Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Where do all the souls come from?

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters where do all of the spirits/souls come from (origination)? There are old souls and others, but where do the souls continue to root from. We are already a spirit before we are born to earth and enter a human body, but the population grows. Where do the spirits/grow from? ~Avital, USA

ANSWER: All souls are pieces broken off from Source energy. Just under seven billion souls are incarnate on your Planet Earth at this time. We have visited this question in the past in our writing of the book Exploring Reincarnation. The question (found on page 203) was: “How many souls are there currently in existence? Is the creation of new souls ongoing or has it already met a target number?

Our answer now, as it was then, is: “Using your numbering system there are approaching a trillion souls in existence. Take your known Earth population, consider there are hundreds of other places souls can inhabit, understand souls come and go daily (birth and death), some souls are in places where they have the option of popping in and out of bodies as they experience different activities, and the answer is that the number changes constantly. (The number that are on Earth at any one time, not the total number of individual souls.)

The creation of individual souls has no specific target number. All the fragments that are needed to sustain the current learning processes exist now. Will more be needed in the future? There are too many variables to say with absolute certainty, but we do not anticipate the creation of any additional souls.”

As you can see from these figures 9,993 billion souls are not engaged in life on the planet. Also considering souls repeatedly choose to return to Earth to try new life lessons it seems unlikely the variables will present themselves such that Source will have to make further divisions of itself.

Makeup of the soul

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, Does the soul have eyes? I am trying to visualize my soul without my shell and find it nearly impossible, any tips? I want to learn more about my lessons, why I see energy around people’s heads like wavy heat or fumes coming off a hot grill. I want to know if it is my soul or shell that sees energy.  ~Heather, US

ANSWER: It is very difficult to visualize something you have never experienced with the physical mind being the determiner. Souls do not have permanent shells of any kind. They are amorphous (formless) energy that can be in as many places as  desired, join with other energy, or reach out and touch everything at once. There is no way you can really conceptualize this with the experience your physical body possesses from your human lifetime.

Many people ask why it is possible for a soul on the Other Side to mentally reach out and establish contact while being unable to speak to the Earthling. After all, no body, no voice box, so no speech. Same as your question: no physical body, so no eyes as would be contained within a physical structure.

Does that mean souls can’t see? It depends on your definition of seeing. We use the concept or term of awareness: being able to know what something is and where it is. Souls have total awareness if they have that intention. It’s all there; it just depends if they want to look at it.

Your lessons are situations that present themselves to you as fears and doubts about this life. Work on understanding them and why they exist. The ability to see auras, the wave-like vibrations around others, is accomplished by opening to the energetic essence of another soul. Your soul is aware of the energy, and your physical eyes permit you to see it as something recognizable from past experience because you are reaching out to the nonphysical existence of the universe.


Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I´m 34 and still living with my mom. I`ve been wanting to live in my own house for years but never felt confidence that it was the right moment (is there such a thing?) and I was afraid to not being able to support myself, as my mother has always told me so. I left my job for a more satisfying and joyful career (I´m a full time holistic therapist now) and want to move to another city to my own home. Am I abandoning my mom? Or being impulsive? Also I can´t figure out where, which city? Should I move right now or wait some months for financial safety. Will I have financial safety? ~Fernanda, Brazil

ANSWER: You are always where you need to be when you are there. The “need” is generally to learn a lesson that you have been avoiding or ignoring. You are changing some of the beliefs by which you have structured your life. You’re on what might be called a self-empowerment journey. Your mother has been your restraining strap. She has convinced you that you need to stick around because you are unable to take care of yourself; what she really wants is for you to stick around and take care of her.

Anyone who has spent as much time as you have thinking about and creating a new career and new destination is not being the least bit impulsive. You are still in fear-of-change mode because you have been told you can’t take care of yourself or make a living. The truth is that you can do anything you believe you can – anything you don’t prevent yourself from doing.

Your mother will be fine. She will act as though you are abandoning her so that you do not leave her. She likes to control you and will continue if you let her. The choice is yours. It is time she started taking complete care of herself. There is nothing that will prevent her from doing so.

Let your intuition tell you where and when to relocate. If you remain around there, your mother will find a way to ensnare you. To establish a steady clientele you need to be where the demand for your services exists and where you are available for people to return for more treatments. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to move.

Study the need for your work in cities that appeal to you. Reach out to those you know who are in the field and get some opinions; then meditate on the subject and see what feels right.