Archive for the ‘Enlightenment’ Category

Duality and oneness

Tuesday, July 28th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, you say life is an experience of duality. Does that mean the afterlife is Oneness? How can one experience anything, even unconditional love, in a Oneness? Don’t you need duality to experience anything? ~Anoop, India

ANSWER: Human life, which is lived on Earth, is a duality of positive and negative energies. Earth is the only duality and was set up so that a soul might learn lessons by experiencing situations requiring that they make a choice as to the direction those events can take them.

Soul come into human life with no idea of who or what they are. They have amnesia about being pieces of Source with infinite abilities and the power to create, know everything, and bring that power into the human existence. Their purpose in coming is to face negative lessons and see if they learn enough to choose the positive, loving options available.

The nonphysical world at Home is nothing but positive, unconditional love. The term you use of “Oneness” is deceptive since it appears to imply that everything is the same, with no differences and no variety of experiences. Since you are not learning anything while Home, just examining what you have previously experienced, you have no choices to make about your next step, so you don’t need a negative alternative to perfection.

It is difficult for the human mind to grasp this concept fully because it can’t imagine a nonphysical existence not impacted by negativity. When the soul is “free floating” in the unconditional love of Source, and is able to use all the powers at its disposal, it can be anything it desires and be anywhere it wants. It does not have to choose between two states; it merely creates what it wants, and since it is in a positive love energy, its creation is of unconditional love.

“Oneness” has sometimes been considered to be the state in which a person has rejoined with his/her soul, and all the other existing souls, and ascended into the realm of Source’s unconditional love. The soul’s journey back Home is not a transition from physical to nonphysical but rather a shedding of the covering (the body) it has been wearing, and a returning to its true form.

Living your own life

Tuesday, July 21st, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, I’m 20 years old spiritual young woman and I want to follow my heart and dreams. My heart desires to see the world, perhaps study abroad. I have already started on my journey toward my dreams. Right now my parents, especially my mother’s bad attitude, holds me back. My question is: Can I really do whatever I want with my life even if it really shocks my parents and other people around me as well? I feel enthusiasm to start my own life but at the same time I feel sad because no one in my family will support me. Could you please help me? ~Heli, Finland

ANSWER: This is your life. It is not your parents’, your friends’, or society’s. You have been looking to others for an indication as to what you should be doing with your life. They have been telling you what they think is right, but they are not in your body so they do not know how you are feeling or what your desires entail. Part of the maturation process is making your own decisions and being responsible for the outcome.

If you truly want to create your own life, then just do it. Understand that following your dreams may create a rift for a time between you and your parents. It is also possible that they will not fund any adventure in which they do not believe, so you will have to find a way to pay for everything yourself.

Your mother is jealous that you may be going to have experiences that she always wanted. Don’t let her unfulfilled dreams become yours. If you want to study abroad, start looking for scholarships available in subjects that interest you. If you present a completed plan to your parents, they will understand that you are serious about your future. This may or may not sway them to approve your plans.

Every soul has freedom of choice, and that is part of the life lessons you chose before coming. It is time to decide if you believe in yourself or if you still want to be directed by those who have different agendas from yours. Nothing is right or wrong; you will learn from whatever choice you make.

Can humans help elevate consciousness?

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

QUESTION: Masters, Brothers, guides of the Great White Light, greetings to you. There is much chaos on this Earth. How can we in human body form meaningfully assist in bringing about elevated consciousness and positive energy for the betterment of mankind? ~Ecca, Australia

ANSWER: The simple answer is that you can’t! Souls opting for human experiences come to Earth to use their freedom of choice to learn who they really are (that is, a soul with all-encompassing powers and abilities) and also to go through third-dimensional lessons that give them knowledge and wisdom. This journey takes place in negativity because that is the only way souls are presented with the choice to see the positive aspects of each lesson and to understand why negativity is not a part of the universal unconditional love that is their state at Home.

Some lifetimes are selected for existence in complete negativity. If you introduce positive loving energy into those persons’ lives, you will interfere and prevent them from having the experiences that they desire. Souls who have completed all, or a majority, of their chosen lessons do want to reach an elevated consciousness because it gets them closer to understanding who they are as a piece of Source. Humans struggling with an acceptance of making choices and assuming responsibility are not in any position to benefit from elevated consciousness, and it would hinder human growth and understanding.

“The good, the bad, and the ugly” is how mankind is seen by the ego-based judgmental society and what defines many souls’ pathways. Earth was created as a duality, an equal amount of negative and positive energy and experiences. If the balance tips one way for those on their spiritually enlightened path, it dumps more negativity toward those who are using that energy to grow through their life lessons.

You can’t get others to believe what you believe or do what you want them to do unless they agree. Some souls shy away from working on their lessons by holding on to the coattails of someone who will make all their decisions for them. If you take the role of knowing what others need, you are preventing them from making use of this life and they will go Home without finishing anything. Most will then return and do it all over again. If you want to help fellow travelers, send them unconditional love energy that they might see and understand why they came here and then have the initiative to learn their lessons.