Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Time of increased awareness

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters Is it true that incarnates are receiving more information at this time, than ever before, about our true nature, much of it being accessed via Near Death Experiences, Past Life Regression, Life between Lives and Out of Body Experiences? ~Linda, UK

ANSWER: A lot of the souls choosing to come to Earth at this time are looking forward to learning to use wisdom they gained from prior lives, and their own Source energy, to understand and enjoy the human experience at a greater depth than ever before. While these souls still come into human form with nearly complete amnesia, they are relying on their intuition to take them to procedures that will allow them to “remember” that which they blocked before arriving.

The methods you mentioned in your question are a few of the means being used to reconnect. It is not a simple thing to just “see” or “feel” the past; people must be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually ready to use the knowledge that is so different from their third-dimensional human beliefs.

Many people having a near-death experience try to fit it into the pattern of their day-to-day organized religious beliefs. They want to view the experience as a visit to their understanding of heaven. Common practice within hospitals used to be having a psychiatrist try to convince these persons it was all a dream brought on by trauma to the body or reaction to medication. Now, spiritual assistance helps the patients grasp the event as their reality in this life that there is more than just the physical existence of the body.

Hypnotic sessions of past-life and life-between-lives regressions are generally undertaken to reach an understanding of the journey the soul has had prior to the current life. Hypnosis may initially be used as therapy to understand and balance the problems of this life, but it provides much, much more if the client is open to the information. Talents, abilities, and skills that were part of another existence may be brought out to be used again.

There are many more tools to recover knowledge: lucid dreaming, out-of-body travels, and even deep meditation. There was very little use of these techniques in the past because people feared anything they could not scientifically prove – and some still cling to that fear.

The energy on the planet right now makes it easier to get in contact with the nonphysical world, and therefore more information is being accessed. People are opening to their feelings and exploring. It is an interesting time.

Anything mandatory in life?

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, if we have many lives, do we have to experience every scenario? Do we have to say murder in one life and be a hero in another? I worry that if that is the case, and I haven’t done that in a previous life, then I have to reincarnate to do it and obviously that’s not what I want. I understand we have free choice in every lifetime but do we HAVE to experience the good & the bad? ~Tina, England

ANSWER: There is nothing that could be considered mandatory for souls to do during their many trips to Earth. The only reason that a soul would explore all the aspects of any one characteristic would be to become a master of wisdom in that particular area of experience.

A soul has no requirement to become a master – it is an individual choice made according to each soul’s interests. This is similar to those choosing to be doctors. They may wish to go into general practice, doing a little bit of everything. Or they may choose to become a “master” at one specialty, such as learning all there is about the brain, a neurologist; the heart, a cardiologist; or the feet, a podiatrist.

There is not even a mandate to complete a lesson that was not finished in a previous life. If the knowledge is still of interest, you do it again in a subsequent life. If it no longer has an appeal, then you forget about it and move on to something else.

As to experiencing the good and the bad, that is the reason your soul comes to planet Earth, since it is the only place with a duality allowing for the use of both negative and positive choices in order to learn the lessons you desire. If you just want to experiment with a characteristic with which you are familiar, and you don’t need to understand by choosing which way to deal with it, you would select a specific planet that has only positive energy but affords the opportunity to examine all facets of the trait.

We really do mean a soul has total freedom of choice in the selections for life experiences. No one makes you do anything.

From stress to panic to …?

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I have been seeking ways to improve my response to stress as I get stressed very easily and it overwhelms me. I’ve tried EFT, TAT and various books and meditations but nothing works. Taking your advice about how something feels, when I was in full stress mode at work recently, I took a few moments to sit back and go into my body to see how it felt, and the overriding all powerful feeling was one of utter panic. Intellectually I knew that the situation I was stressing over was pretty inconsequential but no matter how much I tell myself this, nothing changes. Having this new knowledge of the stress feeling like panic, I don’t know where to go or what to try from here. ~Lynnie, UK

ANSWER: Congratulations on all the work you have done and the accomplishments it has brought to you. You have a further step to take after the ones you already know. Once you have stopped and asked what is causing the stress, and you have felt the overwhelming panic, then ask the next question: Where is the panic coming from? Let your higher self assist you by providing this answer.

You will be provided with an event that can be a statement from someone, a situation that didn’t work out well for you, or an imagined barrier you cannot climb. When you have this information, you have something to work on with all the rest of the tools in your arsenal. Chip away at these phantoms until they disappear.

The cause of your stress may be inconsequential at this time, but what they trigger from your deeply hidden emotions can be devastating until you identify and defuse it. Take your time and don’t get discouraged. You have come so far already; the end is in sight.