Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Connecting with the Universe

Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

Question: Masters, I haven’t been feeling well (physically and emotionally), the negativity of the world is very hard on me as well as some personal stuff going on. I’m working on connecting with my higher self, discovering my goals in life and deepening myself in a spiritual way. Amongst others I want to start meditating to listen to myself better and make contact with my spirit guides. What is the best way to start with that and keep negative energies away? Also: is intuition my higher self speaking to me, or are my guides sending messages? Do you maybe have some other advice for me at this time? ~Jessica, Belgium

ANSWER: Each soul creates the reality needed in order to live its chosen life. You experience negative or positive energy through the exercise of your freedom of choice. Only if you open yourself to the negativity of the world can it have any impact on you. If you concentrate on the third-dimensional ego judgmental choices of society, you will be bathed in negativity. Watch, witness, but do not partake.

Whenever you find yourself sad or upset, make the decision to create or remember the happiest moment of your life. Happiness and unconditional love are choices. Just as you can see a rainy day as having a negative influence on your mood because it is dreary and wet, you can also see it as providing nutrients and strength to plants, clearing the air of pollutants and toxins, and washing away the grime of daily life.

Meditation is nothing more than being able to control and shut off your constantly interfering thought processes. You can’t hear your guides, and most of the time your intuition, if you are preoccupied with your mind’s replaying the past and dreaming about the future. Concentrating on the present – the world around you as it is at this moment – helps to turn off the thought machine.

The intuition that indicates what will provide the answers to your questions and choices comes as a “knowing” or “feeling.” It is provided by your higher self or soul, the part of you that never dies and that brings your experience from past lives into this one. When your guides give you a message, which they will only do when asked, it comes as more of a thought than a feeling.

Accept that you can control your life. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be able to communicate with spirit immediately. Get used to it, just as you did learning to talk and walk.

Sexual orientation

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I have one doubt.. Is it possible for someone to change your own sexual orientation? Can a straight person turn into a gay person or vice-versa? I heard someone can’t control your own physical attraction, but in another hand can someone change it? ~Vinicius, Brazil

ANSWER: The duality of Earth provides souls having a human experience with all potentialities. All have freedom to choose how they wish to lead their life and what directions they wish to pursue. Those who come to Earth with a particular sexual orientation, and an appearance that of the opposite sexual body from which they were born, have several options. They may live as the birth sex, cross-dress into the opposite sex, have transgender surgery, or follow homosexual behavior.

Emotionally a body has feelings of strong likes and dislikes, not only in sexual encounters but also in foods and activities. It may be as simple as a fascination for those of the same or opposite sex, a particular body type such as thin or muscular, hair color or style, or anything else. These characteristic attractions may change from time to time.

A number of people have multiple tendencies. When it comes to sexual orientation, these persons generally experiment with both sexes. Some find yearnings to vary from time to time and attraction to be for individuals rather than one sex. Those who over-think an attraction to one sex or the other are being influenced by societal thinking and not their own internal draw. Those who are influenced by the judgment of others are not honoring the spiritual journey that brought them to Earth.

People can always say no. They can change their interests and path at any time because of their freedom of choice. Does that mean they should do so because family and peers are telling them to? That too is subject to choice. Nothing is right or wrong on the spiritual journey. All of life is for learning. You can’t learn if you don’t try what appeals to you. There are no absolutes in life.

Creating your stage setting

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I thought I had things figured out. But recently, after so many experiences and setbacks, I wonder how much of this world is illusion? There seems to be so much more, are there things even the masters have yet to understand? Is it a possibility that our life lessons and reincarnation are another layer of processes built into our earthly belief systems? Were these created by an ancient race, or a lower God of creation? Can the concept of duality be a form of control created to defer our minds from an ultimate reality? ~Erika, U.S.

ANSWER: Your entire world is an illusion created by you to give you a stage upon which to learn what you wish to experience. The limits of your world illusion are controlled by your own imagination and creating the situations you need to address in order to learn. The Masters are aware of all that is possible because they may observe what is happening and what possibilities are available.

You cannot compare Earthly belief systems and the spiritual world. Humans are actually souls who chose to have a human experience – not humans who just happen to have a soul. You may adopt aspects of your spiritual journey as a layer of your human life, but not the other way around.

All things in human form deal with the duality of negative and positive as determined by the third-dimensional ego, using judgment. A spiritual passage is observation of the occurring events with an evaluation (not a judgment) of whether you wish to repeat them or feel you have seen enough of them.

Duality arises merely to allow a soul to make decisions or choices for the purpose of learning about itself. It requires the judging of which energy you wish to possess. Being a soul at Home or in Source energy is being in unconditional love where there is no negativity and no right or wrong and, hence, nothing to judge – so no ego.

All souls have the same essence: unconditional love. There are no lesser or greater gods, because all are composed of that same energy. Ancient races may come into play if a soul has had a human incarnation in which it was a part of the evolution of Earth. It is simply knowledge that was personally experienced, but it is shared by all.

You are trying very hard to “think” your way into a nonphysical, nonregulated, constantly changing setting that souls use to create the stages needed for their “performance.” Just sit back and let it happen!