Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Is anesthesia the absence of everything?

Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters I’m having a dilemma. I had ACL knee surgery and was put under local anesthetic. Now it felt like only 30 seconds had past when I awoke but in fact two hours had passed. In this time I was NOTHING. It was blank no memory no dreams I simply did not exist just empty darkness with no memory or state of being in anyway. I have always believed in the afterlife but now I am scared I will simply not exist when I die. Did my soul leave my body when I was put out? If so why could I not remember? ~Kieran, UK

ANSWER: It is impossible to equate your experience with your soul’s existence. Your statements deal only with your consciousness and not your nonphysical energetic being. Even though the anesthetic was a “local” it was also accompanied by other chemicals to relax you, which frequently have the side effect of memory loss so that you do not have any trauma associated with your surgery.

Your soul was very much awake during your procedure but disconnected with your thinking conscious brain, which was masked, or put to sleep, by the chemicals. It is not unusual to not remember what occurred during your sleep cycle, so why panic when you have no memory of this short two-hour period? Unless you can say that you remember every minute your body spends asleep, don’t fret. If it bothers you that much, find a hypnotist who can help you find the missing time in your unconscious.

Your soul is a piece of the Creative Source and never dies. You came to Earth to experience things and learn to make choices to understand who your essence is and what powers it has. Because birth amnesia prevents you from being able to recall past lifetimes, does that make you feel you cease to exist after each life? Your soul’s journey will continue through this life, your transition process, and into the next. Don’t over-analyze; be comfortable in your body and on your journey.

Who are we in the afterlife?

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I am perplexed by the nature of our ‘self’ and personality after we move on to the spirit world.  I have been diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s and am slowly going through some fairly negative personality changes.  I’ve been peaceful and loving and I’m becoming more intolerant and angry.  When I can free myself of these changes and look at what is going on it is very stressful and heartbreaking. It is particularly difficult for my family members.  When I die, which personality will dominate? If my remaining family requests guidance and support from me in the spirit world is it provided by my ‘oversoul’ or my present personality?  Do the personalities that have lives in the physical world stay intact in the spirit world or are they quickly absorbed into the ‘oversoul’ (for lack of better term)? ~Larry, USA

ANSWER: This time for your family is part of a group life lesson chosen for each to deal with his/her own demons. Unpredictable personality changes challenge all members to deal with prejudices, fears, guilt, uncertainty, and lack of control. For you, not being able to be who you always have been is devastating and scary. Going with the flow is much better than fighting each step along the way.

Your soul exists in unconditional love, so the negative personalities do not put in an appearance unless you decide to come back into the duality and portray that non-loving being. Your essence, within the universal love, is what appears to all after the body fades away.

You are that soul, or oversoul as you have called it. The term came into prominence because it depicts the core of each being, which never dies and goes from life to life holding all the memories and experiences. That is who you truly are.

All of your Earth experiences, which include all the physical characteristics and personalities, become the history of each soul. You maintain the knowledge but can’t portray the negativities from Home because negativity does not exist there.

When you assist from the spirit world, you work from the unconditional love. You are recognized by those living by your vibration – almost like your tone and timber of voice. They will associate it with the loving you that they remember as being Larry before the decline and changes.

All souls have freedom of choice. Every soul acting as a guide chooses that which will provide assistance to others, not what would make them question or doubt the intention of the guidance.

Body and soul

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I have always wanted to know when a soul enters a physical body. Is it during birth or before? Reading your answers has been very helpful and educational for me!!! Thank you for all the valuable information about spiritual world, much appreciated!!!! ~Kristiine USA

ANSWER: Here again the soul exercises its freedom of choice. An agreement of sorts is completed between the mother and fetus for the match to be made. It is generally not too formal – just the fetus selecting the situation that will provide the lessons it seeks to experience. This would include race, nationality, location, and environment.

Once the choice has been made, the soul sends a spark, marker, or contact to mark its place after the union of egg and sperm. Without this connection, the fetus would be nothing more than a bundle of cells going through the division process.

A soul who has a particular reason for monitoring the phases of the gestational procedure sometimes hops into the body right from the beginning. This may be done to make sure the growth of the fetus is as it desires, possibly with some malformation or other. It may also want to be present to ascertain and take part in the lifestyle of the mother. The soul still maintains the ability to leave just an attachment and return most of its awareness to the spirit world whenever it wishes so it can say goodbye to all its friends prior to birth.

The majority of the soul must be in the fetus at the time of birth for it to be a viable, living child. A soul cannot enter the fetus after birth (as has been reported by some people going through hypnotic sessions). The entirety of a soul is never in the physical body. A portion of it always remains in the nonphysical spiritual environment, connected to the universal unconditional love.

A myth touted in the abortion issue is that the act is the “killing” of a soul. A soul cannot be killed, because it is energetic and eternal. Some fetuses do not have souls assigned to them because the mother has chosen to go through the emotional and physical act of termination of the pregnancy as a life lesson. If the mother is uncertain about her future, a soul may attach and be on standby in case she ends the cellular division occurring within her – or become her child if she does not.