Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Who are we?

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters can you tell us about being aware of who we really are, right now on Earth as humans? And also give us tips on how to connect with You and our Presence of I AM? Thank you from my heart! ~Erica, Brazil

ANSWER: Being aware of who you are is the process of bringing your spiritual essence, your “I AM Presence” as you have called it, into your total consciousness. Often this is called the process of enlightenment. It begins by accepting the human life you are involved in and loving the fact that you chose to partake in learning through negativity.

Let’s back up a bit and determine word meanings, since your language is seldom specific in its implications. Souls originated by being separated or broken off from Source energy, which was the only existence in the universe until it decided to divide. Religions have referred to this as the I AM Presence or Supreme Beingness.

Since each soul’s essence is of Source, it has all the same characteristics and abilities as Source. Recognizing that you have these abilities and learning to use them while on Earth in a physical body is connecting to your I AMness. We are but a part of the whole, just as you.

Earth is the only place that exists as a duality of negative and positive. When Source created individual souls, it did so to find out what it was not. It was already aware of its perfection, which included being all-knowing, all-powerful, all-creative, and all-magnificent. Source existed in an all-positive, unconditionally loving environment with no negativity and no judgment. It wished to know what the opposite of itself was like, which could only be achieved in negativity. Earth would become its antithesis, where each soul would have total freedom of choice to learn through experiencing.

Work toward removing all egoic judgment from your life. Replace all negative energy and experiences with positive, loving ones. You will then be in your oneness and connected in a knowing way to all that is, including us.

Conflict between judgment and evaluation

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, The laws of the universe and the laws of earth seem to be in conflict. According to your statements: ‘there is no heaven or hell, no judgment, no punishment, no pain, no karma and only earth contains negativity. When our earth life ends we enter into seamless, unconditional love.’ So therefore people who lived as murderers, thieves, torturers and hedonists, who were never caught on earth, receive no consequence? So saints and martyrs like Jesus and Mother Teresa receive the exact same results upon death as the most heinous criminal? Therefore it does not matter what you choose or how you live as a human, at death we are all rewarded? (Is this true?) Then why do some humans hang around the dark energy of earth after they die? Why don’t they immediately immerse themselves in unconditional love? ~Christina, USA

ANSWER: Individual souls came into existence by being separated from Source energy so that Source might have experiences to learn what is the opposite of its perfection. All souls have the same essence of unconditional love while not playing a part in some learning experience in the duality of Earth. When souls incarnate into a body in the positive / negative energies of Earth, they are merely playing a role on the stage of egotistical, judgmental human society. The souls’ essence always remains the same – unconditional love.

Just as actors are not the heroes or villains they portray, souls never lose their unconditionally loving essence or change into the cynical, maniacal, bloodthirsty horrors they depict on Earth. The roles that are played on Earth are chosen by unconditionally loving souls to experience so they might learn from the diversity. The soul who chooses to be a Hitler in one life and a Mother Teresa in the next is the same loving soul when each life is finished.

The absence of punishment is not a reward. The concept of punishment needs a judgmental system in order to operate, and there is no judgmental system outside of Earth. Once the soul leaves its temporary shell or body, it exists only with its loving essence. What matters in living as a human is learning the lessons chosen by one’s soul to advance one’s wisdom, and working toward replacing negativity with positivity.

It is difficult to accept these concepts since you are looking at them with the judgmental societal view by which you live your life. When one’s emotions are involved, wanting, needing, or even demanding retribution or punishment is part of the requirement of the ego, where everything is judged, rated, and graded.

Some souls have been so involved in negativity while on Earth that they forget about unconditional love and seek to stay in the negativity that they feel gives them power and control. They remain there until they finally decide to move on.

Finding the flow

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters I’ve lived a very structured life and I want to go with the flow more. I am ready to let loose more often and stop taking myself so seriously. But, I don’t know how and where to even begin. How do I become in tune with noticing the energies around me and how do I identify that energy? How do I notice the signs of what to open up to which will be positive for my soul’s journey? What is the difference between my imagination; meaning, what I want to believe in and, what is real; that I should follow or be open to? ~Maximiliana, USA

ANSWER: Behavior is determined by the belief systems you put in place to tell you what you should do based on what others have told you is correct. Structure is following your expectations of an outcome; it is very controlling behavior. It is necessary in certain positions in order to prevent chaos, but it doesn’t have to be a way of life.

When you are overly serious, you have the impression there is one, and only one, way to do things and you want to be right in your effort. Seriousness is the dominion of society’s ego, with judgment determining how you match up to everyone else. Everything is judged to be right or wrong.

“Being in the flow” is being a part of the pulse of life. It is feeling what you want to do, not thinking about what you should do based on others’ ideas. The “flow” is positive loving energy, while society is mostly negative competitive energy. The “flow” is stress free.

Start your journey by ridding yourself of as much judgment as you possibly can. Don’t think of things as right or wrong, just whether you want them in your life. Observe what others do – not judging, just evaluating if you wish to try what you see. Get rid of all expectations of the outcomes of your activities. When you start an activity, do it for the sheer fun or experience of the action.

Visualize yourself in balance with the universe, as a surf board floating peacefully on the ocean. Let yourself drift with the prevailing winds for they will direct you to things you wish, or need, to experience. Your soul, with the help of the universe, brings to you that which you desire to understand. The serenity you find yourself enjoying is the energy of the “flow.”

You create your own reality by the choices you make of the things and actions you want to be part of your life. At first you may need to imagine what you desire in your life until you have brought it to you; then reality takes over.

Set aside thinking and just feel. Don’t analyze – just live.