven realms, so the bottom 3 realms are known as hell, and you said that there exists no judgment in spirit world, then if there is no judgment then why some people belong to lower realms and rest to higher realms (you said that there is no right or wrong). ~Hemangi, India

ANSWER: There are many books and articles out there that relate the beliefs of their authors. Most were written to create dogmas for belief systems the authors want you to accept without testing them out yourself – just because they think they are right.

It would be very difficult for humans to leave their body, visit the beyond, and then come back and base the rest of their life upon the experiences they had. Many search through the available beliefs of others so they can just accept them and not do any work. This is perfectly satisfactory if you want someone else to tell you what to do, with no input from yourself.

A better way to live your life is to question everything that you hear, read, and see. We always tell you, and all readers, not to accept anything we say unless it feels good to you, and to move away from people who want to do your thinking for you.

Our beliefs – and you may accept or reject them – are simple. Earth is a place ruled by the ego, which uses judgment to rate, grade, and approve or condemn everything. All humans are animated by a soul, which is a piece of Source energy and is perfect in every way. Source exists in unconditional love and constructed Earth to see what it was not by allowing fractions of itself to battle daily in positive and negative energy. Once the soul completes its work on Earth, it returns Home to unconditional love where everyone, being a piece of Source, is equal.

Many writings have described a level, or realm, scenario. This idea originates from the authors’ egos wanting to judge others and present themselves as better than their neighbors. On Earth that scenario exists, but in energetic soul form all is the same. On Earth there is a societal right and wrong to everything you do or think. At Home nothing is judged so nothing is found to be right or wrong.

There is no hell as a place where only souls exist, but there is a hell in the way life has to be lived by society’s standards on the physical Earth. If you don’t comply or meet their requirements, they will make your physical life a living hell. You have freedom of choice to accept, at any time, the beliefs by which you live your physical life. We merely suggest that you don’t accept anything as truth for you until you see how it “feels” to you.

Defeating expectations

Monday, December 22nd, 2014

QUESTION: Masters, I’ve been on a spiritual journey for several years now. During the last few years, I feel that I have grown a lot. I always imagined that with time, the work would become easier. For example, those limiting beliefs that come up, and feelings and pain which causes discomfort and suffering, I challenge those things and feel that I’ve been courageous. I imagined all of this would only get easier with time, and given the knowledge and growth that I have gained. At times, I still feel overwhelmed by how much comes up; sometimes it feels really difficult to tackle. My question is, does it ever get easier? It feels hard. I thought a spiritual journey would only get easier with time. ~Veronica, USA

ANSWER: You are still trying to be in control of what comes to you instead of letting your unconscious higher self dictate what needs to be dealt with. You have done marvelously with your growth. As you have so courageously proceeded, you have learned the lessons in most of the situations chosen by you. In a few you have battled the emotions and suppressed the lesson into submission and retreat, but lessons suppressed just come back with ferocity.

You are what is known as an older soul, one who has had many prior lives. In each of these lives, if you chose lessons you were not able to complete, they will come into your current life with vengeance to see if you can conquer them at this time. In other words, the more prior lives, the more potential for very difficult things to appear.

Lessons continue until you understand them so that you will recognize any variation on the theme that presents itself. You would not expect university work to be easier than kindergarten or high school, would you? Why expect post-graduate work to be easier than what has been seen before? With due diligence, you are able to gather the wisdom from progressively more complex situations.

Your attitude also affects the severity you imagine with each new event. If you think it is – or is going to be – hard, it will appear monstrous. Likewise, if you see it as doable, even if it is very complicated, you will be able to breeze through it.

Getting yourself out of judgment, which is the rating of each circumstance, prevents the playing of mental games in your head. If you get rid of the ego, which is the seat of judgment, you may enter into the area of evaluation, where you feel your way through life. Enlightenment is the point where judgment vanishes and evaluation rules.